
Falling for the Viscount

Lady Diane McKade, was comfortable being a governess for the Duke of earth. She had long since given up her dreams of getting married to a man of noble blood, since it was no way possible for a woman of her status and with her little secret that hunted her past was more than enough to make her lose her career as a governess but she was not going to let that hunt her or ruin her career. Lord Wayman Richards, the first son of lord Charles Wayman duke of Norfolk. Took just one glance at the perfect governess he had met at the Duke's of earth's house. He saw vixen trapped by her own device, but the young governess couldn't hide her charms for that long. Her creamy milky skin was like silk to his touch. Her soft and tender neck was so ripe for his kisses. Richard knew he was the one meant to arise the innocent woman-child to the joy of love and sin, to take her beyond her desires. He was ready to make her his mistress but where does that leave her future?

Michaela_Grace · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter Twelve

"How can the chair not be balanced. Things from the Duchess's house are not so weak". Elisa helped Diane up. Her eyes went towards the fallen chair.

"This chair...". She noticed something. Reaching out to take the leg of the chair, she gasped.

"It's a clean cut". Diane whispered.

"This was done deliberately. But, you have no enemies here. Who would do such a thing". Elise asked, shock evident in her wide eyes.

Diane had no expression on her face. A certain someone came to her mind.

"Little Lady, can you mention this to the Duchess??. Do it naturally??". Diane held Elise's hands and pleaded with her.

" Alright. I will do that". Elise stood up to go to her mother's room. After she left, Diane rubbed her sprained and sore ankle.

" First it was the shoes and now it's this?? It seems I have been to nice with people". She blamed the shoes for her first misfortune which were her sore feet and ankle.

She waited for the Duchess to come. Not long after, the Duchess entered her room with a concerned face.

"Child, I heard you sprained you feet. Let the Doctor have a look". The Duchess gestured for the Doctor to step forward. He saw that her skin had turned red and was starting to form a bruise.

"Milady, you fell really hard. What exactly happened??". He asked.

" Well, I wanted to take some ointment from the top of the shelf so I could rub some of it on my ankle but after climbing the chair, I suddenly fell. At first I thought it was because the chair wasn't stable but later, Lady Elise saw that the leg of the chair had been cut previously".

They all followed her eyes to see the chair. Seeing that it did not look like a mistake, the Duchess looked very angry.

" Who will dare make trouble in my mansion!! Summon all the maids, gardeners, squires!! Every worker!! Tell them to go in the hall immediately!!". The Duchess bellowed angrily, her loud and commanding voice scared her workers.

" Yes Your Grace, I will do that right away!!". The messenger servant practically ran to summon everyone in e mansion and under the Duchess's orders, stayed in the hall to wait for her.

The Duchess, Diane and others walked unhurriedly to meet the scared maids and servants.

Sitting on the chair specifically made for , the Duchess scanned the entirety of the people standing in front of her.

" I will go straight to the point. Something happened within this house, and it happened to the governess. Before I will mention it, the culprit should come out to confess or else, the punishment will be increased".

Despite her warnings, no one made a sound which the culprit will regret.

" Alright. Since you want to do this the hard way, then you can only blame yourselves for the next thing that will happen". The Duchess raised her hands, motioning the guards to come forward.

About ten guards came forward with canes in their hands.

" Remove their shoes and socks, since the governess was wounded on her ankle, they will be flogged on their legs too. Let me see if they will not confess!! Begin!!".

The first three maids on the first row were the ones that were flogged first. They cried miserably and pitifully but the Duchess paid them no mind. If they later find the culprit, she will suffer.

The maids on the second row were held down by the guards. One of them struggled but how is she a match for these burly men that have been fighting their whole lives.

" Wait!! Wait!!". The same maid that was trying to remove herself from the guard's grip shouted. Fear evident in her orbs.

" What is it??". The Duchess asked impatiently. At the same time, all eyes were on the girl.

" I... When I finished cleaning the Lady's room, I saw someone come out from Lady Diane's room. She seemed a little startled when she saw me but I did not think anything about it". The girl answered while trembling.

" Point the maid out". The Duchess said nonchalantly.

" It's her!! The blonde haired maid at the back!!". She pointed at the little maid who was already shaking violently due to fear.

" I.... I.... Please forgive me!! I had no choice but to do this!!". The blond haired maid knelt down immediately, her back soaked with sweat. Instantly they knew that the culprit has been caught.

" Release the others". The guards left the maids and they fell to the floor as all the strength they had in them left them. Aggrieved and angry, they glared at the sobbing mess that bowed on the floor.

" Send the others for treatment. Tell me, why did you do that sort of thing??'. The Duchess questioned. This made is a new maid that just got employed, what kind of business will she have with Diane.

" I was forced to do this!! never wanted to but my family is involved so I had no choice".

" Your family is involved?? How and why??". This time, Diane spoke. She is also surprised, she is sure that she has never seen this maid before.

" I was brought in by Lady Joanne. She told me to apply as a maid here so that I can antagonize Lady Diane. I do not know what is between them but Lady Joanne threatened me with my family!! So... So I had to do this!! Your Grace, please forgive me". The girl bowed again, her head hitting the floor and making a 'thud' sound.

" Rise little girl". The Duchess ordered, waiting for the girl to stand up.

She stood up but did not dare to look into the Duchess's eyes. She knows that her explanation will not grant her mercy because the Duchess has to make an example out of her. If the Duchess let's her go, others will think that the House is good to bully.

"You say it's Lady Joanne that ordered you to do this?". She asked again. Joanne's reputation in the social circle is pretty good, she does not easily get in trouble nor nit pick at others.

" That Lady Joanne?? The one who told that Madame that you are a servant??". Elise asked, her hands on her chin. She tried to remember Joanne's face.

" She called you a servant?? What happened??'. The Duchess's gaze darkened. People do not have the respect they should have towards the house of the Duchess anymore it seems.

" Well, she called me a servant and I chastised her for her ignorant attitude and disgusting expressions. That might be the reason why she is very angry, after all, I did that in the midst of her friends. She must have been embarrassed". Diane explained.

Duchess nodded, understanding what everything was about.

" She did wrong in the first place, why does she want to take revenge?? She even sent a maid here, how stupid". Elise mumbled but kept quiet due to her mother's glare.

" Take the maid to receive her punishment. Then go with her to free her family, summon Joanne here for me. I will like to meet the woman who thinks she has a position higher than the Duchess".

"Right away Your Grace".


"Lady Joanne!! Lady Joanne!!". Joannes maid ran into her room, oddly excite.

" What is it this time Mary. I could hear you screaming my name from afar". Joanne said sassily, flipping her curled hair over her shoulders.

" My Lady, someone from the Duchess house came. He said the Duchess is inviting you to her mansion for tea".

" Really?'. Joanne stood up in excitement, a big and happy smile on her lips.

" The Duchess finally noticed me!! She finally did!! Tell me, how do I look?? Is this outfit good enough to meet the messenger??'.

" Lady, you look beautiful in anything you wear! The Duchess will surely like your elegance!". May said, her flattering at another level.

" You sweet mouthed girl. Come, let us go to meet the messenger. We must not keep him waiting". Lady Joanne held the hem of her gown and walked to the sitting room where the messenger waited.

" A noble lady must not run to fast neither walk too slow. Her gait must be natural and as light as a feather, too deliberate walking will bring down your value as a socialite and a host". Her governess's teachings echoed in her mind. For some reason, Diane's face came to her mind.

The way Diane walked and talked, one will think she is a noble of higher rank. If her teacher meets Diane, she will surely want to be taught by Diane.

Stopping her train of thoughts, Joanne opened the door to the sitting room and prepared her greeting.