
Chapter 30: Numb

Jonathan had a vague memory of waking up at some point in the night, and finding himself sprawled on the bed, with Alphonse laying there, watching him. He returned to sleep after Alphonse reached out and gently stroked his hair.

When Jonathan woke up in the morning, he was alone. Alphonse had left, which, he reminded himself, was what he had told him to do. He sighed, thinking glumly about the rest of the day alone.

But last night…

He threw himself back on his bed and laughed aloud. He couldn’t believe himself, almost, that he’d slept in bed with Alphonse. He was ecstatic. Something about it just clicked for him, and he felt happy. Proud of himself.

He rolled onto his side on the bed, and suddenly felt his stomach turn. A feeling he instantly recognized.