
Chapter 28: Fight or Flight?

“Wait!” Jonathan cried out, Dr. Page freezing where he was.

Jonathan watched as a million emotions resolved on Dr. Page’s face in reaction to his outburst. Something like anger flicked quickly into confusion with a twitch, then concern in another instant.

Benevolence is what settled before he said, “Yes, Jonathan?”

Jonathan took a half step back and bit his lip. Again, he felt like he couldn’t explain why he had shut down like that in this moment. He was entirely conscious of a part of him that had wanted him to say nothing, to go along with it, and he knew that he would have liked the kiss. Perhaps, he would even have liked what came after.

But he couldn’t get past the image of Dr. Page switching places with Alphonse in his mind. He felt… dirty, almost, to think of it. Where was that coming from?

And now, he needed to give an excuse.

His mind racing, he stammered out, “Uh-um. Is there a restroom, nearby? I, I think maybe the wine might be having an effect on me.”