
Chapter 15: A Celebration Too Soon

Jonathan sat up straight in his chair, stretching his arms over his head and grunting as he tried to correct his posture. He’d been bent over Grishom’s book for a couple hours now, diligently taking notes and only using his laptop for brief bouts of research on words and concepts he didn’t recognize.

It was about to be 5:30, and he was more than halfway finished with the book. His eyes were starting to feel the strain of the task, however, and now that he was slowing down to start packing to go, he felt suddenly famished.

At the same time that his body was starting to feel the day’s work, his mind felt as sharp as ever. He saw immediately what Dr. Page had in mind when he chose this book. Grishom was able to concisely explain that the monks he was talking about were clearly twisting the events of existing stories and even history to fit a predetermined narrative – and that they were doing this knowingly.