
Chapter 30 : Threats for a Monster

Blair’s POV

“Whelp! I’m absolutely beat,” moans Sarah as she stretches from side to side. “I mean, seriously beat. Look at this bruise on my leg!”

I can’t stop the smile from spreading on my face as I snag my jacket from my locker and swing my purse across my body.

“Yeah, I don’t know how you managed to nail yourself in the same spot twice,” I chuckle.

Sarah throws her hands up into the air as if to say, ‘right!’.

“I mean, seriously! I did it once to myself on the rail that can go fuck itself because it is too low and too far out from the wall. Then we had that other guy start to throw a tantrum and I get slammed into the gurney IN THE SAME SPOT! I can’t win!” complains Sarah as she massages the area. “Oh well, I am not going to spend the day moaning about it. I’m just flabbergasted that it’s the same bruise twice in the exact same spot.”