
Falling for the Playboy Billionaire

"I will do what you want, dear Madeline. But you have to pay me." "And how should I pay you?" I asked, eyeing him sharply. "Date me," he answered with a smirk. ***** Madeline knows better than to trust a playboy. Her brother and cousins and their friends are all womanizers, and Morris isn't an exception. But with fate playing with her, will she survive the deadly curse of this playboy billionaire wanting to consume her soul?

RileyRewis · Urban
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9 Chs

Favor to Ask

[Present time]

"What?" I asked Neri when she tugged my dress. Markus went to talk with a group of girls.

"A handsome guy is watching you," she said and grinned. She jerked her head in one direction. I saw a man on the pool. Just like what she said, a handsome one. I smirked. Well... not bad for a sight.

"Isn't he handsome?"

She first handed the cocktail glass to me and removed her sandals and sat on the edge of the pool. I did the same and sat beside her.

"Yup. Your type?"

She took a sip on her cocktail. He grinned and shook his head. "I just find him hot. Other than that, I don't have any plan on going out with him. I mean ..." He snorted. "You know, there seems to be something missing."

I laughed.

"You, what's your type? Um, the sporty? Like basketball players? Academic achievers? Nerdy type? Business-minded like sons of tycoons? You can also be in line with the career you want to match. Aspiring chef, perhaps?"

A question I don't know the answer. So instead of answering, I just shrugged. I don't have the specific type. I don't know what's wrong with me. You seem to be looking for something you don't know.

"Didn't you really try any of them there? I'm sure boys from the west are wilder and hotter. Didn't you try any of them?"

"Nope, I didn't." I twisted my lips.

"I go out with some of my classmates on parties and night outs, but I don't go on dates with random boys. You know the boys there, like their older brother. Girls to the left, girls to the right. Even who , as long as it passes the taste, is being pushed. Supposedly, fuckboys. "

"Well ..." She shrugged and laughed.

The waitress I ordered came and handed me a glass of pineapple juice. When I picked it up I was struck by the sight of Morris on the far side. Now there are three women around him. He's a bit far, but still I know his eyes are watching me.

I erased him in my mind. I turned my attention back to Neri and drank some juice.

Two men swam towards us. It's the one we're talking about earlier. The other is probably his friend. Both of them are topless and looking so cool. They stopped in front of us, smiling.

"Hi, I'm Jake." The man looking at me earlier held out his hand. His companion did the same to Neri.

"Maddy," I said and reached for his hand. He grinned even more. I don't mind talking with boys. I'm a socially prominent person that's why I'm used to this. And I know when I need to distance myself. Also, this is exactly what I came here for.

To meet new people.

"Oh. You're referring to Revo's brother? No doubt, you're a Mongreco."

I smirked and comb my hair with my fingers. I set the glass of juice down on the side.

"Should I take that as a compliment?"

"That's definitely a compliment."

Meanwhile, Neri started talking with the guy named Baron. Then Jake came up and waved at me before he resumed talking to me. I noticed kuya's glance at us. Looking a bit alarmed.

"That's my sister, Abella!" he said loudly. That was a mixed threat. I was shaken.

"Don't mind him," I said.

He didn't seem affected by that and just laughed. Kuya is not that strict, anyway. But I know that even though he is busy talking to women, he still notices my actions.

"It's a bit scary to hit you, no doubt the men here are hesitating to come near you. You're as many backers," he said.

"Perks of being the only girl, I guess?"

Even then, I felt like no man was getting too close to me. In this generation, girls at fifteen usually have many suitors. But back then, I only have a few courageous suitors. Maybe the reason, just afraid of my older brother and cousins. But now they don't seem to care if my situation is not compromised. I'm also on the legal age. I can decide on my own.

"Hey, Jake! What's that?" Kuya Markus who lost the attention of the interlocutors.

"Just talking! I'm harmless, dude!"

"Oh, make sure of that!"

It just laughed and turned to me again. We talked about some things. I looked at Neri for a moment but it looked like she was having fun talking to Baron so I just distracted myself with Jake's questions.

"So, you just plan to be a chef. That's a good career. You'll be an ideal wife by any chance."

I chuckled.

"Hmm ... I think so?"

After a while I told them to go to the comfort room for a while. Neri seems to be enjoying her conversation with the guy, so she just nodded and never looked at me again.

Before going to the bathroom, I went to the kitchen to drink water. A maid asked what I needed, but I insisted that I could get some water on my own. He had a friend come and tell me that Kuya Markus was my cousin so he left me alone. Maybe she's new that's why she doesn't know me, or maybe I just really forgot.

I can't blame them, though. How many years have passed.

I quietly poured water into a glass from the pitcher when someone entered the kitchen. I looked up.

I saw Morris.

For a while, our gaze met.

me for no apparent reason. Maybe because of how I treated him differently back then. I admit, it was childish.

I cleared my throat and looked down on the glass I'm filling with water. I was about to put down the pitcher when he get it from my hand. He translated in his own glass. I was slightly taken aback by our closeness.

"Jake is a playboy. He can't be trusted."

I glanced at him. He put down the pitcher after pouring water.

"Obviously," I replied sparingly. He's at it again. But compared to that, I was making him the reason for his concern for my life. Maybe, he really cares for me as a sister. Afterall, I've already known them for a decade now. Maybe he just wanted to make me better so that's it.

But I still can't stop being irritated. I'm just suppressing it. Because as much as possible, I don't want to annoy him even more. Because if I'll continue to see his intentions negatively, I'll just feed my hatred for him.

"Don't get closer to him," he said emphatically as I drank water. I put down my glass and smiled cockily.

"Don't worry too much, Morris. I can handle myself. You don't have to worry. I'm just having some fun time with him. He's a smooth talker."

His brow shot up. The look hovered over me.

"And look at what you're wearing ..." I shivered with the way he looked at me. "Such a skimpy dress. That's why the man's neck is almost broken when he looks at you."

I laughed a bit, trying to hide my irritation.

"It's not about the dress, Morris. Maybe they just find me beautiful. I can't see anything wrong with that. It's normal for men."

He sighed. Instead of prolonging the conversation, I immediately left him there. They didn't even criticize my older brother for my clothes, and then he was the one I didn't care about, he was worried. I want to be civil to him. But if he'll continue to act like that, I'll hate him more, for sure.

He still have the air that I hate. I don't want to put fuel on that feeling out of respect to his friendship with my brother and cousins. So on subsequent occasions, I simply avoided him.

But the avoidance just ended in nothing. It all started with my best friend, it was very clear on my memory.

I stopped eating fries when Neri arrived. Seemingly aborted, he laid the utensils down on the table before sitting across from me. Such an early end of class I was the one waiting for him in the university cafeteria. We are different of course. I'm on culinary while she's pursuing fine arts.

She sighed heavily.

"What happened to you? You look like a wilted vegetable. You should eat."

"Professor Minchin is annoying. I'm being heated again. Gosh, it's nice to be kicked out!" he said and took out fries.

I laughed.

"Chill, Neri. You're too aborted by that."

"Hi Maddy, Neri!" We both looked at Peter and Shawn. We were classmates who were also classmates in high school. I waved at them. Neri faked a smile.

"Your smile is obviously fake."

He ate fries again. "What now? They don't know, anyway. You're the only one who notices so it's okay."

"I don't know about you."

In the middle of the conversation, my eyes caught the entrance of Beatrice Vasquez. She's from the higher batch. A daughter of a famous socialite. I've seen her in some social gatherings for the past months. Their family is in the fashion industry because they own a clothing company.

My eyebrows rose when I saw him laughing with the comrades.

Her classy appeal doesn't compliment her personality. She's aggressive when it comes to men. I've seen her try so hard to flirt with my brother and his friends. He also tried several times to get close to me just to get closer to his older brother.

Bitches nowadays.

I heard Neri chuckle. I looked back at him. Looking at a fake person makes my eyes hurt. That's unhealthy.

"You just saw Beatrice, you're already frowning. Just bite?"

"You said it. Because it's flirty."

"Hi, Maddy!" Beatrice waved at me like we're close friends. They were at the other table with their friends so I could see them. I smiled fakely. If it's just fake talk, I have a defense.

Neri just laughed at me.

For the following days and weeks, we both became busier at school. When the semester is over, the schedule is a bit hectic. There are many deadlines to be chased. Just relax after the final examination.

"Here you go! It's done, ma!" I smiled at her as I showed the cake that I baked. I'm happy because the result looks good. He came immediately.

"Oh, you've done a job well done."

"Sit down there first. I'll just get a plate for you."

I laid the cake on the table and took out two saucers. I sliced ​​a piece of it. I fitted her then mine. I would have given it to papa and kuya but they are busy. Maybe later. Dad is still at work. While older, maybe he's busy tutoring that Desire Fontana.

As what I've heard, he's investigating Tito Theo's death through that girl. Even though mom didn't want to do it h

herself, she insisted so we just didn't do anything. He's hardheaded.

"Does it taste good?" I asked.

"Excellent, daughter."

I smiled with her remark. I tasted it and it's true. It's really delicious. Well, it's not that I doubt my skills. Because I only bake once in a while. I'm not into pastry. But little by little, I like it too.

"Dad, what time do you go home? I want him to taste it too."

"Maybe seven or eight. It depends," he said and nodded. I smiled. I'll just leave the rest for my older brother.

When Agnes passed I called her. Shyly, she walked towards us.

"What is that?"

"Come on Agnes, taste my cake. I want to hear feedback from you."

I took his plate myself. I also put the cake there because he looks really shy and even more embarrassed because mama is here.

"You can also bake for the children in the orphanage, hija. They will definitely like it especially if you made it yourself."

I gave the saucer to Agnes. She's obviously hesitant in getting it. But in the end he couldn't do anything if he didn't take it. I smiled at her.

"All right, ma. Maybe our next visitor there. I'll bring some for them."

So that's what happened. Although it was a bit tiring to bake multiple cakes, at the end, my effort was still worth it when I saw the smiles on the children's faces. They looked satisfied and genuinely happy. So even if you're tired, it's okay. I love watching their happy expressions.

Maybe, I really inherited my passion for children from my mother. Especially orphans. I want to bring joy to them. Because I know, having a life without parents is not easy. At least, I'm doing something to make them feel better. And I won't get tired of inspiring them as much as I could.

"Slow down, Kitty. Slow down or you'll choke," I told the five-year-old girl.

He's just been here so he's still a bit shy. She's not socializing with other children, too. So every time we walk here over the past few Saturdays, he is the one I pay more attention to. I want her to adjust to the place and start playing with other kids.

"Do you want more, Kitty?" I asked her when she finished eating the piece of cake on her plate. She was embarrassed to shake. There were icing spots on his cheek that I wiped with my own handkerchief. She looks so cute and adorable.

I gave her a glass of water. While he was drinking, I looked at another child when he approached me. It's Andrei. It smiled kindly at me. He's done eating his cake. Others are still eating. Mom is busy talking with Sister Ana.

"Hmm, yes baby?"

"Your cake is delicious, Ate Ganda."

"Really?" My smile widened. I messed up her hair. Such a handsome kid.


"Hello kids! Yuhoo!" We looked at the newcomers.

It's Kuya Markus, Jonas, Livius and Morris. They brought greetings for the children. The children yelled in happiness. Usually, all those who are friends come here too. Case once just because he busy his life. Brother Revo is not around. Aside from being busy in the company, he's also busy in his personal affairs.

"Hi Kuya Markus, Kuya Jonas, Kuya Livius and Kuya Morris! Aunt Helena and Ate Ganda brought us a cake! It's so delicious!" and Andrey. I smiled.

"Did you do the baking, Maddy?" asked Livius.

"Yup." I looked at Morris for a moment but immediately avoided it.

"I hope you left some for us too. Maddy too. You're biased."

"Next time, Livius. I just did enough for the kids." I smiled. I notice Morris's eyebrow rising. Jonas and Kuya Markus placed the food items on the table. The nuns helped them.

Morris walked closer. I thought, I'm the one he'll approach. But later I realized it was Andrei. He stopped in front of me. I looked down at the child next to me. He disheveled the boy's hair.

"Hi, big boy."

"You are so handsome, brother. You are perfect for Ate Ganda," he said.

Morris chuckled. I was speechless, slightly taken back by what Andrei had said. The veil really of its tongue. What-what is being said.

"Really?" Morris glanced at me, smirking.

I looked at him sharply. What the boy said was really reprehensible.

The innocent child nodded. Morris laughed. I was shaken and just attended to the other kids instead of standing there and watching them talk.

"Kitty, you're sitting here," I presented a chair to her.

The other children began to sing the new song taught to them by the nuns. Mama is smiling while watching the children sing. I also couldn't help but smile. It seems like they're determined to amaze us. This sight is so damn heart melting.

"I thought Kuya Sage would come?" I asked Jonas. He is the only one close to me.

"Something to do," he said and shrugged.

I kept my mouth shut. He was no longer curious and just watched the children sing softly.

It was a long day for me. After they sang and told story telling I accompanied them to play outside. Kitty was just beside me the whole time. He still doesn't want to socialize. They left first Brother Markus. It w

as afternoon when my mom and I went home but it was worth my whole day because of the happy children.

"Let's have lunch together, Maddy," Gary said after school. He's my blockmate.

"I'm sorry, I already have a roommate," I immediately refused.

I smiled at him curtly before walking out of the laboratory. After I came out, Neri's face appeared to me. She's talking with someone. When he saw that, he immediately left the man he was talking to to come to me.

"Who is that?" I'm curious. We walked together in the hallway of the building.

"Benjamin. Why, you type?"

"No. I'm just asking. Who are the men you're dating."

"Expensive? Nothing. I'm not even dating anyone, Maddy. Don't use that term. Is it my fault if I'm beautiful and men approach me?" She laughed.

"Well..." I shrugged.

"By the way, I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

A few greeted us as we exited the building so he could not answer immediately.

"It's about Morris."

I was stunned and looked at him.

"What about him?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at him sharply.

"Don't say anyone likes him now?"

He laughed and shook his head. "No way."

"What is it?"

"I want you to walk Jesyl to Morris."

"Jesyl Rivera? The cheerleader?"

She nodded.

"I really want to enter Arts Club. But because it's full, I made a special request to her since she's the club's president. But I should do this in exchange. That bitch likes Morris. So please, Maddy. Help me. Only you it's easy to get close because he's a friend of your brother and cousins. You can easily ask him."

"No, Neri. I won't gonna do that--"

"Maddy, please?" She held my hands and looked at me with pleading eyes.

But no way! I really don't want to get close to that man and then I'm going to walk a woman to him? That means I need to talk with him more! And I don't like that!

"Neri, that's not possible. You know that of all my brother's friends, he's the one I hate the most. Please ask the coordinator."

"I already did that. But I really don't want to. It seems like it's full. I even let her see my works! But it doesn't work! That professor hates me. So Jesyl is my last resort."

I sighed and continued walking.

"All right, Maddy. I'll do everything for you. At the club they'll get a representative in the competition next month. You know it's always been my dream to show my passion in arts."

I did not speak.

"I want to show daddy that I didn't make a mistake in following mommy's footsteps. I want to be the one chosen. I want to show him that I'm born for this. That I can produce something in the chosen field. "

I stopped and closed my eyes tightly. I know she's striving so hard to earn her father's trust. So I find it hard to refuse him.

"Maddy, please? I'll answer your lunch for the whole month." She smiled.

"Do I look like a beggar, Neri?"

"It's not like that. What do you want? I can't think of any compensation."

"Tss. Whatever, Neri. I'll try. But I'll just try. I'm not sure if I can do it. Prepare Jesyl if that's what she really wants. Let's see what I can do with it."

She grinned and hugged me. "Thank you!"