

Gabriel Wilsons, the well known 'devil' in the whole business industry of Chicago. He has everything that you wish for your dream man to have. Power, money, perfection, handsomeness and a body like a Greek God. But he's in love. He's still in love with the woman from his past. The same woman he has given everything he had before, but eventually betrayed him, left him and shattered his heart into pieces. And because of that, he turned into a cold, heartless, rude and an arrogant billionaire who will do everything to seek revenge and to show her that she's no longer important in his life. Even though the truth is the opposite of what he is doing. That's when he met me. I applied as his Personal Assistant to fulfil my bucket list of dreams. To explore my life and experience everything. Then he offered me a deal. He asked me to marry him just to show his ex that he already moved on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "She's pregnant." He blurted out and I almost fall from where I stood. I just grasped the backrest of the couch to support my weight. The pain creeping in my heart was unbearable but I managed to stay calm. "Congratulations!" I said faking my excitement. Well, I can't call it as cheating because she's the real reason why we were pretending as a couple. And that's when I made the biggest decision in my life. Taking the biggest secret in me, that I've already fallen in love with him---- I left him. Then eventually I learned a lesson. 'Loving someone who doesn't love you back isn't as hard as loving someone who can't see your worth and only uses you as his way to get someone he loves back into his life."

NewEraCulture · Urban
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54 Chs

CHAPTER 13: For The First Time

Madi's POV:

The next morning, the intercom connecting from the CEO's office beeped and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. He's now calling me?

"Ms Davis, where are you?"

His voice rang from the device.

"Huh?" I asked unconsciously.

"Where's my schedule and my coffee?"


"Coming Sir." my smile widened as I ran to the pantry. I won.

After making his coffee and getting my note pad, I knocked on his door.

"Come in."

-'Oops! Welcome back to me!'- I smiled as I pushed the door. His familiar scent met my nostrils as I walked into his office.

So it's true.. there's always a first time for everything. Every time I entered his door.. he's always busy either on the paper works on his hands or his eyes on the monitor, but this time, he's not doing anything. He's just leaning on his chair and his hands were crossed over his chest.

He watched me walking towards his desk, eyeing my moves as if he wanted to say something but never opened his mouth.