
Falling for the man I hate

Ji-a a studious hardworking young woman decided to attend a party at the encouragement of her friends after their final year exam at college only she a lot happened to her than she bargained changing the course of her life. Ten years later she meets the one who destroyed her life, and the man she hates with every fibre of her being only he is her boss. The first thing Ji-a wanted to do was to run, but he wouldn’t let her. Another approached her with a task to uncover a secret that could destroy her nemesis and she takes it. This is her opportunity to get her revenge. What happens when Ji-a finds herself falling in love with her nemesis and what will she do when the secret to destroy him lands in her lap? I am rewriting this story, so please bear with me. Thanks.

Chinenye_Eziukwu_7218 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter four

We drove in silence towards my father's house and I stared out of the window lost in thoughts. I wasn't looking forward to a dinner with my family because dealing with their shit is a lot, and I can barely tolerate their presence for more than ten minutes without going insane, especially my parents.

The pressure they put on me to be the perfect son is weighing me down to the ground and I don't know how to extract myself from under their crushing weight.

Pretty pathetic right.

I who everyone envy for having it all. Looks, money and power, and any girl I want. I should be happy, what more could a guy like me want? But money power, and looks doesn't mean freedom, especially when you come from a family like mine where the best is expected of you. Where you don't do anything without your family's permission, not even finding your own woman.

I adjusted myself on the seat when the face of the woman that crashed into me suddenly crashed into my thoughts. I don't know why I suddenly thought of her, but her beautiful heart shaped face looking vulnerable as she lay passed out in my arms is all I could see.

I hope she is alright, I thought to myself before shifting my focus to work. Work is something I understand, at least there I have a bit of control. My family business is all over Korea but I am the CEO of the parent company. We have our fingers dipped in a lot of things. Health, fashion, advertisement, food stalls, you name it.

The name Cheong is well known in the country, and has the power to unlock so many locked doors, there is no door that it can't open, unless it is outside Korea and that is how powerful my family is and why everything I do is scrutinised like a tissue under a microscope.

As the heir to the family empire I can't step out of line. No media scandal, no dating girls not approved by my family, and above all being married before I clock thirty five. Funny enough of my birthday is in few months, and yes the bride have already been provided, something I had no say in.

She is the perfect woman for a Cheong. Beautiful, from a rich and influential family like mine, and a close friend. Yeah, my betrothed family and mine go way back and we grew up together as kids.

She used to be the woman I loved with everything in me until she broke my heart by cheating on me with my twin brother when we were in high school.

It doesn't matter to my parents that I hate her guts and haven't forgiven her for what she did, they still went ahead and picked her. Reason they gave she is already part of the family, and the past is in the past. Let's not forget the great act my so called fiancé puts out in their presence making everyone believe she has changed and loves me with her whole heart.


Yes, my life is the envy of a lot of people who only see the glamour and the blinks but they don't know the horror inside, the chains, the pain, anger and hurt you have to keep hidden just to appear happy and complete to the rest of the world.

I got out of my head when we arrived at the gate. The security at the gate raised the mental bar blocking the entrance to let us in. As we drove by the two of them manning the gate tonight bowed their heads. We drove for almost thirty minutes before we got to the main building, that is how vast my family home is.

I grew up in this pretentious opulence but as soon as I was able I got out and found something moderate that I could call home.

The villa is picturesque, huge and very beautiful to the eyes. Everyone will wants to call this a home, but it lacked the warmth, the love and the happiness that actually make a home.

There were a lot security guards scattered all over the compound. One of them ran to my car and opened my door. When I stepped out he bowed his head. I nodded at him and headed towards the main building.

Min-Jun will find a way to entertain himself until I am ready to leave.

One of the many maids that sees to running of the Cheong household opened the door to let me in.

"Welcome young master," the pretty young maid greeted with her knees slightly bent.

"Where are my parents?" I coldly demanded ignoring her greeting.

"In the dining."

I took the corridor that will lead me into the dining room.

Inside the Oval, as my family home is called because of the oval shaped structure formed by the house, is even more lavished than the exterior. The ultra modern decor state of the art with no expenses spared.

As I drew closer to the dining room I could hear voices. Mostly that of my younger sister, Mi Cha. She is doing one of her instagrams videos. Something I know irritates our mother to no end. I just walked through the door in time to hear her scold my sister to stop her foolish nonsense.

Hei Ryung our beautiful, classy and elegant mother, who is always perfectly dressed with no hair out of place, or a scruffy in her dress. Always dressed to impress. You will never catch my mother in anything less than the trending most expensive designer wears and not without her make up.

Outwardly she is a glowing queen in control of her life, certainly the envy of all the women in her social group, but a cold bitch inside who is incapable of giving affection or love. She never bothered with the care of her children. As soon as we were popped out we were handed to the care of wet nurses and battalion of nannies.

Never a loving word from her and certainly never a hug, at least where I am concerned, but my twin brother, Ki-Moon, the apple of her eyes. He could never do wrong in her eyes.

"Oppa!" Mi Cha! Screamed with a sweet smile on a round chubby face.

I smiled at her. She is the only family member I tolerate. She is sweet in that annoying kind of a way younger sisters can be. Beautiful, shallow, and obsessed with her appearance, and instagram or is it tick tock, I don't know these days.

But she is super smart. Just turned eighteen and is about to graduate high school. My parents wants her to be a medical doctor, but the little rebel insists on going into fashion.

Of course there wasn't any protest from our parents. She is a woman, it doesn't matter what she studies she is going to end up in a man's house, preferably a rich one who will pamper and treat her like a princess all her life just like our mother. Their views not mine. But then again Mi Cha is strong willed and will not go along with the little lines our parents have mapped out for her.

I wish I have the luxury to be rebellious, but I am the eldest, the heir. I am not allowed to step out of the line.

"Oppa, come and greet my friends," Mi Cha called excitedly to me while keeping her eyes fixed on her IPhone where she is doing a live video.

"Hey guys, this is my handsome Oppa, he is single, so all you got girls can dm me if you want to hook up with him."

I waved at the strange faces on her phone with a faint smile on my face. I know Mi Cha is only messing around so I indulge her.

Someone coughed to get our attention, and we turned in their direction.

"Your brother is not single Mi Cha, why would you be lying to your fans," said Soo-ah my fiancée and the woman I hate with every fibre of my being said with that nauseating sweet innocent smile of hers that leaves me feeling like ants are crawling over me.

Tall, model thin, adorable round stunning face that gets everyone hooked on her, and her fake sunshine personality. Soo-ah acts all nice and sweet but I know it is all an act and their is a cruel and nasty streak underneath all that sweetness. I didn't know she was going to be here.

The smile left Mi Cha's face, and a sly smirk replaced it. She and Soo-ah doesn't get along. She sees through Soo-ah's sweet act just like me and she is my little champion too. She hates the fact that I am being forced to marry the woman I don't love by my parents. Mi Cha can be childish, immature at times but she is a romantic at heart.

"Oh I didn't forget Soo-ah, but I know for a fact that my brother is marrying you because of our parents so he needs someone to warm his bed, while you answer Cheong's name in name only," she smiled at Soo-ah with barbs.

Soo-ah sweet tolerating smile disappeared at once. She huffed with anger and turned away, while I hid a smirk. Micha winked at me and I smiled at her.

"Enough young lady!" Mother scolded. "Sit down and stop with that video. Now that your brother is here, we can eat."

"I don't mind if he gets a mistress so long as he does his duty with Soo-ah and produce an heir,"father added flatly with a pointed glance in my direction.

Mother glared at him, but didn't say anything to counter him. It is no secret that there marriage isn't one of love and that dad cheats on mum, though he is discreet about it.

Soo-ah charming smile returned again when she switched her attention to me.

"Ki-Jung darling come and seat by me," she called sweetly.