
Chapter 56 Chapter 56

Standing by her car and looking in a left or right direction, she had hoped that Warren returns home very fast from wherever he had gone to and not wanting to stay so much in that neighborhood given the fact that she had been warned severally, Abby looked at her watch before deciding to get into her car to seek refuge since her glasses were dark from the outside and also, it was bulletproof just in case something unusual has to happen.

Warren and Craig had gone to the bar to see whether there was anything new to do but decided to pass by Lolita's house first. Racing at the entrance of the house, they had seen Pedro and his wife about to leave e the house when they said hi and asked whether Lolita was round.

"She no longer lives her Warren," Pedro's answer was very straight forward and though it squeaked silly, he could not reproach anything from the man as he was aware that something like that was going to happen.