
Falling for the heir

Nataly Hatred and attraction. Vengeance and need. Tens of millions of men in the country and my heart chooses the one man I want dead? My destruction began with David Delavega's family, so I vowed to be the one brick that sends his bloody empire crumbling down. Yet, my heart had a different plan. Is it possible to hate a man with every fiber of my being, but for my skin to tingle with the mere touch of his finger? When push comes to shove, there can only be one outcome; I will destroy David Delavega—or he will be the end of me. David Nataly Andrews is quite literally trouble incarnate. A beautiful woman with a heart so cold it could be a block of ice, a dark soul seeking vengeance. Never has something so dangerous been disguised in such an enticing wrapper. But I'm a junkie for danger. I want to unwrap her, layer by layer, and I want to make her mine at all costs.

Mirelle_21 · Urban
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143 Chs

Chapter eighty seven


Oh! That came out so unexpectedly. Come on, he is just a stranger who's doing his job of delivering a car.

So why the hell is he asking if we have been together? Or how long we've been together.

I know Maria is just as shocked as I am.

Or she's trying to join some dots.

"What do you mean?" she asks after a moment of silence.

"Oh. Is that what he told you?" she adds to the question.

What? That sounds so ridiculous, I don't even know the man. So what is the woman before me talking about?

"What do you mean? What do I mean?"

Eh? Is he trying to make a tongue twister in the middle of this awkward moment?

We glare at him unanimously and he realizes it and feels the need to clarify.

"I'm sorry," he clears his throat., "I didn't mean to overstep. But the way you two are looking at each other makes it so obvious. It doesn't take a genius to tell that there's something going on."