
Falling For The Evil -Part One-

Kidnapped to remember him and found herself in love again. He's a lover yet doesn't know what to protect. The confusion of both and the emotional wars that start make the two sides face challenges separately. Will their love last as they ever thought? Will the battle end peacefully? Will love be the solution? A Rom-Com novel that tells the story of Everdine and Yeongi and their friends facing their fears, emotions and fall more in love.

queeneverdine · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter Ten

I slept that night hardly. I kept over thinking. The story was affecting on me. Day by day when she kept coming, I stopped asking questions. I knew that my curiosity would kill me sooner. She was coming everyday to continue. She told me that she would travel after finishing the story. Which meant until the moment she came to me.

"Are you leaving forever once you finish?" I asked the last question.

"Yes. You can finish the whole story on your own and at the right time," She smiled holding that cup of tea. That wasn't the last day. She stayed the whole day telling it. Few days and it was going to be finished. I tried my best to continue writing it. She knew that I could do whatever I wanted when I only live the right moment. I never understood what she was telling me. It was like she was speaking another language that I never learnt before.

"Listen to me Ms Queen. Life is just as hard as what you've never tried before. You can't survive with something that is new to you. So do as I'm telling you," She put her cup on the table and crossed her legs looking at me smirking. I felt weird for the first time. She was scaring me.

"Yeah. I will. Please, can you continue now?" I asked then she nodded.

'Yeongi woke up early. He changed his clothes after washing up. I was still asleep. He made his hair and went to take a look at her.

"Good morning sweety. I can't wake up someone who sleeps like an angel. I need to go now. Take care of yourself. I love you," He whispered to me and kissed my forehead tightly, then went out.

"He didn't wake me up," I pronounced waking up after an hour and didn't find him beside me. I washed up and took a shower. I thought he was down the stairs in the living room or something like that. But I was wrong. Dressed up, released my hair, and went down the stairs. I was happy and excited to see him. I really wanted to see him first.

"Good morning everyone!" I started looking at the servants and Jinwoo was sitting there with Yeongsoo and Jin Hyuk and new girl was there whom I never saw before.

"Morning," Jinwoo replied.

"Bad morning you mean," Yeongsoo replied sadly.

"Why bad? Did anything happen? And where is Yeongi?" I asked wondering.

"No I'm just not fine that's all," Yeongsoo faked a smile to me.

"Yeongi has a work to do. So he went in the early morning," Jin Hyuk replied while Jinwoo kept staring at me.

"Good morning everyone!" Chung Min entered claiming happily and there was the driver Hyung Min entering after him.

"Oh good morning! You're all here that's cool," I replied happily looking at Chung Min.

"Morning," Jinwoo replied him coldly.

"Why everyone looks sad and what's going on?" Chung Min asked.

"Yeah, that's what I'm asking them! I'm not sad at all," I replied looking at him then at them.

"That's weird," Chung Min wondered

"Didn't you hear?" Jin Hyuk asked while that new woman held his hand. I knew right away that she was his wife.

"Hear what?" Yeongi entered smirking to all of us. Once I saw him I jumped from happiness and everyone stood up from shock.

"Yeongi!" I hugged him tightly as he carried me then I kissed him.

"Oh look who came!" Yeongsoo said.

"Yeah I'm here," Yeongi looked at them as I did.

"So?" Jinwoo claimed

"So let's go out!" Yeongi looked at him then at me and went out.

"Oh. Let's go then," Yeongsoo replied.

"No not you. Just me and her," He smiled toward me as I looked at Yeongsoo.

"Can't they come with us?" I asked.

"They can but.." He hesitated. I felt he was not fine. He wasn't okay and he was acting.

"Let's go all together," I said smiling to everyone hugely. I saw Jinwoo looking at Yeongi giving him serious looks as the other did. It was like they were talking by their eyes.

"Okay then," Yeongi held my hand and went out first then the others followed us.

Me and Yeongi headed to his car. Chung Min, Yeongsoo, Min Hyuk went with Jinwoo in his car. The couple went back home for their work and kids. They both work as Dee Jays. Yeongi wasn't fine. He was driving furiously. He wasn't looking at me at all. I felt something bad was going to happen. Or in another way, he changed upside down. Like that previous night never existed. Jinwoo was driving his car beside him Chung Min and both of Yeongsoo and Hyung Min were in the back.

"Yeongi. Are you okay?" I asked looking at him worriedly.

"Yeah and you?" He didn't even look at me when he asked.

"I am when you are."

I kept staring at him but he just ignored that. I felt so strange for a while. I felt as I wasn't wanted anymore. We stayed silent for a long time. I started to over think if I ever had done something wrong to him. However, I concluded nothing. I didn't know where were we going. I didn't even ask, I was just thinking.

"Jinwoo still following us right?" Yeongi asked trying to change the atmosphere.

"Yeah. But you mean he's behind us because we are all going where I don't know even?" I replied trying to keep it up with him.

"No. Let's go just me and you," He suddenly turned right fast making Jinwoo continue his way straight.

"Where are we going?" I asked freaking out.


He looked at me in a very strange way. I couldn't recognize it. We arrived at the same place. Where he asked me to go out the day before. I looked around. Nobody was in there. We both were inside that car. He looked at that river and didn't say anything. I had no strength to talk or ask why we were there. That place was quiet, very beautiful, calm and empty. People didn't go there that much. I was holding my hands to each other. As his hands were on his lap. I looked at him from down to up. To his face. His expressions weren't good. Weren't fine. He was like a volcano which was about to explode. He kept breathing. Couldn't look at me. Couldn't even start talking to me. I was worried, anxious. I kept staring at him. To his eyes, his hair, his nose, his lips which were kissing mine with no stop the day before. I wanted to confirm that he was the same person who made me fall for him again. I woke up happily but in a sudden everything had changed that day. My heart was beating fast and my breaths were being cut from time to time.

"Everdine," He called me quietly. I went out of that silence replying surprisedly.

"Yes," I kept looking at him.

"Do you love me?" He turned his head to look at me. His question was unusual. His eyes were full of sadness and sorrow. They were full of stories.

"Of course I do," I replied seriously while he turned his head to look straight again. He couldn't say anything. He was messing his hair and hiding his face from time to time.

"What's going on Yeongi?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'm just worried," He replied looking down.

"Worried from what?" I held his face to look at him. However, he couldn't. He was looking apart instead.

"I'm worried if I can't keep you. I'm afraid of losing you. Afraid if they'll take you away from me. I'm worried about how to keep you for forever with me," He looked at me at the end. He didn't want to tell me anything. He only tried to give me hints about what would happen next. I didn't understand at first. I was lost in his love.

"Yeongi," I hugged him trying to let go all that pressure between us. "None will take me away from you. I'm all yours and I really love you, so much. You won't lose me. Trust me," I smiled looking at him, and he faked a smile. I tried to be understanding. I had to do that to let him be sure that I was loyal to only him.

"Yeah. You're only mine and I'm only yours," He spoke and kissed me deeply then kissed my forehead. "But.." He was going to continue but Jinwoo came with his car after he lost us on the road.

"Jinwoo came!" I said going out of Yeongi's car.

"Dina are you okay?" Yeongsoo came to me worried.

"Yeah why not?" I looked at her smiling hugely.

"Did brother tell you anything?" She asked.

"Yeah kind of strange things but I calmed him down that's all," I replied quietly.

"Oh great," She took a deep breath before saying that.

"But why everyone is worried while I don't know? What's going on with you all?" I asked worrying.

"Ah, nothing. I'm happy you're happy," Yeongsoo hugged me tightly then Yeongi came.

"Stop hugging my girl. She's mine," He pushed her away as he pulled me to him hugging me tighter.

"Eh, look at the arrogant and selfish Mr Myeong Hoon Choi," Yeongsoo murmured while I laughed.

"Shall we go to see some places?" Yeongi asked.

"Yeah and let's go with them," I replied smiling.

"Okay then. Get in the car. I'll tell them where we'll go."

Yeongi smiled to me as I entered the car. He went to talk to Jinwoo then got back.

"Hey my sugar," He put the seat belt and looked at me smirking.

"Hey my man," I looked back at him smiling.

He changed suddenly. He wasn't smirking nor talking that way that morning. I was a bit worried at the beginning. But it had all gone while he started to talk to me and singing in the car as I did that with him. I took videos and selfies. We were awesome. That was our second date since we started our relationship.

"Where are we going?" I asked taking a selfie for myself.

"Somewhere," He replied smirking to me.

"Somewhere where?" I looked at him.

"Kiss me and I'll tell you," He was driving and smirking at the same time.

"Em, shall I?" I asked smirking too.

"Are you asking?!" He shouted surprisingly.

"Maybe. I don't want to know," I turned to the window acting as a thinker.

"Woah woah. Look at the girl Myeong Hoon, she's thinking if she should kiss you!" He pronounced sarcastically looking straight as he was still driving and I laughed when he said that.

"Okay and after a deep thinking I decided to kiss you," I looked at him as he did.

"Okay then I'm waiting! Especially since it's after a deep thinking!" He said while I kissed his cheek and laughed looking from the window again.

"Was that a kiss?" He looked at me in a strange way.

"Em. Maybe," I hid my laugh.

"Maybe? Woah you see.." He didn't finish his talking until I kissed him fast and left him staring at me while I blushed.

"Focus on the road!" I shouted as he was staring at me

"Are you afraid of dying?" He asked smiling.

"Of course no. It'll be great dying with you," I looked at him as he did. He didn't smile. He just kept staring then looked at the road. His face expressions turned to be as they were that morning. I felt something wasn't good really.

"Are you.." I was going to ask him if he was fine but he cut the talk.

"Are you ready to die with me?" He asked.

"Yes," I nodded in confidence.

"And do anything for me?" He asked again.

"Yes! Are you hesitating about that? And why you're asking these questions?" I asked confusedly.

"Oh look who's talking sadly," He parked the car in front of the beach. "That's just what I want to hear from you Dina. I want you to be beside me though someday I will push you away, and I want you to stay close whatever I'll be far," He was staring at me playing with my hair by his right hand and kissed my forehead.

"Be sure that I will do that," I hugged him whispering. We both went out of the car. Jinwoo was parking his car then everyone got out of it.

"Hey guys!" Chung Min started raising his hand.

"Hey dude," Yeongi replied.

"What are we doing here?" I asked looking around. The beach was calm and so beautiful. Water and sand and few people in there were swimming.

"In your opinion what people usually do in the beach?" Yeongsoo asked sarcastically.

"We're here to swim?!" I turned to look at them laughing.

"Yeah," Yeongi looked at me replying.

"But I didn't bring my swimming clothes to swim!"

"That's why Jinwoo has a house in here containing all beach stuffs and I wish he finds something suit you!" Chung Min said and winked to me.

"Chung Min," Jinwoo said coldly.


"You're gonna die," Hyung Min replied him.

"Why?" Chung Min looked at him.

"Because of what you've just said," Yeongi replied him.

"Sorry I didn't mean anything dude!"

"Whatever. Let's go," Jinwoo cut it and walked away as we followed him.

I was staring at Yeongi while holding his hand. He was so calm, looking far. His mind flew far away with thoughts. I looked down to the ground thinking about him. What if I had done something bad to him or something like that.

"Dina. Are you okay?" Chung Min noticed me and asked.

"Yeah," I nodding looking at him then looked at Yeongi staring at me when he took a deep breath.

"Welcome home," Jinwoo said entering his house.

"Yey! We'll stay here for three days right?" Yeongsoo said looking at all of us.

"Why not? The house is opened for each one of you. Ah you can pick a room for you," Jinwoo announced.

Yeongi took my hand and went up the stairs. It was a simple house made of wood. Big containing lot of rooms, kitchen and a swimming pool in the side door while in the back one it was leading to the beach. He pulled me with him entering a room and closing the door then pulled me to the wall between his arms.

"Yeongi," I started freaking out. He was quiet. Looking at me. Looking into my eyes and didn't say anything. His face looked like he wanted to say a lot of things but couldn't. "Yeongi are you okay?" I asked looking at him then looking apart while he lifted my head up again to look at him.

"I'm fine just stop thinking a lot," He said as my heart was beating fast. Yeongsoo suddenly opened the room's door finding us there.

"Oh sorry I didn't know you took this room," She closed it while I was looking at her. Yeongi didn't move his eyes from me, and when Yeongsoo left I found him still looking at me then he started to kiss me deeply for about five minutes then he stopped.

"Let's go to the beach and have lunch," He stood up straight looking at me.

"Yeah," I nodded as he went to open the closet to look for something to wear. I sat on the bed which was there. He picked shorts for him.

"Won't you pick something for you?" He asked noticing me looking down.

"Ah, I don't know. I just want to wear shorts and a shirt or something like that."

"Huh?" He looked weirdly toward me.

"What?" I asked.

"Come here and pick. There's nothing of what you just mentioned in here," He claimed messing his hair.

"Really?!" I wondered standing up heading to him. The closet was full of bikinis and shorts for men.

"Look," He referred as I was shy from looking at all of these.

"The hell! I can't wear that!" I shouted.

"Why not?" He smirked looking at me from up to down.

"I can't cause I don't like that!" I felt so confused and embarrassed.

"Really?" He sarcastically asked looking at me and smirking.

"Eh it's just.."


"I feel shy," I looked apart.

"Shy of what? Or of who?!"

"I don't know. Maybe you," I messed my hair as he laughed.

"I'll pick for you and you dress up then let's go to swim," He looked at the closet searching for a bikini for me.

"But.." I hesitated. I had never liked to wear bikinis. Not because of being shy or something but maybe because I didn't like that. I hated my body to be showed up.

"But what Dina?" He looked at me.

"I'll wear shorts instead to feel comfortable," I looked down blushing from what I said.

"Okay then. I'll just pick for you then you do what you want," He picked for me a very beautiful bikini in pink with blue as I liked it when seeing it. Suddenly we heard knocks on the door.

"Come in," Yeongi pronounced.

"Hey," Jinwoo entered.

"Hey Jinwoo. Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just to tell you that we're heading to the beach and you both come when you finish."

"Yeah sure," Yeongi replied as the other one was going out of the room but he called him again.

"Jinwoo wait!"

"What?" Jinwoo stood up at the door looking at both of us.

"Where's Yeongsoo?"

"I don't know Hoon why?".

"I don't want Hyung Min to get closer to her. Just watch them," Yeongi warned.

"Why all that Yeongi? Let them both to be together," I pronounced.

"Dina we talked about this before. Please let it apart."

"What if they love each other? Let them enjoy their time together, please," I held his arm begging while Jinwoo was looking at both of us.

"Em.. Okay then. Forget it Jinwoo but just for today," He looked at him then at me. He only said that to make me shut up. I wanted to see her happy.

"It's okay," I smiled looking at him then at Jinwoo. He was a mystery. I was so curious to know about him and his life. I wanted to get a conversation with him. However, I had no chance as Myung Hoon was so jealous.

"As you wish," He got out leaving us both to change our clothes.

"I'll enter to the shower room and change," I said taking my stuffs.

"It's okay then. I'll change quickly and I'll wait for you here," Yeongi smiled to me as I entered the shower room.

I kept looking at the mirror and taking a deep breath asking myself why would all that happen to me. I knew that it wasn't that bad and it was getting fast. However, I felt something bad would happen soon. Those days were passing fast. I couldn't really take that matter of Ji Hye out of my mind. I changed my clothes. It took me long. I felt shy to go out with a bikini in front of him. They say men can't all the time control themselves, depending on the state of mind they're in, the mood, time, and their type of girls. Though he was my boyfriend. Still I couldn't go out showing my body with a bikini.

"Yeongi!" I shouted without opening the door.


"Did you finish?" I asked.

"Yeah, a while ago. How about you?"

"Can you find for me shorts or a skirt which can be tied from the side or a mini dress please!"

"Well are you shy that much?" He smirked.


"Okay wait," He went to look for what I asked him then brought me a mini dress. Kind of opened from the up and it was in a light blue, a sky blue color. I wore it and released my hair and got out of the shower room.

"You look.. Beautiful," He stared at me for a while when I blushed giggling.

"Really?" I hid my laugh.

Yeah, really," He nodded smiling.

"You look handsome in this short and T-shirt."

"Really?" He asked smirking.

"Yeah really," I smiled hugely looking aside. He took my hand and went down the stairs going out to the beach. '

I was lost in my thoughts. I heard her finishing but couldn't look at her because I felt sad. I somehow felt the same thing she felt that time. I wanted to ask her. I was speechless.

"Why everyone was sad?" I asked.

"Who?" She didn't understand me.

"When you woke up. Why they were sad?"

"I'll tell you what happened when I was not with them. Just as I was telling you few days ago," She replied smirking. Looked apart then held her cup of tea smiling sadly.

"You mean the parts where I wrote flash backs?" I asked staring at her miserably.

"Yes. Also, don't blow up your mind by over thinking of this story and all what happened to me. I wanted you to write it because I want to save you. I don't want to press on you."

"Save me from what?" I suddenly wondered. It was creepy. A stranger come to me in order to save me.

"I can't tell you. All I want you to do is to be careful and to treasure your heart and yourself before any man outside this door take it from you and cut it into pieces while you're watching and giving excuses," Everdine replied in a harsh way. I understood that she was trying to protect me but I didn't get why it was her and why she came to me.

She, after that, left me in that room taking my breaths. My chest was tightened. I couldn't help myself or stop tears from falling. I didn't even know why I was crying.