
Falling For The Evil -Part One-

Kidnapped to remember him and found herself in love again. He's a lover yet doesn't know what to protect. The confusion of both and the emotional wars that start make the two sides face challenges separately. Will their love last as they ever thought? Will the battle end peacefully? Will love be the solution? A Rom-Com novel that tells the story of Everdine and Yeongi and their friends facing their fears, emotions and fall more in love.

queeneverdine · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter One

In a rainy day, she came. My house wasn't well settled. She rang my doorbell. I opened the door and didn't recognize her. I had never seen her before. Raining hard. I saw her face and couldn't know if rain fell on it or tears were already falling before coming. Maybe the mixture of both. She looked at me sadly smiling.

"Is this Ms. Queen. The famous writer?" She started. "Yes, and you are?" She avoided my question.

"Please, may I come in first?" With a sad cold voice, she asked. "Yes. Come in," I weirdly accepted. She seemed unaware of what she was doing. She sat on a sofa was put in the living room.

"Ms, who are you?" I repeated my question. "My name is Everdine. I was looking for a great writer to write my story before I go back. They told me you're the chosen, so I came to you," She started. "I didn't find who would understand it better than you'll do. And though I'd find other writers, they won't understand it better than you'd do. I came asking you a favour". I strangely realized that she came directly to me. She looked like she passed through a lot.

"What is your favour?" I asked.

"Would you accept writing it please?".

"May I hear it first?" It was weird. Obviously I wasn't a famous writer and was young. About eighteen years old and been few months since I started writing.

"I know you think fool of me. Right. I am a fool from what happened to me. Love makes us fools, crazy, unusual, smiling dumbly and with no regrets, I can say I'm Love's victim," She smiled proudly with tears stuck in her eyes.

"Well. I am not that good since I'm still a beginner I say..," I replied.

"No! Please write it for me. You don't have to publish it. I wish to!"

"Okay. Wait to bring something hot to drink," I said standing up. It was autumn, started to get colder. She was quiet, her silence killed mine which pushed me to ask her lot of questions. I went back with the coffee and hot chocolate. She was still sitting in the same way.

"Here's a hot coffee," I offered.

"I don't drink coffee. I don't like it. Thank you," She pronounced.

"Oh. I don't like it too. Take my hot chocolate. It's delicious, I hope," I, again, offered.

"Thank you," She drank it slowly. Hesitated at first.

"My heart led me to you," She spoke after few moments of silence.

"What do you mean?" I wondered.

"I know that you will make it as good as I imagine it to be," She smiled out of expectations.

"Then, please, you may start telling it," I calmly suggested.

"I can't tell it fully today. I will come back again because it takes a long time," She suggested.

"Sure, as you wish Ms. Everdine," I agreed.

She was looking like me. She was older obviously. Silent, drinking and staring all the time at an empty place that refreshed her memory as she started.

'It was a big day. My dream had come true finally. I was in Seoul's Airport had just arrived. Everyone was busy with their luggage except me looking around and trying to believe that I was finally there. I was supposed to meet my boyfriend Kim Jung Suk, because he told me he would wait for me. I was sitting in a coffee shop in there, holding my bags. The waiter came asking me.

"Welcome Ms. Do you need anything to eat or drink?" He asked me in Korean. My level was advanced. I could understand and talk and write beside reading.

"Thank you, sir. I would love to have a sugary tropical juice, please," I smiled toward him as I replied.

He brought the glass of juice to me. It was a very fresh drink. I held my phone calling Jung Suk again. He wasn't replying. I waited that day my whole life. Me and him started a long distance relationship and planned to meet each other, and there I was. I took pictures and videos. Published them on social media and showing my best friends, whom I left, the places. As I was sitting patiently, I saw two men coming toward me, wearing black suits and glasses. At first, I thought they were security guards, but I changed my mind when they stopped facing me as my heart started to race from fear.

"Welcome to Korea Ms. Everdine. Hope you'll enjoy your staying. Please, come with us," My face expression changed suddenly. I was surprised from what he said.

"Sorry. Is there anything wrong? And how do you know my name?" I wondered in fear.

"Look Ms, we don't have time to explain. You must come with us now," The second man claimed.

"No! I can't go anywhere. I'm waiting for my boyfriend and he'll be here soon," I refused going with them. I was scared.

What they did was not respectable. They forced me to go. Held my arms as other men brought a car. Took my bags, they drugged me and put me there as I fell asleep for long. After few hours I woke up. My head was hurting and I thought for a while it was just a dream all what happened. I changed my mind when I saw the room I was in.

"Oh My God! Where am I?" I asked myself wondering. The room was in pink and white, decorated with designs in different colours. The bed I was laying on was comfortable, big with a pink cover on a soft white one. Everything was perfectly put, girly, large and everything in it was my favourite. It was like I fell in wonderland. "Am I in a dream?" It was the second question I asked. Suddenly, two servants entered, wearing their uniform and bowed to me.

"Welcome to Young Master's house Ms. Everdine," As they pronounced, I had a shocked face and couldn't say anything. Many questions were inside my head. I didn't know which one I should ask first.

"Who are you? Where am I? Who's this young master?" I started. "I think you mistook me. I don't belong here," I continued.

"The young master is coming soon to meet you," As they replied, two men entered while the third was a very charming guy entering behind them. Wearing a black jacket with a white buttoned shirt, black jeans and black shoes. He was smiling, looking at me nicely and arrogantly at the same time. I kept staring at him all his way getting in the room. So impressed and shocked, asking myself whom was that handsome charming man and why looking at me that way. A way which took my breaths in the first seconds I saw him.

"Welcome home sweetie," He spoke smirking evilly to me. His voice was attractive and manly. It was like he was controlling everything. I tried to realize what he had just said because I didn't recognize him nor see him before to call me sweetie.

"What? Sweetie? Home?!" I replied confusedly looking at him smiling sarcastically. He hid it somehow. Continued to get closer without even replying at my questions.

"Finally you're here with me. I waited for this day for so long," I was going to faint. I weirdly kept staring at him.

"Do I know you? Who are you? How do you know me?" He held my hand as I was asking.

"What's wrong Everdine? Didn't you recognize me? Are you covering your cheating on me by saying that you don't know me?" He replied asking.

"Huh? I don't get it here. I don't even know you, sir. I guess you mistook me with another girl," I took off my hand, turned my head to look for my bags.

"You're my dream girl whom I was looking for from a long time," He pronounced as I had a sarcastic laugh.

"You're kidding me, right? Dina wake up you're in a dream and it'll be ending soon," I replied slapping my face. He laughed and held my hand again pulling me to go out with him. He held it strongly and tightly otherwise I couldn't take it off. We entered a large room. Everything was amazingly and perfectly decorated. I forgot for a while that I was being dragged. I stared around getting impressed and mesmerized to everything I was seeing.

"Stop it! Don't touch me! I am not your girlfriend to even hold my hand," I dropped his hand as he gave me a weird look.

"You're only mine. Stop acting like kids," He seriously spoke.

"I don't even know you to be yours. Who are you?"

"I'm Choi Myung Hoon. 29 years old. You're in my house. Soon it will be your house. We know each other since you were 17 it's been 7 years but now it's time for us to be together," He replied staring at my eyes.

"You're kidding, right!?" I laughed from what he said. It was so strange for me to believe him.

"Do you think I'm kidding or playing here? I think you forgot me that fast really."

That time I was sure he was not kidding. I forgot some things since I had that accident which made me lose my memory. After some minutes of silence and not even looking at each other, a servant came with very expensive glasses and bottles made of glass each one was filled with a drink. I didn't even know what to choose.

"I want the Coke and give her what she wants," He ordered. He was so arrogant and from his talk he looked so cold.

"Please, may I have another glass of Coke?" I asked the servant while she looked at me in shock and nodded as Yeongi gave me a weird mad look.

"Don't ask like that again. They're your servants got it?"

"Servants are still human beings and I respect people," I replied him with the same tone while I turned my head and started drinking. He was a little bit mad from what I had said. He finished his drink fast then went leaving me in that beautiful room with few servants.

The evening had already come and I kept thinking of what was happening with me. I wanted to go out as soon as possible. I didn't belong to that huge house. I looked for my phone to call my boyfriend Jungie and tell him to take me from there, I just didn't know where my bags were put. I couldn't find them. I walked out the room and was wondering and looking all around being so surprised why I'd be there, and why that Yeongi brought me there. Servants were everywhere turning around, bowing to me and watching over me.

"Please, Mrs, where can I find my bags, and where's my phone?" I nicely asked one of them.

"I'm sorry Ms. I can't bring them to you or even tell you where they are because the young master ordered us not to tell you."

"What!" I screamed in her face. "Sorry. I didn't mean screaming," I bowed to her and continued. "What the hell is he doing?! He has no right to touch my bags or even hide them and not telling me! Why did he bring me here!"

I walked and got angry screaming all the way of that hall. He, suddenly, appeared to me from downstairs. I was in the hall of the first floor and I took a look at a big area decorated with white and black and couches were nicely put and he was sitting on one of them. I ignored him and kept looking down to that huge living room with expensive tables and many things in there. For a while I thought again I was in a dream. He was there over thinking. He seemed going so far with his thoughts. He was so charming and so attractive. I could tell myself that I was lucky to be there found by him. Though he looked so evil and arrogant, I could handle that side of him and looked at the bright side, which was his caring and his sweet words. I went to the ground floor and stood up facing him.

"You!" He looked at me. "Whom you think yourself to do this to me!? And why you touch my bags and where's my phone!? For God's sake!" I continued while he just laughed a little like I was a joke.

"Seriously? Look girl, you're mine! I do whatever I want with you and why you're looking for that cheap phone? I'll bring you the most expensive one and give it to you. Also, you look funny while screaming," He laughed looking at me while I was rubbing my head confused. His house was heaven but I was dealing with the devil himself.

"Please, don't let me talk informally. Just let me go. I want to take my things. I want to go out. I want to be free. I came here just to enjoy but I guess from the beginning it's turning upside down. I have a boyfriend and I told him that I'm coming. So, please, let me spend my holidays laughing and having fun with him," I claimed calmly as I expected him to respond. He stood up giving me a strong look. I knew all looks but that one never met it before, and didn't know what it meant. His eyes were so amazing but I had to stay away afraid if a curse would be spelled on me.

"Do you wanna have fun? Talking informally? Going to your boyfriend?" He replied arrogantly and seriously that time giving me a sarcastic evil laugh. I felt scared for a moment. He took my arm, pulled me with him, walking outside to that wonderful garden. It was the evening. Sunset was going to disappear. I kept looking and looking as he was pulling me and I, suddenly, got back my mind.

"Ya! what are you doing! Stop pulling me this way!" I shouted as he kept being silent.

I asked myself what he was doing. I didn't get him really. And why he was acting that way with me? He stopped and held my hand. He kept looking at it and slowly his eyes were rising into my arm, neck, lips, nose, eyes and he got closer. Closer more and I was confused. All what I was thinking was mixed.

"I shouldn't have let you go," He whispered tightly. The air was playing with our hair and all trees were dancing around us both. The garden smelled nice. Everything was nice in there and I didn't hear what he said what he whispered.

"Huh?" It was like I heard him and didn't at the same time. He looked at me with evil looks and smirked like he owned everything.

"You!" He shouted. "You won't pass these house's doors only on my dead body! Unless I go out with you! Got it!" He continued then went inside the house. I stood up shocked. I was frozen in my place. He shouted at me. He didn't let me go. I felt so sad for a while and was trying not to fall on my knees. I tried to stay strong and face him. He had no right to do that.

It was so strange what was happening. I've never thought that someday I'd be in one of those situations. Can you imagine how I was feeling? I wanted badly to go to Korea. And when I arrived it happened what happened. My head was hurting. It was like I started to remember whom he was but wasn't clear. My lost memory wasn't ready to be freshened or to remember again. It was the first time for me to feel weak and not having any choice. I was being watched as a prisoner. I was stuck in a house or a prison. That was the only definition I had got in my mind for his house.

"Ms, are you okay?" Two servants came asking after bowing to me.

"Choi Myeong Hoon must die," I murmured as they looked at me confusedly. I smiled. "Don't mind me. I'm okay," I straightened my body, raised my head, entering the house and feeling the two servants following me.

"Why you're following me?" I turned back asking.

"The young master ordered us to stay with you and to take care of you and go wherever you go."

"What the hell is going on with that evil! He really must die!" I shouted with anger.

I was so tired. I went to the living room and slept on the couch. I didn't even take off my clothes or bothered myself to ask for a room. I needed to rest and to stop thinking. For me, everything which comes to us is by destiny. It is meant to be that way. I tried to convince myself that way, and what made me suffer more was having expectations from someone or even from the events that happened to me..'

I kept listening to her. My all attention was on the story. I had questions to ask and she knew that.

"You've been kidnapped by a rich man and he put you in his house saying that you were his dream girl. Em, interesting," I pronounced looking at her

"Yes. I know. It was crazy. I knew something was wrong. He wouldn't do that if he didn't know me," She claimed coldly giving me a sarcastic cold smirk.

"But why couldn't you remember him?" I questioned.

"I had an accident. I won't talk about that now. Leave it next time. I have to go. It's late," She stood up as I was curious for what happened to her next. I had no time to ask her staying, she left in that rainy cold weather and disappeared.

I went to my room thinking about the beginning of her story. It was impressive. I took my laptop and started to write what she had told me. I saved the document in a file and couldn't name it yet. I didn't know what would happen next. Just left it and went to sleep.