
Falling for the devil himself

Harley's life as a 17yr old girl was never easy, she came from a poor family in New Jersey and had to anything for her family to have money. Under unfortunate circumstances She was sold into the Sicily Mafia. Harley was forces into an arranged marriage with the one and only Devil himself. What happens when love gets involved and complicates everything. Read to find out what happens to Harley and the Mafia Capo of Sicily. Mature language and scenes Contain sexually themes Rated 18+

HayleyRowan6868 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter: 5 New Lifestyle

spelling and grammar mistakes are present strong language and violent themes are also present

Chapter 5: New Lifestyle

Harleys Pov

After being in a car of some sort for hours I was bored shitless, the two built guards were boring as all they did was ignore me and look at there phones which were facing away from me so I couldn't even see anything entertaining or remotely interesting. As I was watching the random cars drive past I started thinking about I how much I missed having my cigarettes with me or my weed, I just need something.

The car finally came to a stop, I couldn't wait to be getting out of this fucking car. As I was about to hop out the vehicle, the guards pulled my arm back towards them roughly as the stuffed the paper bag over my head again "Stop fucking shoving me or pushing me, it's starting to really piss me off now" I harshly talked back. they both ignored me, Rude.

I was being directed to somewhere I didn't know with both the men from before on both sides of me so I wouldn't try anything. It's not like I would as they are in the fucking Mafia and I do somewhat value my life. I felt my heels drag across a new flooring as It didn't sound like cement or grass anymore. I heard the same husky voice from before that sounded so calming and safe but I can't fall for his charms, He sounded like he was in a conversation as my hearing and other senses were all heightened as I still had a stupid fucking paper bag over my head. shorty after he turned his attentioned to us or more me "You can take the bag off her head now" he said directing to the fucking men the size of gorillas beside me. The bag was lifted over my head and now I can finally see again.

Gabriel grabbed my arm without saying anything which took me by surprize. he pulled me through a mansion which was massive but before I could explore I was dragged into a Massive bedroom which I was guessing was his room. I was staring and taking in my surroundings before looking back up at him, making direct eye contact. His eyes staring back down at me, feeling as if he was drilling holes in my green and blue eyes. I looked back around his room letting my mouth spit out what first came in mind " This is huge" I said looking around and back up at him. He let out a devilish chuckle out before responding " do you want to know what else is huge" he replied with a cocky smile, I blushed and tried to cover my face not thinking he was going to go there but then again what was I expecting from a Hot immature guy. "Stop don't go there" I laughed nervously trying to cover my face even more. He walk behind me resting his hands on my waist leaning down near my ear brushing a strand of my hair behind it "why, and stop covering you face princess Its beautiful and shouldn't be hidden" his low angelic voice rang through my ears as he slowly moved away from me and to the massive king size bed he had in the center of the room.

He signaled me to sit next to him on the bed, I walked over suspiciously next to him, he leaned over whispering "relax I just wanted to tell you what was happening regarding to me and you" I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. He then started "The ball is tomorrow, I already have everything for you regarding the dress, makeup, shoes, and jewellery, we will be announcing me and you together and getting married in a few months." I was tensing as he said that but tried to relax myself "When you become my wife I do need you to be by my side with the mafia and my decisions I will also need you in all my meetings, When we are married I will be faithful and I expect that back we also need to acted madly in love at any events including the ball because no one knows I bought you and it will stay that way" I just nodded trying to take all the infomation in. "where will I be staying to sleep and what's happening with living and stuff" With asking that I was hoping he would say I was staying in his room because I just wanted to be in this amazing room "Me and you will be sharing a room like a normal couple and we will be flying back to Palermo which is where my safe house is" I wanted to mess with him a bit so I replied back with "What If I don't want to sleep in the same room with you?" he smirked down at me "Well you don't get a choice" I just raised my eyebrows shocked at his response.

He sat up from the bed and walked off somewhere in the room but I was to focused in my own thoughts. He walked back to where I was shirtless with his abs and tattoos on display, he just had a pair of grey sweats on as he walk over to where I was and gave me some new comfy clothes to wear. I looked down noticing I was still in the red slutty thing that I woke up dressed in. I looked up embarrassed trying to cover myself as he looked down at me with a small smirk as he laughed lightly " you know you could just keep the outfit you have on, I don't mind" I just glared at him and hit him on his chest lightly before standing up to try to find somewhere to change while shaking my head a light smiling and responding with "Your so Unbelievable" I just heard his crack up laughing behind me.

I walked back to his bed In a sweatshirt he gave me with booty shorts, the sweatshirt was down to my knees which I was guessing was his by the fact that it was enormous. I sat down on the opposite side of where he was on the bed while pulling the blanket over me, I knew he was still awake so I just asked him a random question that popped into my mind "will I have my own gun since I'm marrying you" he just laughed lightly while responding "When I can trust you won't shoot me sure" I just laughed.

I was trying to sleep but couldn't, I just kept tossing and turning until I heard him move his arm out to my waist and pull me towards him. he placed me on his chest with his arms wrapped protectively around my waist. My eyes started to feel heavy as my vision blurred and I feel asleep in his arms. This was probably the first time I could fall asleep without trying to 2 hours in advanced.