
Falling For The CEO

He wants her. He needs her. Freya Jacob is a strong and confident woman, and the top lawyer at their firm. She never loses a case in her life being a lawyer. Luke Walters is a CEO that has the whole package; Looks, body, money, personality, and he gets whatever he wants. When he first saw Freya after a town event that he just attended, he knew that he wants the lawyer to be his. But not everything will have a good happy ending without someone trying to destroy it. Somewhere, somehow... a loose serial killer under the name, Dr. Clown sees Freya for the first time in Community town and that made him want her as well. With this fact, Luke and Freya must find a way to be together and defeat Dr. Clown. Can their relationship work? Will they defeat Dr. Clown? Or will Dr. Clown get what he wants? Read along and join Freya on her journey to defeat her stalker who turns out to be a serial killer. His muscular arms looked inviting straining against his shirt. She bit her lip and looked at his handsome face. She noticed he has shifted his attention to her, and he was staring at her intensely. His perfect lips curved into a smile as his eyes held something in them, she wasn't sure what. "Like what you see?" He asked her making her blush again and she turned her head away from him. "I know I do." Disclaimer: The picture in the cover is not mine.

Jannah1559 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
204 Chs


"Yes, she is my girlfriend." Luke answered the papparazo and continued walking with Freya by his side to the party hall. The hall was very large with a stage, tables and chairs beautifully decorated.

Many celebrities, business men and women approached them to greet Luke and he introduced her to each one as his girlfriend. Gwen and James have followed right behind them into the hall and have gone to find other people to talk to.

"I am very happy about our alliance, and this is mostly because I've heard how well you handle business." A man in his forties, Roger Williams who was the President of A&B said to Luke smiling widely.

"I am happy as well and I will make sure to live up to your expectations."

As Roger left them, Freya noticed Percy and Finn coming towards them. They stopped in front of them, Percy standing very close to Luke wearing a light blue dress with heels.

"Luke, hi! I'm so glad you invited me." Freya looked at Percy then at Luke with both eyebrows raised.

Luke noticed her look and saw how she can misunderstand Percy's statement, he quickly explained, "I didn't invite you, the company did, and it's because you are a model, we need celebrities at the event, you know that." He stepped away from her and moved closer to Freya.

"Yes, but it's the same as you inviting me." Freya was not surprised to hear that Percy was a model because she expected that she was someone popular by the way she held herself even as annoying as she was.

"Hi Freya, Luke." Finn nodded to them both as he stood awkwardly.

"Hi." She answered while Luke muttered a dark hey, he didn't seem happy to see Finn. After all, Finn stole Percy from him and now, he wanted to steal Freya too. He was glad Percy cheated on him though since that brought out her colors.

But now, He would never let Finn or anyone steal Freya from him. Finn had always seen him as a competition and tried to take away anything that was important to him.

"I thought you looked familiar when I saw you, and now I know it's because you're a model." She said to Percy and Percy's face turned into a grimace, obviously not wanting to talk to her, but to Luke.

"Yes, I also tried acting in a drama once. Luke, you saw it right? We watched it together at my house when we were dating, and we cuddled on the couch all night..."

They all looked to Luke to see how he was going to respond, "I would prefer if you don't talk about the time we dated again since you know, you cheated on me." He glared at her while she looked shocked like he just slapped her.

"And we didn't cuddle all night, we didn't even cuddle, stop trying to make it look like we're closer than we really are."

"That's really low, Percy. At least have some self respect." Freya said as Luke pulled her away from them leaving Finn whispering angrily to Percy.

Luke looked at his watch, "It's time for me to give the speech for this party. I'll be right back, baby."

He gave her hand a light squeeze and dropped it as she nodded. He trudged up the stage and stood behind the podium that had a microphone on it.

"Welcome everyone, we are happy to have created an alliance with A&B, we hope to work well together and to prosper." As Luke continued saying his speech, Percy came up to Freya, "Your time with Luke is over, leave him now."

Freya looked at her, not believing her guts, "I think you're obsessed, Percy. Go and get help."

"I have been patient enough to let Luke date you for a while to realize that you can never compare to me, but now, time's up and I'm taking back what's mine." Percy's face was pinched in a scowl.

"Luke doesn't want you anymore, you're his ex for a reason. Just leave us alone and go back to Finn." Freya said irritated and walked closer to the stage to get away from Percy and listen to Luke's speech. Percy got the message and angrily stomped back to wherever she came from.

"We have also had a betrayal from one of our directors recently, James Knight. He embezzled money that was entrusted to him, but a lawyer helped us win against him in court. She is also my girlfriend, cheers to Freya for her quick thinking on the case, and cheers to Stark and A&B's alliance."

He ended his speech and everyone applauded. All eyes watched him as he walked back to Freya seeing who he was talking about. Steven Stark went up the stage to give his own speech.

"Cheers to Freya and our new formed Alliance." Steven cheered and continued his speech.

"Thank you for your praise Luke. You're really the dream guy." She said as he smiled down at her.

"I saw Percy talking to you, what was that about?" His face had concern written all over it.

"She warned me to leave you so that she can get back together with you."

"I'm really tired of her, don't listen to her, and whenever she approaches you again, just call me, okay?" He took her hand and started walking with her towards a group of three; two men and a woman.

"Okay. Who are we meeting?"

"They're very important people, they're the top entrepreneurs in this part of the country and are on their way to becoming the world's next billionaires."

"I had a great time." Freya said as she and Luke stood in front of Gwen's house after they had come back from the company's party. Gwen had already gone in and they had dropped James at his house on the way.

"I did too, you know how to keep things interesting." Luke praised resting his hands on her waist and stepping closer to her.

"Was it me that kept it interesting?"

"It was you, I have gone to many of these events, but it's only today that I enjoyed it so much." He pressed a kiss on her forehead and dropped his hands from her waist stepping back.

A conflicted emotion passed through his eyes, "It's late, I'll call you tomorrow. Good night, baby."

"Okay, good night, Luke." She whispered and watched as he walked back to the Limo. After he got in, she turned around and went inside the house as he watched her.

Freya was sleeping on her bed when she felt a weight pressing down on her. She opened her eyes and saw Dr. David on top of her. He pressed his hand against her mouth when he saw her opened eyes.

"I will find you wherever you go, naive Freya. Don't you know Clara and I rule this town? Not just this town, we have the government with us. You think you can report us without us finding out? The secretary, the police, everyone in this f**king town is with us, and they do only as we instruct them to."

He traced her face with his grubby fingers, his breath fanning her face making her shudder. She thought back to how her ex, Gabe tried forcing her to be intimate after she caught him cheating on her. She had fought him and ran, but what he did still made her be uncomfortable with letting anyone in or getting too close to her. Until Luke.

"You broke our deal Freya, and I want to break you because of that, but I won't because you have intrigued me and I want you. I want you only to myself. Don't ever pull that stunt again or I swear to God, I'll break you whether I want you or not."

His knees were holding down her arms and body while one of his hands closed her mouth and the other grabbed at her pyjama pants trying to open them.

Her eyes widened when she realized that he was trying to rape her. She raised up her body and arms without realizing the source of her strength and pushed him off her.

He hit the dresser that was close to the bed banging his head, but he stood up and tried to get his bearings. Freya was still on her bed watching him to see what he would do next.

The door flew open and Gwen came, Dr. David saw her and immediately climbed out the window running away.

"Oh my god, was that Dr. David? Freya, are you okay?"

Freya burst into tears feeling powerless against Dr. David. She hasn't cried in a long time, but him almost raping her pushed her to the edge.

Gwen looked shocked because she has never seen Freya cry, she has always seen her be strong in times of danger and hardship. She closed the window and came to sit close to Freya on the bed. Freya was sitting on the bed and tried to wipe away her tears with her hands as Gwen rubbed her arm in comfort.

"Where's your phone? I'm calling Luke. It seems that you're no longer safe here." She pointed to the bed's side drawer where it was laying on. Gwen picked it up, she dialed Luke's number and waited for him to pick.

Hey my lovely readers, I know that there's a scene of almost **** in this chapter, I promise this is the last time that Dr Clown will ever have a scene like that!

Freya is a strong woman, you can guess what will happen when Dr. David tries to do that again. Like it ? Add to library! :D

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