
Falling For The CEO

He wants her. He needs her. Freya Jacob is a strong and confident woman, and the top lawyer at their firm. She never loses a case in her life being a lawyer. Luke Walters is a CEO that has the whole package; Looks, body, money, personality, and he gets whatever he wants. When he first saw Freya after a town event that he just attended, he knew that he wants the lawyer to be his. But not everything will have a good happy ending without someone trying to destroy it. Somewhere, somehow... a loose serial killer under the name, Dr. Clown sees Freya for the first time in Community town and that made him want her as well. With this fact, Luke and Freya must find a way to be together and defeat Dr. Clown. Can their relationship work? Will they defeat Dr. Clown? Or will Dr. Clown get what he wants? Read along and join Freya on her journey to defeat her stalker who turns out to be a serial killer. His muscular arms looked inviting straining against his shirt. She bit her lip and looked at his handsome face. She noticed he has shifted his attention to her, and he was staring at her intensely. His perfect lips curved into a smile as his eyes held something in them, she wasn't sure what. "Like what you see?" He asked her making her blush again and she turned her head away from him. "I know I do." Disclaimer: The picture in the cover is not mine.

Jannah1559 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
204 Chs

Mystery Clown

Freya, Luke, Nina, Finn and Percy filed into the All Monsters hunted house, it was dark at first, but a red light came on after the door slammed shut on its own after they finished filing in.

The ceiling was covered in cobwebs and there were deep red stains on the floor that looked like blood.

A Frankenstein monster was standing on the left side in a case, he was very buff and tall. His skin was pale and he had stitches on his face, arms, stomach and chest, it could be seen clearly since he wasn't wearing a shirt, but only pants.

A man like creature was nailed to the wall by his hands and pointy spikes were protruding from his stomach on the right side of the room, a little girl with black holes for eyes, her skin grey and her cheeks sunken in was coming towards them just as the Frankenstein monster started moving in the case, grunting and smashing his hands against the glass of the case like he wanted to break it and get to them.

Percy and Nina jumped back looking startled while Finn laughed. Freya and Luke kept walking forward as the girl with no eyes kept walking towards them with her hands outstretched like she was grabbing for something.

She walked past them and kept walking around room trying to grab onto someone, they all shifted away whenever her outstretched arms came close to them. Two stone gargoyles were on the right, each displaying a snarl.

Freya and Luke moved further into the house with the rest following behind them, and it kept becoming narrow until they were walking in a narrow hallway.

The wall from the left side lifted up and a man wearing a scarecrow outfit with a sack over his head jumped out and grabbed Freya's hands pulling her to the door in the wall, but Luke pulled her back and the man let go stepping back into the wall and the door closed down.

He held her hand in his, "Are you okay?" She nodded and continued forward, "Yeah, it's all a prop. It was exciting, yet scary."

They continued walking for some minutes when the ceiling opened and bats came raining down on them shrieking, making them all duck. Freya squealed while Nina screamed and Percy looked terrified. Luke seemed unaffected as well as Finn as they swatted the bats away, and they flew away to the direction the group was going.

After they took a few more steps, the wall on the right opened and an evil looking clown started throwing paint balls at them so quick that they barely had the time to dodge. The wall closed, and they finally left the hallway coming out of the house to a hunted park. Monsters were everywhere with scary games and rides.

'You have earned your way into Hunt Ville, stay hunted...' A throaty scary voice boomed from the speakers on top of the All Monsters hunted house, the voice let out an evil laugh at the end.

Freya looked over at the speakers then at Luke, "Oh, that was so scary and cool!" He chuckled and pointed to her left where Gwen and James came out of their Vampires and Pumpkin Heads hunted house, "Look, Gwen and James are also out, but the rest haven't made it out. Let's wait for them."

She nodded and the rest agreed as Gwen and James came to join them.

Two zombies ran to them groaning, they were both grey and gruesome with some parts of them missing. Percy ran away from the group shrieking, and they followed her making everyone laugh.

Nina ran after them just as a monster that had the body of a buffalo with hoofed feet, but the hands of a man and the head of a man with his nose twisted and eyes far apart galloped to them attempting to scare them, but no one was scared, they just laughed. It was obviously a man or two in the costume.

Lin, Chen and Rose came out of the Zombies and Killer Sharks hunted house, and ran up to them, "Oh my God! That was so scary! I love it here."

"I know, right?" Freya agreed and tugged on Luke's hand, "Let's go."

They all walked into the park passing different monsters; witches, vampires, dragons, centaurs and more, all trying to scare them. They went to the hunted games section and stopped at a game stand where you shoot at the small toy vampires moving back and forth.

Luke picked up a gun for the game, Freya did too as well as Lin and James. Luke went first, he aimed the gun at the moving vampires and gave a shot. It hit a vampire and it stopped moving showing that he won, Freya grinned as he turned to look at her.

"You won on the first try!" She exclaimed in excitement.

"What are you going to choose as your prize?" The guy standing at the stand took their attention and gestured to the items on display on the back wall. There were evil statues, horns, funky island bracelets, eyes on strings, vampire teeth on a string, etc.

Luke's gaze landed on the bracelet and he chose them. The guy removed it from the wall and handed it to Luke. " For you." He stated as he took her hand sliding the bracelet on her wrist.

"But that's your prize, I'm about to win mine." He let her hand go, "It doesn't matter, I won it for you."

"You're too sweet."

"Who is playing next?" Finn said interrupted them seeming annoyed, "I'm next in line, aren't I?" She shot back at him, and stepped closer to the stand and aimed her gun.

She gave several shots before she finally shot a moving vampire. "You did great." Luke praised smiling at her and she smiled back.

She chose the vampire teeth on a string and stepped closer to Luke just as Lin started shooting her gun. She wound the teeth around his neck and tied the string behind it.

He held her hand and intertwined their fingers then pulled her to the next stand where an old woman stood with a large mirror on the wall. The mirror had flashing red and blue lights around it.

"Ask the mirror about what you want to know and it will tell you." The old woman said.

"Whoa!" Freya exclaimed just as Luke said, "When will we come back here?"

"Before the end of the year." The mirror said in a robotic voice.

They looked at each other amazed by the answer, "How do I expose Dr. David?"

"You will." It spoke confusing Freya, "When will I expose him?"

"You will." It responded again, "Why does it keep saying the same thing?"

"It's a robot, it says whatever when it doesn't know the answer." The old woman replied. Freya knew that it couldn't give her answers, but she wanted to give it a try.

When the rest of the group were done shooting, they all agreed to go on the scary roller coaster. As they walked to the ride, Freya saw a man wearing a smiling clown mask standing amongst the crowd facing them. As they walked, his eyes followed them and he kept his gaze on her.

She looked to Luke, "That guy in a clown mask is creepy." She looked back at where she saw the man, but he was gone.

"I don't see him, but you know this park is full of creeps and scares." He said as they arrived at the ride.

They were standing in a short line waiting for their turn when she saw the man in the clown mask again leaning against a stand with a scalpel in one hand and a pocket knife in the other. He locked eyes with her as he twirled the scalpel in his hand.

She tugged on Luke's hand to get his attention without the clown masked man seeing her, "Look." She whispered, and he followed her gaze to the clown masked man still twirling a scalpel. He noticed that the clown masked man had his gaze set on Freya.

"Could he be Dr. Clown? The serial killer?" She said sounding worried.

"Isn't Dr. Clown Dr. David?" He asked as he looked back at the place he saw him, but he was already gone.

"It seems so, but we don't know that yet. They may be two different people." Luke's face turned into concern, "Stay close to me. I won't let anyone hurt you."

A man dressed as a goblin with his face a mixture of a pig and human holding an axe jumped at them, and they jumped back. He moved on to the other guests there swinging his axe at them. Some screamed while some laughed.

"This hunted park is so cool!" Gwen exclaimed as a woman with pale skin and blood matted on her hair and face came closer, also trying to scare them.

"Let's come back sometime." James said as it became their turn to ride. A man standing in front of the short, small gate of the roller coaster opened it, and Lin and Chen went on it first. Freya and Luke climbed in next.