
Falling For The CEO

He wants her. He needs her. Freya Jacob is a strong and confident woman, and the top lawyer at their firm. She never loses a case in her life being a lawyer. Luke Walters is a CEO that has the whole package; Looks, body, money, personality, and he gets whatever he wants. When he first saw Freya after a town event that he just attended, he knew that he wants the lawyer to be his. But not everything will have a good happy ending without someone trying to destroy it. Somewhere, somehow... a loose serial killer under the name, Dr. Clown sees Freya for the first time in Community town and that made him want her as well. With this fact, Luke and Freya must find a way to be together and defeat Dr. Clown. Can their relationship work? Will they defeat Dr. Clown? Or will Dr. Clown get what he wants? Read along and join Freya on her journey to defeat her stalker who turns out to be a serial killer. His muscular arms looked inviting straining against his shirt. She bit her lip and looked at his handsome face. She noticed he has shifted his attention to her, and he was staring at her intensely. His perfect lips curved into a smile as his eyes held something in them, she wasn't sure what. "Like what you see?" He asked her making her blush again and she turned her head away from him. "I know I do." Disclaimer: The picture in the cover is not mine.

Jannah1559 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
204 Chs

Dead Body In A Wedding

Trevor opened the door to Luke's limo and Freya and Luke stepped out. They were at the wedding party of Rose and her spouse, Aaron.

She was dressed in a long golden dress with long sleeves and white Louis Vuitton pumps. Luke was dressed in a tuxedo with a golden bow tie to match her dress. He took her hand and they walked into the wedding party hand in hand.

The hall the wedding was taking place was decorated beautifully with satins and flowers, tables and chairs were everywhere with decorations, food and drinks on them. There was a man singing on a stage and some backup singers with him. Rose and her parents were traditional, so they had already took their vows as per their religion at home the day before.

As they walked further in, she saw Rose and Aaron sitting on two classy groom chairs at the front with two poles near each of them holding flower decorations above them.

Luke led her to them and Rose smiled as she stood up upon seeing them, "Hey, glad you made it."

Rose hugged her and stepped back, "We're wishing you a happy marriage."

Luke said as Aaron stood up too and shook his hand. "We'll go meet the others and see you later."

The newly weds nodded, and Luke led her away to the crowd of guests, she spotted their group of friends at a table on the side. "There they are."

He saw where she was looking at and they went there. Gwen, James, Lin, Chen, Nina and Finn were sitting around a table that had only two empty chairs beside each other.

"Hey, our next couple to be married are here." Chen announced as they sat down.

"Hey." Luke and Freya greeted at the same time, and the group responded.

"When are you putting a ring on it?" Finn asked Chen.

"Soon, Finn. We want to take things slowly."

"Right." Finn answered in a sarcastic tone looking between Chen and Lin.

"We'll be right behind you two." Lin said to Luke and Freya then to everyone, "That's enough about us, let's talk about something else like the bride and groom."

"When did they meet?" She asked raising a cup of water that was on the table to her lips and sipped it.

"At a concert like two months ago, that was after you moved here, and he just proposed to her after a few weeks of knowing her." Lin answered. "It was love at first sight."

Nina looked at Lin like she has lost it, "She doesn't know what she's getting into."

"I need to go to the bathroom, do you know where it is?" Freya asked Gwen who was sitting beside her as Nina and Lin continued their conversation.

"It's through that door," Gwen pointed to a door on the far left wall. "It leads to a hallway which leads to the bathroom."

Luke heard their conversation and turned his head to them, "I'll go with you."

She nodded her head and stood up, he also stood up and they walked to the door Gwen pointed to them as their friends watched them. He took her hand and she turned to look at him smiling, he smiled widely at her too, lightly squeezing her hand.

"Oh, true love." They could hear Lin say and Finn scoffed making Luke grin as they entered the door and went down the hallway to the bathroom.

She let go of his hand and placed her purse in its place before she entered inside the bathroom while he stood outside. The bathroom was big with stalls on one side and sinks with mirrors on the other side. She entered the first stall and did her business.

After coming out of the stall, she washed her hands in the sink while looking at the mirror and something caught her eye. It was the body of a woman under one of the stalls behind her, she could see the lower half of the woman and it seemed like she was lying down on the floor with her upper body hidden by the stall's door.

Freya closed the tap and moved closer to the bathroom stall, "Hello Miss? Are you okay?"

There was no response, she pushed the stall door open and saw the woman's full stature. Her eyes were wide open as well as her mouth and her neck had red marks like someone strangled her with a rope. It looked like she was dead.

Freya gasped, placing a hand on her chest. "Oh God."

She leaned down and placed a hand on the woman's pulse under her neck, it wasn't moving. She raised back up and walked back out to Luke. "There's a dead body inside the bathroom."

She opened the door wide open for him to see the body of the woman on the floor.

"We need to call the police, but let's tell Rose first." Luke said as she collected her purse.

"Yeah, having the police crashing your wedding spells bad luck." She added and he nodded before they headed down the hallway, back to the wedding party.

They approached Rose who was slow dancing with Aaron in the middle of the room with some guests dancing around them.

"Rose, can we talk to you for a minute?"

She was smiling at what Aaron said when they reached them, she turned to them, "Yeah, sure."

She excused herself from her husband and stepped to the side with them. "There's a dead body in the bathroom."

Rose looked shocked as she stared at them, "A dead body?"

"A woman, strangled to death by a rope or something similar it seems." Freya said and Rose turned in the direction of the hallway to the bathroom. She went through the door as they stood there, stunned by her reaction.

That was when Freya saw a man that looked like Dr. David in a hoody making his way to the door. She followed after him wanting to make sure it was him. Luke followed her when he noticed her rushing out of the party.

"Where are you going?" He asked just as they came out of the wedding hall, she stopped and looked left then right, not seeing where Dr. David went.

"I thought I saw Dr. David coming out here and wanted to be sure it was him."

He looked at her with an incredulous look, "How can you follow him? After all he's done? I told you to run away from him whenever you see him. Okay?"

He held her shoulders and brushed some of her hair behind her ears as he stared into her face with concern on his face.

"Okay." She nodded her head and he released her shoulders, "Let's go back in and talk to Rose about calling the police."

It was the next day, Monday, and the day Luke and Freya agreed to each take a day off to spend it together. Freya was on her bed still sleeping as the sun rose high in the sky, she felt something touch her face, and she opened her eyes.

She saw Luke laying down beside her on the bed with no shirt on and only wearing pants. She stared at his bare muscular chest feeling speechless, "Rise and shine, baby. It's 11am."

"Luke, what are you doing in my bed?"

He smiled at her sleepy voice, "We promised to spend the day together, not to spend it in bed, but if you want to spend it in bed together, I'll be glad to."

She blushed understanding what he meant, "What are you saying, and how can you lay down on the bed so close to me shirtless?"

" 'Cause I'm your fiance? And I can remember you climbing on top of me at your house when we fell asleep on the couch."

"I was sleeping then! And you put your arms around me." She defended as she sat up on the bed.

"You look so cute when you're flustered." He raised up his head and held it with his hand.

"You love teasing me, don't you? Anyway, I need to get ready..." She trailed off for him to get the point.

"I would love to watch you get ready, but since you want me gone, I'll see you in the living room." He sighed getting up and she couldn't resist watching his shirtless muscular body move as he left through the door. She got up and entered her bathroom to get ready.

After getting dressed and ready for the day in a long skirt and flowery top, she left her room and walked to the living room to find Luke.

She found him on the couch with plates of different foods on the center table. There were pancakes, sandwiches, eggs, fries, custard, toast and orange juice. He has changed into blue jeans and a white top that moulded to his muscles.

"Wow, you told the maid to prepare all these?"

He shook his head, "No, I made them for you, Freya. I want to impress you with my cooking skills."