
Falling For The CEO

He wants her. He needs her. Freya Jacob is a strong and confident woman, and the top lawyer at their firm. She never loses a case in her life being a lawyer. Luke Walters is a CEO that has the whole package; Looks, body, money, personality, and he gets whatever he wants. When he first saw Freya after a town event that he just attended, he knew that he wants the lawyer to be his. But not everything will have a good happy ending without someone trying to destroy it. Somewhere, somehow... a loose serial killer under the name, Dr. Clown sees Freya for the first time in Community town and that made him want her as well. With this fact, Luke and Freya must find a way to be together and defeat Dr. Clown. Can their relationship work? Will they defeat Dr. Clown? Or will Dr. Clown get what he wants? Read along and join Freya on her journey to defeat her stalker who turns out to be a serial killer. His muscular arms looked inviting straining against his shirt. She bit her lip and looked at his handsome face. She noticed he has shifted his attention to her, and he was staring at her intensely. His perfect lips curved into a smile as his eyes held something in them, she wasn't sure what. "Like what you see?" He asked her making her blush again and she turned her head away from him. "I know I do." Disclaimer: The picture in the cover is not mine.

Jannah1559 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
204 Chs

Cornered With No Escape

"Someone stole your necklace?" Jack asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Nana nodded pointing to her empty neck, "Yes, I wore my gold necklace tonight, but now, it's gone!"

Lucy looked around then her gaze landed on Freya, "Freya, you saw it, right? When you went to Nana's table?" Lucy asked like she was trying to help explain about the necklace and Nana nodded, but Freya shook her head while everyone at the table watched.

"No, I didn't notice whether Nana was wearing a necklace or not, but I can help you find it, Nana. Maybe it got lost." Freya said, but Lucy pressed, "You saw it, Freya because I saw you with it later before you came to this table."

Freya looked shocked at Lucy's accusation while Luke looked angry as he stood up, "You have gone too far, Lucy! Accusing my fiancee, and I was with her since she stepped foot into this house tonight."

"I'm sorry your fiancee is like that, but I know what I saw." Lucy said coolly acting like she was right.

"Lucy, you are saying something big. Are you very sure you saw her?" Nana asked watching Lucy.

"You know what? Let's check the CCTV camera, and we can find out who took the necklace or where it is." Luke said with a cold smile towards Lucy.

She started protesting, "We don't need to check the CCTV, why are you taking things too serious?"

"You've got something to hide?" He shot at her, and Jack stood up, "Luke is right, looking at the CCTV will help us solve this situation.

Luke, Jack, Nana, Freya, Lucy and drunk Julie excused themselves from the table and went to the camera room to check the CCTV. They entered the room and Freya saw that the room consisted of computers showing multiple screens, two office chairs and some cabinets.

There was a man wearing a security uniform sitting on one of the chairs in front of the computer. "Hey Ashton, can we have a look at the party room's camera from the start of the party?"

Jack said to the man after the six of them had entered the room, the man looked up, "Yes, Sir."

They watched as he played the CCTV recording of the past hour or so. They watched on quietly until they reached a part where Nana removed her necklace and placed it inside her purse, Lucy interrupted looking worried, "Uhm, yeah, so I have to go take-"

"You're not going anywhere." Luke cut her off coldly and she kept quiet while Freya was surprised to see this side of Luke acting coldly, though not at her, but it was still surprising because he has always been warm and caring towards her.

"Oh, I forgot I removed it from my neck." Nana said raising her hand to touch her neck. It was understandable that Nana forgot because she sometimes go through moments of amnesia due to her illness.

They reached a part where Nana passed Lucy her purse with the gold necklace and she walked out of the room, Lucy opened the bag and picked up the gold necklace then dropped it into her own purse.

Nana gasped as they all watched the part and turned to Lucy, "You stole my necklace and you were trying to pin it on poor Freya!"

"Bring it out, now!" Jack ordered and Lucy quickly opened her bag and retrieved the necklace handing it to Nana.

"Luke, let's go home." Freya said softly, but the anger was apparent in her voice.

She walked out of the room and out of the mansion with Luke hot on her heels. He grabbed her arm to stop her from getting further away.

"Freya, I'm sorry." He said in a pained voice, not wanting to see her angry.

"Is this how it's always going to be? Your family always seeing me as a gold digger?" She looked at him with sadness in her eyes.

"It's not like that, Freya. It's only Lucy and her mom, and I'm sorry for not preventing this from happening." He wrapped his arms around her, burrying his head in her hair. "I love you Freya, and I'll never let them humiliate you again."

She nodded her head against him. "I understand, I know you stood up for me back there, but I just felt like I've been stomped on especially after seeing that it was Lucy that stole the necklace."

"Yes, about that. Give me a sec, let me call Iris." He brought out his phone from his pocket and dialled Iris's number.

"Yeah, we're about to leave. I need Lucy and Julie out of this house and back to their house. Lucy stole Nana's necklace and framed it on Freya, she gave her a spiked drink and she has made it unsafe for Freya to be here."

"Good." Luke finished the call as Freya looked at him shocked.

"You don't need to kick them out for me, I'm not going to live here when I marry you."

"They disrespected you and have made it unsafe for you to be here. They have their home, but they left it and came here so that Lucy could marry me, even Iris doesn't want them here."

"I don't agree with making them leave, but I appreciate your concern for me." He caressed her face, "For you Freya, I can do anything to protect you."

"Why did you come to us to defend you in court?" Freya asked as she, Gwen and Finn were sitting at a table for four at Betty's. He had finally returned Gwen's calls, saying that he didn't see her missed calls until later on. They agreed to meet at the diner so that he can give them any information regarding Percy that can prove him not guilty.

"Honestly, I realized how good you were as a lawyer especially after Cathy's case. I mean she was framed for a murder, but then you got her out. That's pretty cool." He said the praise staring intently at Freya, but she ignored his look while Gwen cleared her thoat.

"Why do you think her grandmother thinks you killed her?" Gwen asked, and he let out a breath.

"Percy and I always fight and make up, and we have been together for a long time before she even started dating Luke, but we dated secretly at the time.

Her family knew though and that's why I'm guessing her grandmother thinks I killed her. Percy has her flaws, but I would never kill her or anyone for that matter."

"Did you know about her relationship with Nick Carter." Freya asked as she wrote down what he was saying in her notepad.

"Yes, I did because we were always so open with each other, but I don't know why she was having an affair with him. I do know that it's not love. It was business between them, and she said that he was so concerned about his wife finding out." Freya and Gwen looked each other knowingly then back at Finn.

"Okay Finn, that would be all. We'll see you around." Freya said standing up, and Gwen followed.

He nodded glancing at her ring and said with a tight smile, "I see that Luke wastes no time."

"Yeah, that's what makes him great." She said and walked away with Gwen.

Freya's phone rang as she was sitting in her cubicle, trying to figure out how to win against Dr. David. She answered it and put it against her ear.

"Hi, Seth. Have you gotten any information?" She asked going straight to the point remembering how he had asked her out.

"I got some information on who are working with Dr. David and Clara in the police. They are people in our department, my colleges and those under them. I'm sure I can convince them to either join us or give us information." He said in a clipped tone noticing how she didn't give room for greeting.

She felt relief wash over her as she heard the news, "Alright, thank you for your help."

"No problem, Freya." He hung up the call and she looked at the time on her phone seeing that it was 2:00pm, almost time for Ted to arrive. She packed up her files and placed them in her desk drawer then put her phone inside her bag and slung it on.

He usually arrives at ten minutes past two, so she thought that she should wait in the parking lot since 2:30pm was closing time. She walked out of the building and to the parking lot. There were cars parked there, but no one was there because it wasn't closing time yet.

She stood beside a wall that was shaded by the roof of the building and watched the entrance of the parking lot. She was so focused on spotting her car coming to pick her up that she didn't see someone slunk in beside her until they grabbed her arms and slammed her against the wall.

She looked up to see Dr. David holding her arms together against the wall with each of his hands, "Hello, my dear, Freya."

She realized that she had made a bad decision coming out to wait in the lot and also realized that she was standing at the far end of the parking lot away from the entrance. There was no way anyone could hear her even if she shouted.