
Falling For The CEO

He wants her. He needs her. Freya Jacob is a strong and confident woman, and the top lawyer at their firm. She never loses a case in her life being a lawyer. Luke Walters is a CEO that has the whole package; Looks, body, money, personality, and he gets whatever he wants. When he first saw Freya after a town event that he just attended, he knew that he wants the lawyer to be his. But not everything will have a good happy ending without someone trying to destroy it. Somewhere, somehow... a loose serial killer under the name, Dr. Clown sees Freya for the first time in Community town and that made him want her as well. With this fact, Luke and Freya must find a way to be together and defeat Dr. Clown. Can their relationship work? Will they defeat Dr. Clown? Or will Dr. Clown get what he wants? Read along and join Freya on her journey to defeat her stalker who turns out to be a serial killer. His muscular arms looked inviting straining against his shirt. She bit her lip and looked at his handsome face. She noticed he has shifted his attention to her, and he was staring at her intensely. His perfect lips curved into a smile as his eyes held something in them, she wasn't sure what. "Like what you see?" He asked her making her blush again and she turned her head away from him. "I know I do." Disclaimer: The picture in the cover is not mine.

Jannah1559 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
204 Chs

Blossoming Love

"You already know what I do. What do you do?" Freya asked Luke putting some potato goulash into her mouth with a spoon, she was having potato goulash in one plate and baked salmon in another plate. Luke who was sitting across from her had ordered the same dish.

"I'm a computer engineer, and the CEO at 'Stark'."

"Impressive! How did you become a CEO so early, it looks like you're in your 20s." Freya was surprised the second time that day, he was so laid back and fun that he didn't look like a CEO.

"I got promoted really quickly because of how well I performed, plus I finished college and started working there early." He sipped his drink before he continued. "And I am 29, you look 23, and from what Gwen told me, you're the top lawyer at your firm, that's also very impressive."

"I'm actually 25. What about your parents, do they live here?"

"Yes, they live a little far from my area."

"That's great. I really had fun today, you have a great wing man." Freya said referring to Gwen.

"Definitely. I had fun too, though the clowns weren't very scary." Luke chuckled and she followed with her own laugh.

"Yeah, they were funny and refreshing." She sipped her drink before cutting her salmon with a knife and fork, and placing it in her mouth. She savoured the taste, it was classy and delicious.

"The next Community town's party is next week, are you coming?" She has been living in the town for almost three months now and this will be her third Community For All party.

"I have to, as they always make it clear on the invite, why do they force people to attend anyway?" Luke let out a laugh looking amused.

"You don't really have to, Clara likes to have everyone there, but not everyone attends, and she doesn't complain." She felt uneasy talking about Clara after last night, she was working together with a kidnapper and potential serial killer.

"Well if that's the case, I would have to see, though I would love to come, but we've been so busy at work and I will be going to court soon for Percy's dad's case." She dabbed her mouth with a serviette, she has finished her meal and felt great about this 'date'. She hasn't enjoyed going out with someone as much as she enjoyed her time with Luke.

He was also finished with his meal and was waiting for her.

"I really hope you would come, it won't be the same without you." He said with a smile on his lips, staring into her eyes. She felt heat enveloping her from his gaze, she couldn't look away. He raised his right hand and touched her cheeks with the back of his hand, she closed her eyes and shuddered in delight.

"I want you, Freya, as my girlfriend, my fiancee and my wife some day. You have no idea how much I need you in my life."

She opened her eyes and jolted away, she wasn't ready yet for a relationship like that. She has things she needed to figure out first on her own and then what's happening with Dr David and Clara Wilde.

Luke didn't look upset at her for pulling away, his smile faltered a little, but he didn't complain. He knew that he had to get through to her slowly, he only prayed that he was patient enough to wait for to fall in love with him.

"I'm glad you made it." Luke welcomed Freya with a smile as they stood inside Clara Wilde's house for the Community For All party.

"Yeah, me too. I didn't see you at the last one." She smiled back, and looked around at the guests.

"Yes, I had some business to take care of and couldn't attend."

"Where are the others?" She asked referring to his group of friends.

"They're at the back, let's go to them." They went through the party guests and found the group sitting on lounge chairs by the pool.

Chen and Lin were sharing the same chair and whispering to each other while holding hands, James was talking to Gwen, Finn and Rose, and Percy was talking with Nina. James was the first to notice them as they approached.

"Hey." Luke greeted them before sitting down on a chair close to James.

"Hi." The group chorused.

Freya was about to sit on the only empty chair close to Finn when Luke grabbed her arm and pulled her down next to him on his chair. Her left side was flushed against his right side making a blush paint her cheeks. She could feel Finn boring holes into them with his stare. She looked at him and saw how confused and angry he looked, he looked away when he met her gaze.

"How comes I don't see you around except at these parties." Lin asked Freya playfully.

"You know how busy work can get, besides, I don't know where you live and I don't have your number."

"I think we should have a girls night and get to know each other, you, me, Gwen, Rose, Nina and Percy, what do you girls say?"

"We're in, it will be super." Nina answered for all of them and no one objected, surprisingly even Percy.

"Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room, are you two dating?" Rose asked looking between Freya and Luke.

"Yes." Luke answered looking pointedly at Finn who looked ashamed and angry at the same time. His lies about dating Freya has been caught and he looked everywhere, but at them refusing to acknowledge them.

"Whoa! Great for you, I knew there was chemistry between you two since the party Freya joined us." Lin exclaimed clapping her hands excitedly which made all the guys laugh except for Finn.

"Nice." James said looking at the new couple with approval while Gwen gave a thumbs up grinning.

"Thanks guys, but we got a little help from Gwen here." Freya replied gesturing to Gwen making Percy snort in disgust and that made everyone's attention turn to her.

"What's your problem?" Gwen fired at Percy with a glare. It was obvious those two weren't on good terms.

"You two are my problem, my world is crumbling and all you are doing is hooking up and having fun instead of working on my dad's case and clearing my mom's name." Percy said standing up looking between Freya and Gwen as she spoke before her gaze finally settled on Freya. "I don't even know what you did to deserve working on his case."

Percy ran back into the house leaving them all shocked. Nina dragged Rose with her to go after Percy, and soon Finn followed.

"Freya, don't let what she said get to you, she's just a drama queen and what happened with her dad..." Luke trailed off reassuring Freya, but she still felt unsettled. She nodded and tried giving him a smile, but couldn't bring herself to do it because of how upset she felt.

She was so lost in her thoughts thinking about what just happened that she didn't notice when Clara Wilde walked up to them.

"Freya dear, can I have a word with you?"