
Falling for The Billionaire

Tiffany Madrigal was bound to marry the son of one of the richest families on the globe, Lincoln Sandoval. But Lincoln is a known playboy, a baddie as well. Tiffany could never imagine how would it be like when she's finally married to him. If she's being honest, she already lost hopes of Lincoln changing for the best. Until one day, a lady from the past entered the scene. Lincoln unexpectedly claimed to be in love with the woman and wanted to call off his wedding with Tiffany. "You'll suffer if you choose to be with her," she tried to threaten him but he did not listen. Lincoln's stubbornness brought distraught to the woman's family and it was all witnessed by Tiffany. As he choked on his dry tears, Tiffany found herself reaching him out to give solace. Little did she know it was the start of the rollercoaster ride that she was about to get herself into. Will her growing feelings for the man get attended to by him? Or will she suffer in a marriage with Lincoln constantly reminding her of being the only hindrance that he and his lover cannot be together?

DollBri · Urban
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87 Chs

Day 1: Own Me [3]

Upon hearing Damian's words, my hips willingly picked up their pace. Grinding harder and faster on his hand while his mouth caught one of my nipples. Sucking and occasionally biting it before letting his tongue flick on it.

"Dam," my voice came out almost like a moan. I'm burning, metaphorically.

Some strands of my hair were sticking out of my face as I continue to ride his fingers and hand. After minutes of doing the same thing, Damian pulled his fingers out of my core. Spreading my juices all around my slit was already dripping wet.

He lifted my body a little, making me rest my knees on the soft couch, using his shoulders as leverage. I watched as he got rid of his belt. He pulled the zipper of his slacks down and pulled out his already hardened shaft.

Wrapping his finger around his member, he stroked it a couple of times before aligning it on my entrance. Slowly, he pushed my body down by my waist. The thick and hot meat hoisting inside of me agonizingly slow, inch by inch. Stretching my hole open.

My grip on his shoulders tightened as I felt a tear inside of my core. It hurts like hell. I almost wanted to cry not only for Damian's lips on my neck, kissing and nipping it gently to help me deal with the pain that I'm in.

"It'll soon be fine," he softly whispered through my ear then fully sheathed himself inside my throbbing core.

My breathing hitched. I rested my forehead on his shoulder while he remained still inside of me. Not moving and giving me time to adjust to his size.

After quite some time of suffering from pain, my hips started to move back and forth. Giving both of us a small amount of pleasure. Little whines and mewls slipped off of my luscious lips as Damian grasped on hips and then bounced me on his top.

"So tight," Damian muttered through gritted teeth.

He then carefully laid me on the couch to switch our position without pulling out of me out. He was now hovering on my top with my legs hooked up to his shoulders. Suddenly, he gave me a sharp and deep thrust that had me arching my back. My hands reached out for the armrests.

"Oh my goodness," I hissed in pleasure.

Damian's thrusts went from slow and gentle to hard and savage. The wet slapping of our skin, and heavy breathing along with my loud moans, filled the room. My breast bounced up and down accordingly with his thrusts.

"Fuck," he groaned loudly.

His hands gripped my hips after encircling my legs around his waist. Moving with so much force and need. As he continuously pounded my core, hitting every spot I'm unfamiliar with, I moaned louder.

I do not know where to turn my head.

I kept on tilting it side to side while my hands found their way to Damian's arm. Gripping on it before clawing my nails on his skin. I heard his growled, strained and amused by how well I left a mark on his fair complexion making his hips snap faster and rougher.

Lowering down his body, he claimed my lips for a passionate kiss. Swallowing my moans and whines. Hastily, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He was still fully clothed but I can feel the overwhelming warmness of his body. It was almost eaten my whole being. Hotter and hotter, it felt too much that at any time I could burst.

Suddenly, Damian held my wrists and pinned them right above my head. His moves have become sloppy. Withdrawing from the kiss, he buried his face in the crook of my neck and then gave it a tenderly bite.

"Oh, Damian!" I wailed when I felt something build up on my abdomen, "oh my, faster!"

And Damian do as I told him. Sloppy and rough he railed me. With a couple of thrusts, I came around his shaft. Coating his member with my juices as I twitched and clenched on it. And I guess the tightness made him almost go crazy.

For the first time, I heard his moan erupting from his mouth. Although I'm calming myself at my high, I can feel how his member throbbed inside of me. It got bigger which took me by surprise.

"Goodness gracious, Tiffany!" He exclaimed with his eyebrows deeply furrowed in pleasure when pulled his head away from my neck to look at me from below.

My body shook a bit once his hips moved wilder. And before I knew it, Damian's spilling his seeds inside. Painting my walls with his thick loads and making me feel warmer than ever. It felt so great that I can't help but arch my back once again.

Both of us breathed in synchrony after our session. Trying to catch our breathing while we worked on calming ourselves from our highs.

Damian softly chuckled and slowly pulled his shaft out of my core. Our mixed juices slipped from my hole and dripped down my butt. It felt sticky but in a pleasant way.

When I finally got a hold of myself only then did I realize what Damian have done? In a hurry, I backed away and threw a cushion pillow to Damian who was about to get up. He may be planning to go to the bathroom to clean himself.

"What was that for?" He asked with an eyebrow raised towards me, confused.

I scoffed at his expression before throwing another pillow at him which he dodge with his arms. "You fucker!" I half-shouted.

I tried to stand on my feet but when I moved my legs I felt an excruciating pain in between them, right in my core. My face got scrunched up and it caused me to throw the remaining pillows at Damian.

"You came inside me, fool!" I screamed and his face changed expression in an instant. It went from confusion to shock then lastly a smug smiley face.

"I know," he softly muttered as he picked up the pillows that fell on the ground after hitting him, "and I don't feel bad about it," he added.

His answer made my veins pop out and I swear, if not only from the pain that I'm feeling I might've been kicking him on any parts of his body.

"Idiot! Don't you know what will happen because of your silliness?" I scoffed, genuinely concerned with the possible outcome of what we did not long ago.

"I know," he said and started to make his way towards the bathroom, "and I'm more than willing to take responsibility for it."