
Chapter 2 : The Girl Next Door


When I first noticed her, the sun's exquisite light had just set the earth ablaze with a garnet hue. She had an attractive, stem-thin figure. I was less surprised by her drawstring waist than by her saffron complexion. She must be from another city, I reasoned. Possibly the younger sister or a cousin of my neighbor, the professor.

I hadn’t expected her to look so good in a bikini, considering I had seen a lot of women in bikinis in my day. Well, that’s what I get for looking over the wall into my neighbor’s backyard. The little dance she did around the pool was as if she was putting on a private show just for me.

She noticed that I was looking at her and her crescent-shaped eyebrows dipped slightly. Being caught made my face hot. Already my pants had been starting to feel tighter as I watched her. My rod was as hard as a rock. I had put my hands in my pocket to stop them from grasping at my throbbing erection.

Her languid, velvet-black eyelashes made a single, slow blinking motion as if to beckon me over. I couldn’t speak as it seemed a hand was clasping my throat, making it even more difficult to breathe or think straight.

What excuse did a man my age have for watching such a young girl like that swimming? She might assume she had a weird pervert living next door. Yelling at her to turn down her music was the best excuse I could have to have been staring and drinking in her liquid sexiness.

I found myself trying to guess her age. Her body was ripe enough for the plucking, and her lustful gaze was of one who had experienced a lot in the cruel world, yet there was an innocence to her demeanor that gave her an almost child-like deportment.

I shook my head and took a deep breath to calm the nerves that were standing on end. My hands trembled a bit as I willed my erection to go down. What the f*ck was wrong with me?

I walked behind my desk and quickly typed a message to my assistant, Larry. Working from home had been great, but I wondered how this would all play out with my sexy new neighbor. I prayed that her stay was going to be short-lived as the knowledge that she was just a few feet from my house was making it hard to concentrate on the project proposal I was working on.

I needed a cold shower, and this was not because of the blazing temperatures. My home office was cool enough thanks to my air-conditioning unit. I loosened another button on my golf shirt as I couldn’t stop seeing the girl next door swaying her hips around the pool. I could feel small beads of sweat begin to form on my forehead, and my pants were beginning to shamelessly tighten again.

I walked to the shower, stripped my clothes and stepped in. The cold water hit my skin and did a little to alleviate my mounting discomfort. Who the h*ll was that sexy witch? What spell had she cast on me from that distance?

After my shower, I got dressed in shorts, sneakers and a loose golf shirt. I was already running late for my date with Gia. She could be late for a date and tell me a queen such as herself could never be late; I was just too early. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my golf bag containing my equipment.

I didn’t know if I was as happy to be seeing Gia as I was about trying out my new Andrew Dickson Long-Nosed Putter.

As I passed by the cinema room I heard the distant sound of Gia’s latest movie playing. She must have left it on repeat the last night she was here, hoping I would get a chance to watch it. Again, I rolled my eyes. I knew all she would want to do was talk about her new film ratings. What was I even thinking when I decided to date a famous actress?

I took the elevator to my underground parking and paused when I stepped out. Looking at the lineup of the cars in front of me, I was a bit torn about which car to take. My new Mercedes-AMG SL caught my eye and I made my way toward it. It was time to break the new baby in.

For some reason, I slowed down as I drove past the professor’s house. I was secretly hoping to see the girl again, but there was no movement outside. I felt my heart drop and kicked myself at how I was starting to act like a horny teenager. That girl could be young enough to be my daughter.

My disappointment caused me to accelerate, causing the car to jerk forward. I smiled at how smooth the car was transitioning despite how I just was rough with how I was handling the new baby.

The drive to Gia’s house was short. When she opened the door, she was in a bathrobe and hadn’t even done her make-up. I sighed as I followed her into the lounge.

“Why are you late? Didn’t you say you would be here by two?” she said as she crossed her arms on her chest. “You know I hate to let people see me without my make-up!” I chuckled and shook my head. She was shouting at me for being late yet she was not even ready to go.

“I take it you have been ready and waiting for a while now?” I said not bothering to mask my sarcasm.

She snorted as she looked me over. “Are you trying to be funny? If so, stop! You couldn’t even be funny if you paid a whole auditorium a thousand dollars to pretend you were funny. You know how I feel about tardiness.”

I sat on one of the single-seaters and eyed her. Was she really giving me a lecture on punctuality?

“Yes, ma’am. I genuinely love the new look. What do you call it? Chic, out of shower look? I am sure everyone at the golf club will love it. I mean as an actress, you are a trendsetter, right? Let’s go.”

I could hear her swear beneath her breath as her face turned red. “Where do you think I would go looking like this? I need at least two hours to get ready!”

I chortled. “Yet you were preaching tardiness to me? Can’t you get those permanent make-up procedures done? That way your make-up will always be done and ready to go!”

“Don’t f*ckin’ try to be snooty with me. If you had arrived earlier, I could have gotten ready then. You were late, hence I am late.”

“I had no idea you were waiting for me to come and do your hair and make-up. Would you like me to go put an out-fit out for you too, your highness?”

“Listen here, Oliver; no one talks to me like that, not even you. And never again should you suggest that I go have make-up tattooed onto my face. This here,” she pointed to her face, “is my money maker.”

“It will just be one more procedure added to the millions you have already done on your ‘money-maker.’ You have been standing here for about five minutes giving me an unsolicited lecture on punctuality. Wouldn’t that time wasted have been beneficial to you actually getting ready.”

“I will go get ready when I am done saying my piece. You must remember that dating me puts you in the world's eye. You are just a nobody, and I am famous. My image makes yours shine, backdoor billionaire.” She tsked, turned, and stormed away.

The room felt lighter when she left. It was as if the bad energy had clung to its master and left with her. I exhaled as I sank back into the couch.

When I had first met Gia, she had acted out a very convincing role of the perfect supportive girlfriend. She deserved an Oscar for how she had me and everyone fooled. Once she had settled into the relationship, she had removed the mask and let her true colors show. My money had played an important role in her life and career…it was ridiculous for her to be calling me a back-door billionaire now.

“Oliver, hun. Please come to the bedroom. I need you to help me zip up my dress,” I heard Gia shouting out to me.

I exhaled loudly and made my way to the room her voice was coming from. I found her sitting on a fainting couch in nothing but a lace bra and G-string.

“Why the h*ll are you not dressed yet?” I asked as I looked at my wristwatch. I wasn’t sure we were even going to make it to the golf club in time to play a few rounds.

Gia gave me a sideways glance and smiled. She put a finger in her mouth and traced another up her bare leg suggestively. As I looked at her, I couldn’t help but think about a similar, yet so different, sight I had witnessed today. The girl next door had done nothing to try and seduce me, yet, I found myself wanting to do things to her. I had found myself wanting to taste her skin and see if it tasted like honey. I had wanted to bury my head in between her legs and see if she moaned as loud as her music.

I stood watching Gia as she tried to get my attention. “Are you angry at me, big daddy?”

“Please get dressed, Gia. This is not the right time for this,” I said.

“I know I talk too much, Daddy. You can spank me for being naughty.” She giggled.

I ran my fingers through my hair wondering why she would want the back-door billionaire touching her royal ass. None of her movements were making me half as hot as the girl next door’s provocative dance had.

“Like seriously, Oliver! I am offering my body to you on a silver platter, and all you can think of is the golf club?”

I shrugged. I wished it was the golf club my mind was thinking about, yet, it was the naked mermaid I had seen today.

“Are you sure you are not gay? No man alive can resist this, sugar,” Gia said as she stood up.

“We can do all this later. I just want to go meet some business partners for a few holes around the golf course,” I said.

“You are gay! Get the f*ck out of my room. I have to get dressed.”

I frowned as I watched her disappear into a walk-in closet. This woman’s mood was really confusing. How did she manage to be hot and then cold in a split second?

I made my way back to the lounge. Had she just called me gay? If that were the case, how were the memories of the dancing mermaid causing a tent to form in my pants?