
Falling for my Royal Prince

Finally he said, "Hmmm... so your complain was that I didn't flashed you a smile and also didn't kissed you?" He asked her in a very teasing way that she couldn't help but hide her embarrassing face inside his chest. He then just chuckled at her cute adorable reaction. "Mmm...now you are feeling shy to admit it Seraphina?" He asked near her ear huskily. Before she could even react at his words, he had already done something unimaginable that she just stilled at her spot. He just placed a open mouth kiss to her smooth flawless neck which was exposed to his eyes because she was hiding her face in between his chest.  "Did you like it huh? Do you want me to repeat it once again?" He asked her in the same husky voice. Finally she rise her head from his chest and started to look at him through her lashes very shyly. The hair strands were falling on her face creating the disturbance to his eyes because of which he couldn't look at her face properly. Then he brought out his another hand towards her face and tucked those hair strands behind her ears lovingly. "You have not answered my question yet Seraphina." He said and she doesn't know why but whishpered, "Yes, I liked it Alex!" •°•°•°•°•°• He is the Prince and she has madly fallen in love with him. Little did she know that he is only playing with her heart and gonna break her heart into millions of pieces. He is Alexander Winston and belongs to the most powerful and richest family of the whole North continent. He is the Royal Prince of the whole country and is the next heir to his family business. Women are falling for him like crazy. But he has only one plan and that is the revenge. So he planned it all. She is Nicole Parker. The adopted daughter of the Parkers family. Her family has their own secrets. She always thought that she is born in their family but no one ever told her the truth about her birth and it's like the whole world also thought that she is the real daughter of that family along with Alexander. Both families were the sworn enemies of each others. But when she fell her eyes on him for the first time she got bewitched by his beauty and couldn't help but crazily fall for him like other women despite of the fact that she knew he is not good enough for her heart. On the other side he was vowed to take revenge from her family. But the fact is Can he really do that in the process of hurting her badly? or destiny has planned something else for them. Let's see in this story that who is gonna win in this game of love and revenge. ***WARNING*** Contains Dark Romance and Mature content. Read at your own risk. This book my original work and is solely the product of my imagination. The copyright is fully owned by be. The cover is belongs to its respective owner not from me. Only the editing part is done by me.

Darkanzel · Fantasy
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167 Chs

But why?


Now both Alex and Nicole went to his study and started to discuss about their project. She never thought that he is so good in doing a project. His ideas are so innovative and prospective that she even started to wonder about his company. That's why his company is one of the most leading company across the whole world.

Now it's already 10pm. "I think I should go now Alex." She told him whilel ooking at her watch.

"But...I don't think so..." He told her mischievously holding a very amusing smirk on his face.

"But why...?" She asked him nervously.

They both were sitting on a sofa side by side of each others. Unknowingly they both sat very close to eachothers. suddenly he started to approach his face towards hers and watched her for some seconds. She has no idea that What's he is doing and also her heart is beating very fast right now that she can able to hear her own heartbeats. He stopped himself right some inches away from her face.