
Falling for my fiance's forsaken brother :In forced marriage

" Is Mr Black having morning sickness?" " Bring me lemon no lime juice" Leon said " Right away Sir" " Young master Black should I call the doctor?" Zed asked. Such kind of love! he was actually feeling all that instead of his pregnant wife. ******* She wants to divorce him but why? because he kissed her?' "what is this?" His cold voice asked sternly. " It a court letter madam has filed a divorce and would like to cooperate if not to meet her in court" Ken said calmly despite feeling the heat coming from the boiling man. Gold could already feel the incoming headache, now what was Lai doing? he thought inwardly. This brought him three days ago. **** He was sitting on the couch in the living room with stern look as Lai didn't come home and it was already late past midnight. Her red sport car entered inside the mansion twenty minutes later on and with a dramatic entrance. Even the guards were left off guard with the way she stopped her car. Curiously everyone had their eyes on the door waiting for her, the butler swallowed his saliva as he could foresee the fight between his boss and madam. " Lai..." Gold called out angrily as he was extremely irritated. " Why are you so late?" He asked but again she ignored him. This time he didn't let go and grabbed her shoulders to get her attention. " I'm talking to you Lai!" Gold said furiously to her annoyance. " And I don't want to talk to you.....now take your #@@#*# hands off me" Lai swear and pushed his hands away. " You are drunk!, " Gold said more like affirm with disbelief. " Yeah I just got wasted myself why you wanna kill me?" Lai was so daring right now but he wasn't surprised she had always been since he knew her. " Article, two, four, five and seven violeted" he reminded her. " And you f##$ing kissed me without my consent who cares about the articles or the rules now" Lai said angrily and now he got the reason of her acting this way, She was angry and so he was, though he was tongue tied for a moment but still had that serious angry look. She had wasted herself, risk her life and even swear in front of his face violet all the rules listed. Lai could careless what he said or does from now on so she went to her bed and fall on it without care. Due to excessive alcohol she immediately fall asleep. It was just a kiss why was she acting like he took her life? he thought It took him few minutes just watching her sleep soundly before talking. " I'm sorry..." He said regretfully a very foreign word for him yet he said it with so much regret. " I'm sorry in advance because I don't regret kissing you Lai and I don't think I ever will," Gold said softly his fingers tracing her cheek gently to her annoyance. She was irritated even in her deep sleep was he that detestable to her? He thought inwardly and smiled at his pathetic state. Looking at her slightly parted lips which were now slightly red he sighed! he really was not okay. That night he didn't sleep in the same room as her and it had been so for three days now. He had thought she needed space who knew she would go extra miles to file a divorce!. That was so unexpected to him. ---------- The story is fictional No rape, definitely happy ending The book is about stories of couple with different life experience and past learning how to love and trust again. Emilia ( FL) and Leon ( ML) while my favorite couple Lai and Gold's story is later on developed. please read this book to know the amazing journey of the two,

Jay_Ibra · Urban
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305 Chs

unexpected encounter!

She has failed her mission, Joanna couldn't believe her perfect plan had failed because his brother was too oblivious hmph!.

What can she do?, she could only direct the cattle to the water source but can't force it to drink.

With disappointed look and a small pout she reluctantly followed her brother out of the mall but...

Just as they were about to open the glass door they bumped into a woman and by just looking at her how she dressed and appearance one could tell how beautiful she is,

and despite the fact that her face was covered by a mask one could still tell that she was a very beautiful woman.

Joanna was taken by her beauty that she end up looking at her for some time maybe because she had this gentle aura when you look at her beautiful eyes and her elegant appearance was too captivating. 

She was indeed a high class lady and there is no doubt about it, she was wearing a simple yet expensive light pink dress that held her thin waist but spread freely below it matching with her four inches heels, her back length curly black hairs neatly let loose in that a bit windy day they were occasionally getting on her face that she was forced to move them behind her ears, and that was the scene to behold.

How her delicate smooth hand move the hairs strands from her face Joanna thought it was so appealing she wondered if her brother thought the same but

sigh! she doesn't want to know.

For beauty she has pass with flying colors but what about her altitude? and that is what she was going to find out few seconds from now Joanna thought,

She felt empty on her hands that's when she came back to her senses and noticed she had bumped into someone because of her daydreaming, noticing her mistake she started to apologize.

"Oh! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that" Joanna said apologetically while helping her get her things that was scattered on the floor,

what she didn't know was that she had bodyguards and that now they started to come towards her.

"It okay it just an accident no need to worry "Emily said politely as she stopped her bodyguards who were alert.

Hearing her angelic voice Joanna was real smitted by her 'what a woman! she started thinking what she would have done if she was a man, looking lost she notice her brother who was now looking at the woman in front of him ..wait did he also feel the same? Joanna suddenly felt there was hope.

"Here take your things be careful next time okay"Emily said politely looking like an elder sister advising her younger sister, Joanna right then started to think how good it would feel to have an older sister.

"Oh! thank you I'm sorry again for the trouble "she said sincerely but then she noticed that the woman was no longer paying attention to her, she followed her gaze only to find her staring at her brother with complicated expression on her eyes , she seem happy, sad, worried hesitant and excited at the same time.

" How are you doing?"she asked politely clearly she was worried about him.

" As you can see I'm perfectly fine now what about you?" Leon replied before enquiring about her condition especially after what happened, before they met she was in the middle of something dangerous.

Joanna knew that she was the third wheel now looking at the two who seem to have completely forgotten about her. Hey I'm still here! Joanna cried in her mind looking at the two but they seem be in their own world

ahem! Joanna cleared her voice for them to notice her, and only then they realised her presence. 

"Oh! miss Emilia please meet my young sister" Leon said before gesturing for her to introduce herself and Joanna understood what her brother wanted her to do so she said politely.

"Hi my name is Joanna Brown, he is my brother"Joanna said excitedly while looking at Emilia.

"Oh! Hi Joanna it nice to meet you "Emily replied politely too, hearing her friendly words Joanna realized that she was the one but with his oblivious brother who knows what he might do and miss this amazing woman.

Exchanging a few words Joanna found a way to escape the two she didn't want to be a third wheel anymore.

After Joanna left the two accompanied each other to shopping that was after Joanna forced her brother to accompany the lady saying that she had some things to grab in another store which she forgot,

not knowing it was another trick of hers Leon undoubtedly agreed.

For some time they walked around and unlike Joanna who had shopping fever Emily visited only two stores and after she got all her stuff she head towards the door with Leon following her quietly she noticed that yet she said nothing after all she enjoyed his company very much.

Right when they got outside

Leon took out his phone and answer the call but only to hear Joanna complain that she got tired of waiting and left on her own, hearing her nonchalant words after she made him wait for her all this time Leon frown a bit, this girl like serious?' Leon thought inwardly but said nothing, however all this time Emilia kept staring at him curiously like a jealous wife waiting for her husband's attention.

"It Joanna she said she had left already"Leon said as a faithful husband not wanting any misunderstanding between them.

Emilia was surprised by his explanation but she still felt good.

That was until her driver told her that the car had a problem, right then her eyes trembled, she was not feeling good about this, worry was visible on her eyes, noticing her discomfort Leon volunteer to take her home.


On their way home they were both very quiet nobody said anything for a while clearly not knowing what to say and embarrassed but it didn't last long when Leon asked the direction of her house as it could not be found in the map after all they were wealthy family and for security purpose they were very hidden.

And thus she spent some time explaining the direction which he continued to ask again.

Emilia knew he was doing it on purpose but she liked it, his innocent expression as he raise his brows when he doesn't understand something he then asked her to describe their house which she found it fun to do, with him strangely even a small thing made her happy to do, for some reasons she was comfortable around him.

Finally they arrived at one luxurious mansion, in front of him was a huge black gate well guarded by heavy securities who immediately surrounded his car until they saw Emily who gesture for them to allow her entrance.

Initially Leon wanted to only drop her off and leave even when she insisted for him to join for dinner but seeing things right now he knew that he had no escape.

Mr Smith was right outside the mansion which was one kilometer away from the main gate, as if expecting an important guest, his eyes was carefully examining their every actions as they arrived at the mansion and he looked pleased to see them together.

"Mr Brown what a wonderful surprise! I never thought you did come sooner" he said as he moved close to them but clearly his eyes was saying the opposite as if he indeed expected him to come.

"I only brought miss Smith home I hope you don't mind, if so then please I would like to take my leave"Leon said politely but as he was about to leave he heard.

"Not so fast Mr Brown why don't you come over for dinner we also has a lot to catch up on don't you think so?"he said friendly but his words had underlying meaning, and without waiting for his reply he took him by his shoulder in embrace but he was literally dragging him inside.

When they got inside they were surprised to see all the arrangements.