
Chapter 17 : Foreign Officials Quiz

Rose POV

The new internship program would start today. Well, technically. The only thing that we would be doing was meeting everyone that had passed all the preliminary screenings for the program.

To be around more people when in the same room as Cayden was what I needed because I couldn’t stop thinking about our kiss. He kissed me, he really did, and after I left, not even a message.

What if he fired me as the next step? He totally could, should even.

I entered the conference room that they had set up for us to use. There was a table to the side filled with food, and I felt my stomach grumble. I had been too nervous to get to work this morning to eat anything.

I reached the table and found four others that had similar ideas to me.

“So, you’re from Harvard Law?” one of the guys was asking.