
Chapter 117 : Quiz

Rose POV

The next day was uneventful.

I spent it with my head buried in my ‘Family Law in a Changing America’ textbook. I had an important quiz that I had to take tomorrow morning. This course was my least favorite because my professor droned on and on and didn’t even try to make the class at least a little bit interesting. Also, he always had us taking exams and quizzes at eight in the morning which was entirely unnecessary.

Cayden was busy as well because he was researching a case he was going to court for tomorrow. Every case was important to him but he seemed to be taking a huge interest in the one he was on now. It must be very important to him to win. Even though we spent the day in our apartment, we barely saw each other. Cayden surprised me by ordering from one of our favorite Italian places and having it delivered.

Cayden sighed as he brought in the food. “I wish I had time to cook like you did for me yesterday, but…”