
Falling for my Alpha

Strikingly beautiful Amelia Brighton, an innocent 25-year-old human girl, mourns the death of her father and the disappearance of her mother. Bitten by a rogue wolf she is thrown into life as a werewolf. Jax Keaton, a werewolf Beta, comes to her rescue and instantly falls in love with her. Taken back to his pack she meets their Alpha, Blake Saint Claire. She initially doesn’t understand her attraction to the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, but eventually can’t hide her feelings. Being in a love triangle is the last thing that Amelia wanted. Blake is promised to Stephanie Taite who will stop at nothing to make him hers. But does he return her love? Can hardass Blake, known as a womanizer, change his ways for Amelia, and will she eventually give into his advances? Blake clashes with Connor Olden, a rival pack Alpha, who will stop at nothing to get his hands on Amelia, wanting what Blake has at all costs. Will Amelia readjust to her life as a werewolf and will she be able to choose between two loves?

Charmaine_Sims · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 9

Amelia realized that she had so much to learn about pack law and felt rather ashamed at what she'd done. The last thing that she would want was to anger the Alpha. He had been so kind to her and allowed her to stay in the compound in the first place.

As she walked around the crowd she seemed to seek Jax and Blake out. She couldn't help herself. She easily picked up their cinnamon and sandalwood scents, even though there were so many scents in the room. Both elicited feelings within her, feelings she wasn't yet ready to explore for she didn't know what they were. They intrigued her. They were each so different yet both had such a profound effect on her.

Amelia spent most of the evening with her mother, speaking with the other Salutaries. There luckily happened to be one her age. Her name was Catherine and she was absolutely beautiful. Flawless. And the beauty of it all was that she was blissfully unaware of it. She was quiet and kept mostly to herself, not wanting to be caught up in all of the 'click' pack business.

Catherine and Amelia ended up speaking for hours. Catherine explained how she too was bitten and turned. She was out jogging when a rogue wolf followed her and attacked her under a bridge. He'd left her for dead. But one of the pack's trackers found her and brought her back with him to the pack because he could see how badly wounded she was and that she too would most definitely turn.

She explained how she also felt so out of place when she first arrived. How she had no one to speak with and felt excluded from everything and everyone, but she soon found her place when she became one of the Salutaries.

Amelia had a feeling that she and Catherine would become close friends.

Even though Amelia was speaking with Catherine she still picked up on the scents of Jax or Blake when they were near her and she'd bunch her hands up at her sides, trying not to let Catherine see that she had been distracted.

Jax was busy speaking with the Betas when Amelia looked over in his direction. She couldn't help but once again admire his handsome, rugged good looks. How he was still single was a miracle. She was sure that someone of his stature and looks would have found a mate long ago. Was there maybe something that she wasn't seeing or some information that she didn't know about? She made a mental note to ask her mother about it. She just needed to find a way to brace the subject. A way that wouldn't make it too obvious. She didn't want anyone to know about her feelings. Not just yet.

Amelia grew weary and was just about ready to leave when she smelt Jax in her vicinity. She almost jumped out of her skin when he came up beside her and touched her shoulder. She felt an electric shock run through her. She'd never felt that before, and she'd had many boyfriends in the past.

"So, how are you enjoying the festivities?" asked Jax and Amelia swallowed hard, trying to find her words. Being so near to him did things to her and she struggled not to show it.

Hoping that she was hiding the way he made her feel, she replied, "I find it wonderful that such a fuss is made when an Omega moves up in the ranks. They've obviously worked hard and deserve the recognition." Amelia smiled, almost closing her eyes as she took in Jax's scent. It was one of the most heavenly scents she had ever smelt and she felt that it suited him perfectly. He had cinnamon-colored skin and she could easily have gotten lost in his chocolate-brown eyes. He somehow always made her feel special when he was by her side. It was never something that he said. It was how calm and safe he made her feel. Something he'd done from the very first time she saw him in the forest. Something that she'd never experienced before. Something that she felt secure in.

"Your mother did such a great job with the decorations. She always does," commented Jax, giving full credit to Lucia who'd worked hard to make that night a success.

"Yes, she sure seemed to be excited about it." She looked over to her mother who beamed with pride. "I love seeing this side of her. She'd found what she loves to do, now if only I could find mine." Amelia didn't mean for the last part of the comment to slip out, but it was too late to take it back.

"I'm sure that there are many things that you're good at," replied Jax, "we just need to find out what it is and I'm sure that the longer you're part of the pack the easier it will be to find." There Jax went again. He made her feel at ease, even when she couldn't see a way out for herself.

Jax and Amelia were just getting into their discussion when a girl with fiery red hair joined them. Jax's mood seemed to immediately change. And not for the better.

"Hello, Jax." said the stranger and she made Amelia feel as if she wasn't even there. "It feels as if you've been ignoring me this evening." The stranger pouted, trying to get a reaction out of Jax, but it wasn't working.

Jax kept a straight face as he turned to Amelia and said "Amelia, this is Stephanie. She is also an Omega, the same rank as you."

Stephanie feigned interest when she looked at Amelia. "Oh, you're the new girl that everyone's making an unnecessary fuss over. I was wondering when Jax would introduce us," said Stephanie as she linked her arm to his. I'm a very important part of his life, so it was only time that we met." Her smile wasn't genuine it was condescending and bitchy. Amelia immediately knew that Stephanie was someone she should stay away from.

Jax's face went blood red and Amelia could see that he was fuming and uncomfortable. She suddenly felt stupid for having feelings for Jax if he was promised to another. How could she have been so stupid? How could she even think that someone like him was single?

Amelia could see that Jax was about to explode, so he excused himself and went over to Blake who had motioned for him to join him. Amelia loved to see the way Jax moved. He walked with purpose and the way he moved made Amelia feel all warm inside. She felt that she needed to forget about ever having anything with Jax. He was off limits. She was sure that she only felt that way about him because he was the one who'd rescued her. But deep down in her heart, she struggled to believe it, even though the rest of her did.

Amelia looked back at Stephanie and was met with a death stare.