
Falling for my Alpha

Strikingly beautiful Amelia Brighton, an innocent 25-year-old human girl, mourns the death of her father and the disappearance of her mother. Bitten by a rogue wolf she is thrown into life as a werewolf. Jax Keaton, a werewolf Beta, comes to her rescue and instantly falls in love with her. Taken back to his pack she meets their Alpha, Blake Saint Claire. She initially doesn’t understand her attraction to the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, but eventually can’t hide her feelings. Being in a love triangle is the last thing that Amelia wanted. Blake is promised to Stephanie Taite who will stop at nothing to make him hers. But does he return her love? Can hardass Blake, known as a womanizer, change his ways for Amelia, and will she eventually give into his advances? Blake clashes with Connor Olden, a rival pack Alpha, who will stop at nothing to get his hands on Amelia, wanting what Blake has at all costs. Will Amelia readjust to her life as a werewolf and will she be able to choose between two loves?

Charmaine_Sims · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 2

She was backed up against the huge oak tree, with nowhere to escape. Nowhere to run to.

His menacing stare made her knees weak and her heart pound faster. Her chest wanted to explode. Was this how her father felt during his last moments? Would this be hers too?

The huge wolf stalked closer, easily closing the gap between them. Its huge paws left puffs of sand behind it. A smirking grin on its face.

He was larger than the average wolf, almost the size of Amelia and she knew that she stood no chance against it. She knew that it could crush her with just one bite. Its snout was the size of her head.

Amelia made to stand. She slowly rose up from her seated position and held her hands out in front of her so as to try to convince the wolf that she wasn't a threat. But her actions were in vain.

The wolf circled her, giving her the false hope that it was only sizing her out, where in fact it was all part of a game. Like a cat playing with an innocent mouse. The wolf knew that she had no way of escaping.

This rogue wolf had one mission in mind. She was its prey and it was going to enjoy toying with her.

Amelia never dropped eye contact with the wolf, praying that it could read her fear and take pity on her. But she had no idea that rogue wolves don't feed off of pity. They feed off of fear. Their humanity was long gone. Turned off. It was all about the kill.

Amelia grabbed her sachet and stood as tall as she could, trying to tower over the wolf, but it towered over her even though she stood on her tippy toes. How would she ever outrun this beast? Her mind was trying to think of ways to get away from it. Coming up short.

She thought of ways to escape, but none came to mind. She knew that she would not be able to escape its grasp. The wolf's speed outweighed hers.

"I mean you no harm," she stuttered, hands shaking in the air as she still held them out in front of her.

The wolf's grin widened and she knew that there was no way that she could talk her way out of the situation.

The wolf lunged toward her and she tried to duck behind the huge oak tree, but there was no use. It pounced upon her and pinned her down. Its paws were heavy on her chest as it sniffed at her hair, taking in the smell of her strawberry shampoo.

"Please don't," she begged once more, fearing for her life.

"No need to beg my dear," he answered, "you've already lost this battle."

Amelia shook uncontrollably. Her legs thrashed as she tried to free herself from the wolf, but it refused to budge.

"You are mine and no one is coming to save you." His musky smell filled her lungs, he was far too close for her liking. His breath was hot on her face.

Her knee collided with the wolf's side and a small yelp escaped him, but he barely moved. He was all muscle.

He let her go, toying with her like a ragdoll. He wanted more of a fight.

She bolted up from the ground, grabbed her satchel, and made a dash for it, even though she knew she'd already lost the fight.

The wolf attacked her from behind, biting her on the shoulder, and taking her down with one leap.

Pain shot through her. A pain she'd never felt before. She rolled onto her back and he was on her once more. Trying to fight him off she punched him in the side of his head, but it didn't seem to have any effect on him. He was dead set on taking her for his own.

"Help!" screamed Amelia, praying that someone was nearby to help her. Begging for someone to come and fend off the beast.


Jax was a keen hunter and he often roamed the woods looking for any rogue wolves trying to encroach on their land. He was out for his morning run when he heard a cry for help. A human cry.

He dashed towards the direction from which the cry came, fearing that he might be too late.

He ran with purpose as he smelt the musky scent of a rogue wolf. Knowing how deadly they could be.

He entered the clearing to the sight of the rogue wolf standing over a helplessly beautiful young woman and his heart sank. He noticed the wolf had already bitten her, blood still visible on his snout, and knew that once he'd tasted her blood he wouldn't stop until she was dead.

This was not the way of the wolf. No humans were supposed to be harmed. Humans were off-limits.

Jax immediately sprang into action. Sensing Jax, the rogue wolf drew his attention away from Amelia, letting her go.

Amelia cowered behind a tree, never taking her eyes off of the two wolves.

Jax attacked the wolf, wrestling him to the ground. Making him yelp as he bit him on the leg.

Amelia watched intently as the two wolves fought. She noticed that the new wolf towered over the first one, bigger in size and muscle mass.

She rooted for the bigger wolf to win even though she knew that she would still be in danger. She knew that she should run, but her legs were too shaky and she was numb with fear. She couldn't move, trapped in her hiding place.

The larger wolf easily attacked the smaller one, this time biting him in the side. Hearing his cries she couldn't help but smile. Knowing that he got what was coming to him.

The larger wolf stood his ground, slowly stalking closer toward the smaller one, causing it to retreat into the woods. The smaller wolf gave Amelia one last look before disappearing, the smirk no longer on his face.