



/"BENJAMIN/" Charlotte shouted running to him.

/"Call an ambulance Jay./" Carlos quickly said as he helped Charlotte with Benjamin.

/"Is he dead ?/" Jay asked making both Charlotte and Carlos act that he didn't ask them that stupid question.

/"We have to use my car. The ambulance will take long./" Charlotte said as Carlos and her pick Benjamin up. /"Jay we need help./" Charlotte added as Jay quickly helped them.

Millions of thought were going on around their minds. They couldn't still come to conclusion of why Benjamin fainted. They all kept thinking that maybe it was Sofia. Maybe something happened to her but none of them thought that Alejandrino was dead.

/"Is he fine ?/" Charlotte asked the minute the doctor come to them with news. /"Please don't tell me my only brother is gone./" She added crying as Carlos gave her a hug but she pushed him away.