
Falling for a prisoner

When Hayden becomes a Nurse at the newly built Demon Prison her abusive boyfriend of course isn't a fan, and when she goes to care for Abaddon, he asks who hurt her. Hayden has a four-year-old son named Adyen

Zavery_Meddows · Fantasy
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2 Chs

New Day

I woke up and looked at the new black eye. I swallowed and covered it the best I could. Get dressed and go to my son's room. Adyen was drawing already up and dressed. "Let's go, hunnie. You get to work with mommy," I say. Adyen nods, packs his bag, and goes. I pull up and take him in. Abaddon saw me with my son. "She is like an angel. Why would anyone hurt you?" he mumbled. 

It was their weekly drug testing, and I was working. Adyen was coloring, sitting on one of the beds in the nursing area. 

Abaddon walks in. Adyen looked up and saw him. Abaddon looks down at my son. "Cute kid," he said. I look. "Thank you," I say, handing him a cup. He took it, went to the bathroom, and walked out, giving me the cup. "I get released in a week," Abaddon whispered in my ear. My face flushed, and without me even realizing it, I gave this man my address. I felt I was safer with him than with my boyfriend. Adyen looks. "I like your tattoos, mister," he said. Abaddon looked at my son like he was his father like a father should look at his son. "Thanks, little dude," he said as he ruffled his hair and walked out. I grip my desk and shake my head. "What are you doing?" I mumble. Before I knew it, there was a loud knock.

"Yo, Hayden," Abaddon said. James opens it. "Who are you?" he said—Abaddon stepped in, towering over James. "Hayden," he calls. I walk out holding Adyen. "Would you be kind to leave us?" Abaddon asks. I nodded and rushed out. James looks. "She opens her legs for you or something," he said. Aboddon's eyes went black and punched him hard, sending him flying. Abaddon walks over, grabbing James by the hair. "Does it feel good getting hit by someone stronger than you?" he hisses and hits him again. James was breathing. "Please stop," he begged. "Did you stop when she begged you to stop?"Abaddon asks. James shook his head. "Then why should I?" Abaddon said.

Because I don't want to get locked up again, you will leave and never come back, understand me, prick," he growled. James ran out. Hayden walks back up with Adyen. I hug the man who just saved me from hell. He held me tightly in his arms. I cry into his chest. "Thank you," I sob. Adyen looked worried. "Hey, sunflower, look.at me and take a deep breath with me on three. Okay, one he started, and once he got to three. I looked at him and nodded when he got to three; I took a deep breath with him. Abaddon smiles and moves my hair from my face. "Better, my sunflower," he said, holding me. I nod, Adyen smiles. "Mommy, you okay?" he asks. I nod. "Yes, sweetie, Mommy is fine," I say.