
Falling for a Ferocious Beast

The princess of the Zenira Dynasty, love-blinded, fails to recognize the hidden beast within a person and falls in love with a werewolf. The person himself, being unaware, returns the same affection towards her and promises to support her in every decision she makes. Over time, he discovers the terrifying truth dwelling inside him about an untamed, ferocious beast. In order to protect her from himself, with a heavy heart he decides to sacrifice his love and stay away from her. Evelyn, heartbroken by the sudden change in his behaviour towards her, decides to look into the matter. Accepting his beast side, she found out that he wasn't a normal werewolf. A cursed werewolf who wasn't aware how many lives were taken by him and who was proclaimed to be the murderer of her father. Will she accept the beast who was the reason behind her loss? Or his truth will become a barrier to their love? Being entangled in her own dilemma, will she overlook the black clouds hovering over her empire? Or will acknowledge them at the right time and fight back against the darkness, protecting the imperials? ***** "You waited so long for me?" She asked, leaning away from the cuddle to face him. Her blue eyes gazed curiously at the earthy-hue eyes, seeking for answers.   The light from the full moon fell on her face enhancing the features, making the moon envious of her.  The man nodded, stroking a strand of her silky hair behind her ear.  "How did you know I will fall for you?" She asked in her soft voice. He chuckled at her innocence.  "Just one of those feelings," he replied.  A smile appeared on her face listening to his words and she let her fall into his brown eyes, again.  He leaned closer to her gorgeous face, gleaming under the moonlight and whispered, "Let the two swans mate beneath starry night, let the feelings overwhelm us in delight, let me make you mine forever…in this blue light." With that he pulled her closer to him and marked on her neck, making her as his forever. ~~~~~ The cover is not mine and the rights belong to its truthful owner. [Note: Distinct from the normal werewolf stories]

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215 Chs


Evelyn felt relieved as her thirst was satiated. She saw Earl stand up, after tying his shoelace and look at her with an incredulous expression. She couldn't contemplate the reason behind this gaze of him.

"What happened, Elric?" She asked, innocently staring at him.

"You should have informed me if you wanted to have tender coconut water, instead of drinking mine. It's not a kind gesture for a humble princess like you to seize a poor person's drink," he expressed his disappointment by shaking his head.

Evelyn was gobsmacked and looked at him with disbelief. Her eyes flashed blankly at him for a few seconds before turning a blazing scarlet and pouting furiously at him. She felt guilty for him the whole time, thinking he cared about her, but no, he brought it for himself and never thought about her.

"Princess can have anything she wants at any time," she replied, sulkily and thought he deserved it for frightening her back in the office.

"What a sweet princess we've got here. I'm concerned about the future of the poor people who live under your rule," he replied, sarcastically.

"You don't have to be concerned about them, and we're here to discuss the case, not me. Keep your focus on the case and move towards the magistrate's office." She stated this as she extended her hand to hand him the empty tender coconut.

"I completely agree with you. Let's stick to the case. Chuck away the coconut and come fast," he said and began walking ahead, leaving her dumbstruck behind.

Evelyn gulped her anger as she closed her eyes and tilted her head to the ground. She lifted her eyes and noticed that there was no trash bin nearby.

"Miss Hiccups, come quickly." She heard Elric call her.

Rolling her eyes, she carried the empty tender coconut along with her, marching towards the magistrate's office. She saw Elric snickering. She was about to ask him a question when she stopped herself and decided to ignore him.

They arrived at the magistrate's office shortly after. Elric knocked on the magistrate's door once and heard back to get in. As they entered the cabin, they noticed the magistrate working on a file on his desk.

The magistrate's attention shifted towards them. His eyes widened in surprise when he realised the princess had come to meet him. He rose swiftly and bowed deeply to her, paying his respect to the royal family. 

"Welcome to this small place, Lady Evelyn. How can this poor be of assistance to you?" he asked. 

Evelyn grinned looking at Elric but more than that she felt kind of him for paying his respect. She nodded at him and began, "We have come here from the council and would like to investigate about the recent murder."

"Certainly, Lady Evelyn and sir,"

"Do you have any information about the person living in house number 213?" Elric inquired.

"Let me check my file, sir." The magistrate pulled out a drawer and went through the list quickly. "Albert Hall, his name, 29 years old, stays alone and is unemployed," he informed them and lifted his head.

Evelyn nodded and asked, "According to the neighbours, we came to know that he was a frequent traveller. Do you know if he has a family residing in a different village or the reason for his frequent travelling?"

"No. In fact, I came to know today from you that he used to travel frequently. We have the records of the person but no information about their whereabouts," the magistrate replied. Evelyn gave him an understanding nod.

"Why weren't you at the location of the crime? As far as I'm aware, the first report comes from the magistrate, who is in charge of the case from the outset," Elric scowled as he examined his features.

"I was going to investigate," he responded, "but I received an order from the council saying that they would handle the case and that we should keep away from the crime scene."

"Did it have a seal from the council?" Elric questioned again.

"Yes sir,"

Elric added, "Let me see the order."

The magistrate nodded and pulled out another drawer from his desk. He took out an envelope with a golden seal on it. Elric frowned as he checked the parchment that was placed inside the envelope.

"Strange," he murmured as he handed it back.

"Indeed strange," Evelyn thought out loud. She mused about it, thinking if it really matters as in the end what matters is to complete the case and therefore decided to brush it off. She gave Elric a quick glance and nodded, indicating that she was finished with her inquiry.

"Alright, we're leaving for the time being," Elric continued, "but we'll come back to inquire if required."

"My pleasure to assist you," the magistrate replied. Evelyn gave him a kind nod.

"I'd like to ask you a question, Lady Evelyn. If I am allowed," he asked humbly.

"Please go on,"

"Are you planning to open a firm for coconut sellers?"

Evelyn frowned looking at him. Her mind was boggled by his question.

"How did you come to that conclusion?" Elric asked, intrigued by the question.

"You were carrying a coconut, so I believed it acted as a sign and invited people to join the firm," the magistrate said, looking puzzled.

Elric laughed as he spoke. Evelyn locked her gaze on him, glaring.

The magistrate hesitantly added, "I apologize if I offended you, Lady Evelyn." Sweat began to gather on his forehead as he thought the princess was enraged because of him.

"No, it's alright," she said, smiling at him. "This village doesn't have any trash bins. Please install them as soon as possible."

"Your request is our command; we will carry it out as soon as possible," he said with a bow.

"Could you please tell me where the trash may be found?" Evelyn inquired.

"Let me toss it, you don't have to concern about it, Lady Evelyn, " the magistrate replied, taking the coconut from her.

As the enquiry was done, Evelyn and Elric decided to go back to the council office and discuss it further there.