
Falling For a Christian Guy

Ca123lecia · Teen
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51 Chs

Chapter 40

The next morning

         Emily' s P.O.V

I got up the next morning feeling great. All of yesterday' s events came back flying in my head. My father is alive. No, today is not the day. Today' s gonna be a wonderful day. I managed to get up and make my way in the bathroom. I ran some water over my face hoping to feel better. Nope. Still the same old Emily. I looked up at myself in the mirror. I was a mess. A real mess. I grabbed the comb on the counter trying to comb out the knots. Ugh. This is not going to work. I opened the drawer and took out the flat and curling iron . Yep. Definately. The results were awesome. Now i looked like Emily. I placed the hair cap carefully over my hair so my hair wouldn' t get wet. I managed to do so and then i hit the shower. A feeling came over me that i was forgetting something. Maybe i' m going crazy. But like seriously...what day is today?. I pushed the thought to the back of my head. Not literally but.....i got out of the shower feeling fresh and ready for what was ahead of me today. Although i had nothing planned.I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I took up my phone from off the counter and saw all the miss calls from Cabello. Seriously dude. I don' t answer twice and you keep on calling me?. Wow. I turned off the phone and made my way in my room.....I totally can' t believe he' s engaged to my sister....I looked up not even realizing that people were in my room. I stopped in my tracks. " HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY!!!!", they shouted. I blinked a few times not believing it. Today' s my 19th birthday. I forgot all about my own birthday. They looked at me waiting for my response.I can' t let them know that i forgot. " Oh my G guys....thank you so much", i said hugging them one by one.Then i realized that i was in my towel. Shooks.I only got to hug mom though and Shelly. " I ahh...should change", i said looking at Leon. He smirked. Right. He has never seen me like this before.Ugh...." I'll be down in 10 guys", i said watching them leave one by one. I noticed that Matthew wasn' t there. Right, he must still be angry with me. I closed my room door...and headed righy towards my closet. What to wear?.

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