
Falling Dreams, Rising Hopes: Saving Mr. Boyfriend

[Completed] What happens when two cold as ice people cross paths? Do they form Antarctica around them or do they melt each other's hearts? What made them like this in the first place? What secrets are hiding in their past lives? Mei Qingyang has joined the elite school of M nation as a part-time worker and a student. However, she is here on behalf of Education Ministry of the country to uncover the dirty operations that are rumored to happen here on day to day basis. That is when she meets the cold and aloof Yu Tian, the heir to the owner of the school and one of the richest families in the country. But what is up with the gloomy demeanor of this guy? He was born into riches, he has everything he can have in this world. While his one glare can haunt anyone for life, just what is he so scared of? What kind of secrets is this school hiding? And what is the real story behind Mei Qingyang entering this school? Despite being one of the most intelligent people in the school, with even great computer and martial arts skills, why did she need to enter this dirty world? Will their fates make them stand on opposite sides or will they happen to solve this mystery together? -------------- "Will you leave me now that you know of my secret?" he looked into her eyes, just to get a hint of what she was thinking. She took his right hand in hers and delicately wiped the blood from his wound. "You should understand one thing here, it was not your fault. There is no way my feelings will change for you after this. You are mine and will always be." "That's my girl," he beamed from ear to ear and kissed her forehead in his elation. -------------- Instagram and Twitter: @eastasianlover Discord: https://discord.gg/U2rwEyQ *The cover art does not belong to the author. If you are the original artist and would like to get credits/ me to take it down, please contact me on discord/ instagram.

eastasianlover · Urban
Not enough ratings
242 Chs

The Actual Reason For Jiang Bo’s Death

Yu Rong called Mei Qingyang once again the next day. This time it was regarding her dad's visit to the school. As soon as she entered her office, a bunch of papers flew towards her, one even making a paper cut on her cheek.

"Good for you that your dad is coming here. What is he anticipating to accomplish huh?", Yu Rong was incensed as usual. She hated even the name of this girl. On the top of that, Yu Tian was getting real close to her, almost as if he was bewitched by her.

"I am sorry Principal Yu but this is something you need to ask my dad only. I cannot communicate with him, per your directions, so I have no idea what he is thinking.", Mei Qingyang had a mocking look in her cold eyes. She herself was infuriated with this woman. She was going to unmask all her tricks and deeds soon.

"Oh? So you have started talking back huh? Seems like you are masochistic type, do you enjoy being punished?", Yu Rong took out her exquisite whip again from under her desk. This girl would not obey her words alone it seemed. It was time to teach her a lesson.

"I am sorry Principal Yu if you feel like I did any wrong. But I just spoke the truth.", Mei Qingyang continued calmly.

"Good, very good. Are you on cloud nine now that you have gotten first rank in your class? Thank your stars that your exams were checked by the three guys. If it were the professors, you would not have even passed the class.", she threw her whip towards Mei Qingyang in order to hurt her face once more.

Mei Qingyang caught her whip in her right hand. Yu Rong tried to take it back but Mei Qingyang had more strength. Her aura was becoming more domineering. In the dark room with scamp lighting, it was hard to really see. Outside it was dark and thunder was striking again and again. During the event, Mei Qingyang's green marble eyes shone, making her frightening to the core. Yu Rong's heart thumped with fear once she saw her menacing look.

"You mean to say, you would have made me fail by unfair means? Do you think it would have been good if it came out that you were bullying a simple student who was just trying to attend her classes peacefully?", Mei Qingyang spoke in a low tone, weighing her word carefully.

Yu Rong guffawed at her question. "You think anyone cares about you? You are just a peasant girl. No one gives a shit even if you go missing.", she was still trying to take her whip off Qingyang's hand without any success. Wang Hao was standing in the shadows observing the whole scene. Initially he had thought that his mistress did not put enough strength on first try. But now that he was seeing her struggling, he stepped forward to use a chop on Mei Qingyang's neck to render her unconscious.

Mei Qingyang sensed his presence and stopped his hand mid-air as well. Thinking that he had an advantage, he went ahead to attack with his left hand. At the same moment, Mei Qingyang let go the hand with the whip. Since Yu Rong was still tugging it, the whip went with force towards her, almost injuring her. On the other hand, Mei Qingyang had easily overpowered Wang Hao. She threw him down in a defense move.

"And, so what? You think you can always win?" she spoke in her heavy low voice again.

Yu Rong started laughing like a maniac and her fear of this girl disappeared in an instant. That's right, she was just a puny girl, what was there to fear? "Hehe. You don't think I can? Killing you is too easy. I don't really like to give easy deaths. Your end will be similar to your brother Jiang Bo.", Yu Rong tried to trigger the girl since it was pretty clear that she could not win her with her strength at the moment. Her assistant had also been defeated. Dealing with her with a gun was far easier. But then it would take out the fun, wouldn't it?

Detecting a slight change in Mei Qingyang's expression, Yu Rong continued, "I still remember the look on his face. I did not even have to do anything. I just needed to instigate some girls that he had feelings for them. Although he had not done anything, I just got someone to put some aphrodisiac in his drink in one of the college events. And the group of girls took care of him next. He was a handsome fellow to begin with. Ah! Such a cute guy, I wanted to taste him myself once.", she licked her whip lewdly when thinking about him.

Mei Qingyang dug her nails in her palm so hard that her knuckles went white. She knew it! From the stories she had heard from her parents, there was no way her foster brother had a weak mentality. He would never commit suicide by himself. Now she knew. There was a turbulence brewing inside Mei Qingyang. Her heart ached for her dead brother and her parents. She wanted to scream and cry and kill this witch here.

She soon realized that she was losing control of her emotions. She could end up doing the same as she did with the guy who died in the hospital. She didn't want a scene like that.

She took a deep breath and calmed herself down. But Yu Rong continued provoking her.

"Who knew he would decide to take responsibility for the girl? If that girl agreed, my plan would be ruined. I released their tape to the girl's family and friends. He could not bear the humiliation and hung himself. I get pleasure just thinking about his beautiful face. Truly a shame! If only he had accepted my offer of becoming my slave. His life wouldn't have been wasted in vain.", she trembled slightly while she closed her eyes and smacked her lips.

Suddenly, the office was filled by Mei Qingyang's eerie laughter, startling Yu Ring and Wang Hao, who had perhaps broken a bone or two because of Mei Qingyang's throw earlier.

"You are trying to threaten me with a dead person?", she said with a dead calm in her eyes. There was no emotion at all on her face. Even in the dim lighting, it was very evident that this girl was just a cold-blooded person. Like nothing could affect her in this moment. Yu Rong sensed trouble but kept her eyes wide open for any danger from this lass.

"I don't think you understand Yu Rong. I'm different from Jiangs. I'm just an adopted daughter. My actions don't really bring my parents much shame since I'm from unknown origins to begin with. Even if they do, so what? These humiliation tactics of yours won't work on me.", she was peering into Yu Rong's eyes, making her fear return. Wasn't she supposed to be all grateful to her parents for giving her a good life? How could anyone be so apathetic?

"Plus, do you really think I care about a dead person I've never even met? Or do I care about my parents' reputation? If that were the case, I wouldn't have stepped in this school. So, you better come up with something else.", Mei Qingyang turned around to leave. There was no more talking with this female. She was absolute trash. Whatever was her agenda to call her today.

Yu Rong could not understand. She was talking like her family was some third party. How could she be disrespectful to her dead foster brother like this? Did no one teach her manners? Where did her calculations go wrong? If she could not even use this, then what leverage was left to her? In all her excitement to finally get an excuse to beat this girl up, she completely forgot about the real purpose.

"Wait a minute, did I say you could leave?", Yu Rong stood up, pointing her finger towards the girl almost at the door now.

Mei Qingyang halted her steps and peeked over her shoulder to see what more this woman had to say.Her expression was so calm yet so ferocious that Yu Rong could not muster her courage to be as aggressive as she was being just now.

"You need to move out of the room you are living in. Since that dad of yours want to visit. You will not have much contact with him, I will make sure of it.", she clenched her teeth while seething in anger.

"Do as you wish.", Mei Qingyang left with the same blank expression.