

Hello so I decide to write a story to fill in my free time. But I do have to warn you I am new at writing so don't be surprised if my plotting and description of the story is horrible. 🤦🏻‍♀️I do apologize and my schedule is very busy so I will most likely have weekly chapters if not less than that. Please don't hate on my horrible writing skills, like I said it is just for fun and for experience 💁🏻‍♀️but I do hope you like some of the story but another warning is I might even start over because of somethings I don't like about the story and everything. So finally please please please forgive me for all the horrible excuses I have. Thank you and try to enjoy 😊

P.S I have really short chapters cause I have a busy schedule. But I will try to give a new chapter every week or so