
Falling Crazy In Love

Luna_yEstrella · Teen
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23 Chs



"Yah! Share some!" Clyde showed me the cake that he baked but did not even bother to share some.

Tsk. Such a Jerk.

Does he even know how much I crave for sweets?

"No, no, no," he said, shaking his head while his mouth is full of cake.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?" Kenneth sang what's written on the cake.

"You wrote my name there, then you're not going to share?" I whined while stomping my feet.

"It's a star, not Stella." he fights back and sticks his tongue.

"That's just the same, you fckng bastard!"

I received a slap on my left arm, as Michelle unnie glared at me. "Watch your mouth, kiddo."

I could only roll my eyes, and rub my arm. It hurts.

My eyes sparkled as soon as I saw him slice a cake and put it on the plate.

I was about to get it but he handed it to William, who happily accepts it. He even sliced some more and gave it to the others. There's no cake left and I haven't got mine.

I lean my back on the wooden chair and heave a sigh. This guy is getting onto my nerves.

"Yah, Stell, you know what..." Jade did not finish her statement when Clyde put a cake on her mouth. She could only glare at him, while Clyde just sticks his tongue.

"Why did you do that?" Kenneth glared at him as well and wiped Jade's mouth using a tissue. Jade gave her boyfriend a sweet smile and feed him afterward.

Tsk. I don't want to see love birds for now

"He baked this cake for you." Michelle unnie said, making me turn my gaze at her. "But..." She let out a playful smirk as she took another bite of cake.

"Yah! Noona!" this guy is really something.. It seems like a

everyone's aware except me.

"But.." I impatiently heave another sigh as she stopped talking again.

She was about to say something again when I excused myself as soon as my phone suddenly rang. I even heard Clyde whining when I stood up, while the others just laughed.

I shook my head as I answered the phone call without even looking at the caller ID.

"Unnie!" A high pitched girl greeted me with excitement.

A smile flashed onto my face when I realize who it was.

"Shelby," I wonder what she needs right now. And how did she get my new number?

"I know you were exhausted because of the performance earlier. But, would you want to spend time with me? No, I mean... Hmm," she paused, which made me more excited. Even though I can't see her, I can feel that she's biting her lower lip right now. That's her habit when thinking of something.

Is she asking me out for a date?

I shook my head from that thought.

No, she has a boyfriend, remember?

She doesn't even like me as I do.

"The program is not yet finished, but I want to go somewhere right now..." She said from the other line.

Right, Estrellas are still busy doing their businesses down there. While I and the other Blockheads are not interested so we just stayed on our usual hang out place.

"With you." She added which made me a bit confused.

Why me? I mean, I'm happy of course. But, "How 'bout your boyfriend?" I asked and then bit my lower lip.

"We're friends, so he's okay with it." She answered with her happy tone.

Yeah, friends. We're going on a friendly date.

I accepted it already though there's a part of me that makes me feel sad whenever I hear it coming from her.

"Ah, where do you want to go?" I asked, trying not to sound disappointed.

"Hmm... Meet me in front of the library." She said and hang up the call, not even waiting for me to respond.

I'm looking forward to it.

I let out a smile as I saved her number with the name 'Jung Puppy' since she looks like one.

I excitedly made my way back to where Blockheads are. I even realize that I'm still wearing a suit.

Should I change it?

"No, It's fine, I'm comfortable with it," I answered my own thought and get my bag from the chair.

"You're leaving?" William; asking the obvious.

I just gave him a nod.

"You're not going with your boyfriend?" Clyde asked, and he sounds irritated.

I almost forgot. I haven't told them the truth about what I said this morning.

"I don't have a boyfriend. That's a prank, idiot." I couldn't help but laugh at their expression.

They look like tarsiers, with their mouth wide open. Of course, except for William who's busy eating.

"I'm going now," I said, trying to avoid hearing them cursing me.

It's not my fault to have idiot friends, right?

I excitedly walked as fast as I could to go where Shelby is. It's been a long time since we hang out together.

Loud music is playing on the speakers and many students are walking everywhere, mostly couples. I wonder why they let them date here.

Come on, Stell. It's Valentine's Day.

I could just roll my eyes because of my stupidity.

I reached the place where the library is, but there's no one in here. I see no Shelby. I guess she's doing something.

My phone suddenly made a short ring from my pocket, sign that I received a message.

from Jung Puppy:

I'll be there in ten minutes, unnie. Nature calls 😅

I could just chuckle on her message. I decided not to reply to her and just lean on the wall while my hands are inside my suit's pocket.

It'll be boring to stand still so I decided to play games on my phone.

After more than 5 minutes of playing, I heard footsteps coming in my direction.

"Sorry for making you wait."