
Falling Crazy In Love

Luna_yEstrella · Teen
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23 Chs



I sigh as I massage my strained ankle. It hurts as fck to the point that I can't move it properly. Blockheads were looking for me for sure. I am thankful that I did not waste my money on their food, but I did not ask to get injured. But knowing those bastards, they won't let it pass even if they'll know what happened.

As I am lying on my bed, I opened my Facebook account to entertain myself. As expected, they flood our group chat with messages. I started reading it on the very first message.

12:43 pm

William Lee:

@Stell Where are you?

As expected, they were looking for me earlier. I knew it since they were expecting me to come back with the foods they requested.

04:32 pm

Jade Ahn:

@Stell why did you skip class?

Yeah, I did not attend class earlier because my ankle hurts as fck.

Clyde Kim:


Michelle Kim:

We were looking for you :(

What happened?

Clyde Kim:

Hey @Stell we were so hungry earlier

I knew it, they were looking for me just because of that fckng food. What a great friend they are

William Lee:

Students say they did not saw you at the cafeteria

You're not on the garden either

You're nowhere to be found

Mind Explaining?

Jade Ahn:

Ohh~~ sweet

Kenneth Lee:

Hey @Stell your boyfriend is worried sick about you

Michelle sent a laughing sticker.

Jade sent a laughing sticker.

William sent an annoying sticker.

Michelle Kim:

Will-ie, are you planning to steal my husband?

Willam Lee:

Husband who?

Jade Ahn:

Oh my god. I have so many rivals.

Kenneth Lee:

Hey! I'm your boyfriend

Jade Ahn:

Boyfriend your ass

Stell is far better than you!

Kenneth Lee:

What the heck?

Jade sent a laughing sticker.

William sent a laughing sticker.

Clyde sent a laughing sticker.

Michelle sent a laughing sticker.

Kenneth sent an annoying sticker.

Kenneth Lee:

What made her better?

Jade Ahn:


You're boring

These guys are really blockheads if you know what I mean.

Michelle Kim:

My husband is popular though

Clyde Kim:

When did she become your husband? She's a girl

Michelle Kim:

Oh, look who's jealous

Clyde Kim:

Fck you!

Michelle Kim:

I did not even mention who it was

Kenneth Lee:

Why so guilty clydiee~~

They seriously won't let themselves lose in any way. I laugh at their jokes. So, I assume that they were talking behind my back earlier.


Michelle Kim:

@Stell you home?

That's the most recent message, and everyone leaves it a 'seen'. I was thinking if I should answer it or Nah since it's kinda late, but I decided to do so.


Stell Moon:


Jade Ahn:


William Lee:

Where have you been?

Michelle Kim:

I heard you were with a guy earlier :(

Did you just cheat on me?

Clyde Kim:


Kenneth sent a shocking sticker.

Jade sent a shocking sticker.

Ahh, the news has reached my wife XD

Stell Moon:

Who told you?

Michelle Kim:

Flora. She was with Shelby earlier.

She said that you were carried by that guy.

Piggyback ride ㅋㅋㅋ

Her message made me froze. What would Shelby think of me after that incident?

Jade sent a shocking sticker.

Jade Ahn:

Our Stella is hella straight~~~

William Lee:

Who is he?

Clyde Kim:

You did not tell us that you're dating someone.

Kenneth Lee:

Mind to introduce him?

Stell Moon

I'm not dating someone, dumbass

I don't know him

William Lee:


So, you let a stranger carry you?

I frowned. They were taking it seriously as if something terrible happened. Well, there is, but it's just because of my wounded ankle and right knee. Nothing severe.

Stell Moon:

What's wrong with that?

Kenneth Lee:

That's strange.

Stell Moon:

I was injured, you dumbass!

William Lee:

Are you ok now?

Jade Ahn:

Aww.. this oppa is so damn protective

Clyde Kim:

Did you get injured?

Michelle Kim:

Why? What happened?

Stell Moon:

I fell from the stairs.

Clyde Kim:

Look who's the actual dumbass

Kenneth Lee:

Just admit you're jealous.

You might be wishing that you're the one who's with her that time ㅋㅋㅋ

Stell sent a laughing sticker.

Michelle sent a laughing sticker.

Jade sent a laughing sticker.



"How does he look like?," Michelle excitedly asked as soon as Stell arrived at their favorite place "Is he handsome? Tall? Tan? Describe him," She's wearing this wide smile on her face by the thought of her best friend finds its mate.

Stell on the other hand is being followed by Clyde, with the food that they requested last day. They did not let it pass notwithstanding that she got injured because of that fckn request. Well, it is the time where food matters more than friendship.

"Nothing special," she's annoyed by the fact that they're asking her how he looks like and who he is, instead of asking if her ankle still hurts. But it's not enough reason to get mad at them. And it's not a big deal, since her ankle does not hurt that much, but it needs some time to heal until she'll be able to walk properly.

"You're really disgusting," Michelle badly wants to know who's that guy, whom she thinks will help her best friend to become.... you know,.. straight. It's not that she's against Stell for being a boyish she is. Nothing's wrong, actually. It's just that she wants her best friend to have kids in the future that will take care of her when she gets old.

Sounds dramatic though.

"Does your ankle still hurts?" he helped Stell to sit on the floor. Out of everyone in the group, William is the most worried about Stell's situation, simply because he sees her not just as a friend. He's aware of his growing feelings for her. Liking Stell is not hard to do, but being liked back by her is maybe the most impossible thing to happen. He hasn't confessed yet, as he believes that action speaks louder than words. He wanted Stell to feel it herself, but it has been so long and she still hasn't noticed. Stell is a smart ass but is actually naive when it comes to finding out who likes her.

She's liking someone but she's dumb to the point where she can't feel who are the ones who show interest on her. She's numb.

"No, not really," she answers as she munches her favorite snack.


"You've been smiling since earlier, Hyung. What made you that happy?" Myco asked as he noticed how wide was Tyron's smile.

"It's because she's with Stella unnie yesterday," Shelby stated with a meaningful smile painted on her face. She just came out of nowhere and decided to eat inside the library with her cousin, Tyron.

"WHAT?!," so shocked by the news that he even forgot that they're at the library. Jaeson covers his mouth as he heard the library asked him to shut up.

"Stella? is that her name?" he asked, his eyes are sparkling.

"Yes, why?" Shelby is still wondering how come they become close to the point that his cousin gets a chance to carry her. It's like he found a gem in a field full of rocks. She's rare and very different from any girl.

"It's pretty," it's obvious in his eyes and the way he smiles that he is head over heels at Stell. Of course, who wouldn't?

Even girls fall for her charms. She's just too perfect and beautiful especially when she wears dresses or any feminine clothes. Even Shelby and Flora admits it.

"No... I mean, you don't know her name?" Shelby sighs in disbelief. How come this guy managed to come closer with her without even knowing who she is?

"What a shame," Flora stated; the mouth is full of food. "I found her name really pretty too. It is a Latin word that means star." she continued, still mouth is full of teokbokki. Flora is the type of girl who eats whatever she likes and talks even when her mouth is full.

Tyron couldn't help but smile even more as he heard her name, even knowing what it means.

Star, you shine brighter than them; he thought.

He thinks that she suits her name very well. It is as pretty as her face. Just like a star, she knows how to shine... like how she catches his attention. For him, she is the brightest star he has ever seen.