
Falling Cosmos

Tormented by loan sharks, Lorn had lived the life of an 'ascetic'. He would willingly become homeless and live the life of a beggar (and only sometimes a pickpocket), so his hard-earned money wouldn't fall into his debtors' hands. Hopefully, they would finally leave him alone after realizing he's worth nothing anymore. But realizing his plans, the debtors decide to sell him as a guinea pig! The One Country's grand experiment attempting to copy a human's consciousness and put it inside the digital space! The only catch is, 80% of the test subjects are expected to receive lasting damages to their brain. However, Lorn finds a once-in-a-lifetime chance. The researchers were creating a virtual world using the digital space. And to create profits from it, instead of simply creating boring-old Virtual Earth (and calling it the Metaverse), they were making a game out of it! The first fully immersive VRMMORPG in the world! As the first tester of this game, Lorn would be a disgrace if he couldn't make money off of it!

POW · Games
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169 Chs

The need for treason

Orso sat back on his armchair and lighted another pot. Halfway through it, though, he scoffed and put it away. 

Haze had woken up from her slumber and was struggling with her clothes. Her heart-shaped face scrunched with effort as she pulled at both ends of her corset with all her strength. The first couple of buttons clicked and her job became a great deal easier from them on.

Orso thought of bullying her a little. Go for another round with her and she'd have to do the same thing all over again, wouldn't she?

He sighed in regret, thinking of his next guest.

"Here," Orso said, handing over the bong. "For a perfect day."

"Your generosity knows no bounds, your highness." 

"Whatever, just take it."

Haze giggled and sat on Orso's lap. She put her mouth atop the bong, coughing occasionally.

Outside, footsteps could be heard again.

Pat, pat, pat, pat, squeak. A pause. And a knock on the door.