
Falling Before Time

Does hard-work truly beat talent? Our MC has tried his hardest to rise but was simply shadowed by talented people. Our MC worked day and night, every second of the day, only to end up having his wife and loved ones stolen and killed and not only that but also end up being not even half as powerful as those with talents. Our MC now is at death's gate and yet... nothing has changed. He's still weak as ever. Only seconds have to pass before his trial ends. 3... 2... 1... "Goodbye"... "Huh?" Our MC has had his life flash before his inevitable end, but what is this? Is this what happens when one dies? His new life.. as a CHILD? What is this joke? First, end our MC's life and now giving him an illusion of his childhood?... wait, this is not his old bedroom... It's different... is this.. perhaps.. reincarnation magic? Follow our MC as he gets overpowered and breaks the world. Follow him and view his life as a being that stands at the world's peak. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: Sorry for the long introduction, but I wanted to make it as I intended for it to look in my mind. Anyway, this is my first novel so go easy on me. Thank you for reading this long-ass intro, but I won't prolong it.

RealCraser · Fantasy
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3 Chs

All Will Fall Before the Passage of Time

Oris was born without any... well anything. He was born in a world plagued with greed and lust. He doesn't know his mother, but he knows that his father lives for the sake of protecting him, but even that is about to change.

Oris heard from people that his mother had an affair and left him and his father. Oris chose to ignore those rumors. Oris's family now is living under constant pressure from the other noble families as his mother, coming from a noble family and also one of the reasons the family stood strong, left them.

He heard stories from the maids that his family once stood as a strong and benevolent noble family as one of the great 12 noble families called the '12th Noble Family'. A family that came from nothing to everything; working with the emperor himself, however, that same emperor fell ill and the crown prince took the crown as the emperor of the majestic empire of Dranic.

The family was happy as they thought that the crown prince would help them, however, that same prince, the prince that once his father took care of after the emperor went to war and his wife fell ill. The same prince that the emperor entrusted to his father because he couldn't trust anyone more than his father... the prince went against them. The prince set this up as he knew that the family would not agree with his plans. The prince took side with the 11 noble families and took down the 12th noble family.

The family collapsed as soon as his father died; leaving Oris, a barely seven-year-old child, as an orphan. The trusted head maid and the head guard took Oris from the mansion, however, they encountered trouble as one of the spies from one of the great noble families, the 5th noble family, discovered them. The guards of the 5th family surrounded the 2 heads and Oris.

The head guard was a person that was admired and revered as the 'Battle's Judge'. Once he was in a battle, no matter how disadvantageous, would be won by the side that has the guard.

The head guard told the head maid to take Oris and leave. He would hold back the forces even if it meant death.

The head maid took flight and fled into a forest. The forest was accompanied by magical beasts with phenomenal might. The head maid used wind flight, a common skill used by wind magicians for flight, to go above the forest but not to the point where she would be seen. She hid among the leaves of the trees of the forest. She found a cave and hid Oris in it while camouflaging the cave with earth magic.

The head maid took care of the magical beasts but, even though she was a powerful dual-element magician, she was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of magical beasts. The beasts tore through the maid's body and the sight was horrifying.

This all happened while Oris was asleep. The head maid used magic to send him to the land of dreams. Oris was comfortable while the family was in despair.

The family collapsed and time passed. The prince took over everything and carried out his plans. The people forgot about the family... and time passed.

Seconds passed...

Hours passed...

Days go by...

Weeks too...



and lastly, decades...

Oris got considerably older. He woke up and pride, greed, envy, lust, gluttony, sloth fled and his body was filled with wrath. His body was nothing but wrath. He was angry and rage enveloped him. He worked hard to get revenge, however, life was indeed cruel.

He was filled with grief as he couldn't get strong and get revenge. He read books about heroes and about systems that help them. He read about the miracle of a not talented person getting reincarnated and he dreamed about that happening to him but those dreams were just dreams. Nevertheless, he kept on reading more books about powerful people. That was what got him by; the dream of becoming strong like them was what gave him motivation but the more time that passes, the more he realizes that the books were fake.

He got more depressed and thought about ending it all, that was until he met his wife. A woman that was the daughter and the princess of a strong and powerful clan. She didn't judge him like all the others. She talked with him and he talked with her. He got enough courage to ask her out and they went out. He was happy and that girlfriend became his wife. The ceremony was held and all the other young masters and men that wanted to marry her were furious, but he didn't care. As long as he got her, nothing will matter to him. She got pregnant and his children came to the world of the living.

After years pass, they were happy, and as was the children. They lived and more did Oris forget about his old life. All the passion for revenge and the need to get stronger died. They were happy; however, the other clans didn't approve of this. The higher-ups of the wife's clan didn't care, as long as she was happy, they were happy. The other clans, however, were not.

The clans tried as hard as they can to get rid of Oris. The clans were unable to because of the wife's clan protecting him. Nevertheless, just like before, his life, again, went to shit. The clan found a way to make Oris's life miserable and they proceeded with the plan.

Oris wasn't having any of this and tried, once again, to get powerful. He tried to find all sorts of ways and all possibilities. In the end, he got nothing. He searched high and low but he still found nothing... that was until he came across an old tower. A tower that was defeated by time. He searched the house and found a way to get powerful, but at the cost of his humanity. This magic is a magic that grants you power, magic; powerful magic, however, it was at the cost of taking away any purities from you and giving you negative emotions. Oris didn't care. He chose to side with the other side; the dark side. He did all of this to get his life back. He wanted to be with his wife and children and never be bothered again. He had enough.

Oris used the magic to kill everyone that goes against him. He destroyed everything. His wife and the clan were frightened and the wife's clan wanted to leave but the wife stayed anyway. Oris wasn't paying attention.. or.. he didn't even have control over his body and... the wife... well you imagine the rest.

The clan wanted to rescue their princess but they were too late. They were mad and wanted revenge. They went to kill Oris but they were annihilated.

During the rage, Oris tried to resist the power but it was too powerful. It was being fueled by his past grievances. Oris failed to take over the power and the power consumed him.

After years of being under the control of the power and the power annihilating everything, Oris didn't care about anything the power unable to take any more grievances from him. The power died down and Oris was able to get control of the power.

The power raged out of control and bursted in the process. The burst damaged most of Oris's body and he was left stranded.

Oris was able to defeat all his enemies but at what cost? His wife? His children? The clan that treated him like family? Oris was sad but ultimately he wanted to commit suicide. He just wanted this to end. However, he didn't. He waited for death to take away his sad and horrible life.

So to sum up his life, he first was born during the time his family was being destroyed and after he survived he was left in this world without anything to help him. He wanted revenge. He worked hard and rose above the rest. His hard work made him stand out but talent shadowed his accomplishments. The teachers and all the other talented people first thought he was the most talented of them, but the less powerful he gets, the more they treat him wrongly. He was ok after the other people made rumors able to him and ruined his reputation and he was left stranded as if he never once was powerful. After a while, his revenge died down after living his life a rag doll. He wasn't able to even live like a commoner.

He wasn't talented and as time passed, his passion for revenge died. After meeting his wife and proposed to her, he got her. Oris and her made children. He now has a wife, children, and even though he worked harder than everyone else more powerful than him and he still wasn't strong, he didn't care. He had his beautiful wife and his children.

His passion for life was for them. However, he couldn't even have that. Nothing. He was not welcomed by the other clans and they wanted to end him. They couldn't because of the wife's clan but they found a way. The clans made his life miserable and Oris wanted none of this. He searched for magic and found a powerful magic at the cost of his humanity.

Oris used the magic to end the other clans and he succeeded but he also killed his wife and her clan in the process. He was now miserable even more and tried to resist the magic but he couldn't. After a while, he got control and wanted to end his life but he didn't. He waited for death.

Oh, how cruel life was; a strong power can fall. The 12th family was once the strongest of the 12 noble families but fate didn't like that and the 12th family was no longer. Oris finally got a reason to live other than revenge, however, fate also didn't like that. Oh, how truly, all must fall before time.

The reaper was near and Oris was near the gates of death. Only time is left before his inevitable end. 3... 2... 1...

"Goodbye," Oris got out his last words before his end.

(Author's Note: If you guys have any suggestions then please leave some. I'm going on what comes to my mind. That's basically all my story is. xd)

This took too long. I have ideas on the grand scheme of things but when it comes to the little details... ahh... well... I got none. I just go with what my mind offers me. I started this chapter like a few days ago and I only now finished it. If this is how hard making a single chapter is then I don't think I can keep on going. But like I said, if you guys have any suggestions then please leave some.

RealCrasercreators' thoughts