
Fallen Star (BL)

Castyr immediately felt light-headed as the machine began draining his energy; his body felt as if it was phasing in and out of reality. The star closed his eyes as the pull from the machine tugged on his life force. A cry from outside the dome shook Castyr, ripping him from his death trance. The star opened his eyes to see his angel fighting to reach him. "Kilo." A fire sparked deep within Castyr that he had not felt in a long time. It was a fire of despair and rage as he was helpless and watched Kilo be in pain. A fire with the drive to protect, to save. A fire of love. Castyr knew Kilo would do anything to save him, but so would he. He would give his life for Kilo. Kilo had given him so much: protection, warmth, safety, love. Castyr decided long ago that he would risk everything to save Kilo. And now was the time. He would do whatever it takes. "Forgive me, Kilo." >>>>> A world of Angels and Demons where an Angel fights to save his one love, the shining Star, Castyr, who is sought after by the King of Hades for his power and light. Where a Demon falls in love with a Human fated to be his sacrifice. A world where blood is shed and souls are lost.

Wei_Dao · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
97 Chs

Heaven Is No Longer Safe


Castyr's silver hair flows in the wind as Devyn drives us through the city. I hold the metal bars serving as the frame of the open, four-passenger, off-road vehicle. Castyr looks over at me, his star-filled eyes consuming my every thought as he reaches over and takes my hand. I smile as he scoots closer, shifting in my sit as the star leans against my chest, his sky eyes reflecting the vibrant colors of the city.

Devyn increases the speed as we leave the bounds of the city. Denzyl remains silent as he observes our surroundings. We drive parallel to the river for several miles until Devyn turns away from the riverbank and enters a wide field of short, sparse vegetation. We soon come to a stop in the middle of the field. Devyn keeps the vehicle on so we have a source of light as we step out into the dark field.

Castyr breathes in the fresh night air and releases a heavy sigh. He turns to me with a smile, "We're going home."

"Mmm hmm." I step behind him and wrap my hands around his waist before setting my chin on his shoulder.

Castyr leans in to me as Devyn walks over to us and turns his head to the sky. The human also lets out a breath as he looks at the vast stars shimmering against the darkness. Denzyl joins us and hugs Devyn from behind after he checks our surroundings. The four of us just stand quietly, enjoying being with each other and not wanting to let go.

After a few minutes, I whisper, "Ready?"

Castyr looks at me and nods. We interlace our fingers as we stand apart. Devyn and Denzyl watch as we get ready, the human still in his demon's arms.

Our peace is short-lived; however, when Denzyl stiffens and looks towards the direction of the distant city.

"What is it?" Devyn asks as he senses the change in the man holding him.

"Demons," Denzyl growls.

I whip my head in the direction of the faint smell of demons to see several lights racing toward us.

"Everyone, get back in!" Devyn says as the lights near us rapidly. I take Castyr by the waist and spread my wings. "No, Kilo. There's not enough time," Devyn stops me as I prepare to fly off with Castyr. "They'll just shoot you down."

I nod in agreement. We would be easy targets. Denzyl takes the driver's seat, and Castyr and I hop into the back. Devyn readies his gun in the passenger seat as Denzyl speeds away from the lights.

<How did they find us?> Castyr asks through the link.

<I don't know. I don't think Heaven is safe.>

<What do you mean?>

<Some things don't add up.>

<Then should we stay on Earth?>

Before I am able to reply, Denzyl makes a sharp turn as bullets whiz past us, throwing us off balance. I help steady Castyr before turning to look behind us. The four lights are gaining quickly. Soon, the shape of hover cycles appear around the lights as the vehicles near us.

A glow to my right catches my attention. Castyr is preparing to send out an energy blast. I place my hand on his leg, grabbing his gaze.

<Don't.> I shake my head. I cannot let Castyr use so much energy and become vulnerable.



Castyr lets out a huff before finally nodding. I turn back towards the approaching hovercycles, hand going to my back as I hold the overhead railing and step up on the seat. Castyr looks up at me with wide eyes, knowing what I am about to do.

"Hold him for me," I address the human who nods and wraps his arms around the protesting star.

"No, Kilo. Don't you dare!! Devyn, let go of me!!" Castyr protests as I draw Ymir.

I estimate the distance between us and the demons. They are steadily gaining. I loosen my grip on the rail and prepare to jump, but a hit to the back wheel throws me off balance and keeps me from jumping. Denzyl swerves and tries to regain control, giving the demons time to catch up to us. One remains behind as two drive on either side. The fourth zooms ahead.

I grab Castyr as I see the two riders on the sides draw their guns, and Denzyl grabs Devyn as they fire. We leap from the vehicle as the bullets hit the energy core, causing the vehicle to explode. My wings emerge and wrap around Castyr and I as the force sends us flying. We hit the ground and roll a few cycles before coming to a stop.

"You okay?" I check on Castyr.

He nods. I spring to my feet when I see the four hovercycles circle around us. Denzyl places Devyn behind him as they face the moving cycles. The demons circle us continuously, not giving any room to escape. I scour the demons for any points of weakness, but none appear. Denzyl and Devyn come to stand next to us as the demons close in.

Castyr starts glowing in warning as he prepares to attack.

<No, Castyr. It's dangerous!> I warn.

<Kilo, I have to try. There are only four of them. I can do it! I have to do it.> Castyr takes my hand tightly as he closes his eyes and steadies his breath. After a moment, his sky-dark eyes snap open, and a blinding wave of light pulses from him. The light ripples through the four hovercycles, incinerating the demons. I catch Castyr and evade a hovercycle spinning out of control as the light fades.

"Denzyl!!" An alarmed voice cries out as Castyr holds onto me for support. His eyes blink wildly as he fights to stay conscious.

I turn to see Devyn on the ground with a limp Denzyl in his arms.