
Internet Famous

There was a time when Evan Nichols was a no-name artist. No deadlines, no pressure to release something new. All of that changed when one of his pieces made it to the front page of Devious Art. In 24 hours, he went from 50 followers to 5000. When he looked again, the attention had already spiked out of control.

He was a first year college student when his career took off. One morning he was normal, the next, he was internet famous. People wanted to know when his next update would be, and comments on the featured work became impossible to keep up with. He would scroll through social media, surprised when his own art was shared by strangers. It was flattering, if not a little frightening. It grew momentum while he slept and left him dizzy on the wake.

Evan grew up in the early days of the internet. He was familiar with the trolls and the ugly remarks it could bring out. He had braced himself for the worst, but this strange attention was more overwhelming. More than anything, he wondered what to do with it.

While he first shared the art for fun, now he felt responsible to the fans supporting him.

Testing the waters, he created a PatronPower account, and promised more updates as fans backed him. First one, then another took the challenge. By the time he graduated, his steady backers were supporting him in the full time work.

The nice side of being an artist was his daily life changed little. He didn't need to hide his face at the supermarket or keep beefy bodyguards by his side. But he could afford to live comfortably in a studio and buy what he needed. That didn't mean there weren't deadline and responsibilities, just that somehow, they were all within his control.

Life had changed, but for him, it was a move for the better.

On this Saturday morning, he sat at the computer, finishing up the line work for his latest update. A punk rock band played in the background while he worked, the sound in contrast to his living space. His desk was spotless, save for the two coffee cups resting in the corner, one labeled PAINT WATER, the other, NOT PAINT WATER, one of the clues at his hidden sense of humor. He was like that through most of college. Polished on the inside, but prone to joke when you least expected. His friends told him he was a Trojan Horse, always keeping them on the edge. The comment lifted the corner of his lips in a crooked smile. He just always assumed he was a nerd hidden behind a Hipster attitude.

By his hand, his phone buzzed, chirping the Z of Legend theme song, and he jumped, moving to pick up the phone. "Evan! I was trying to text you all night! Did you crash at the keyboard again?"

Evan laughed and shifted the phone to his shoulder, "No, I was up talking to a friend, sorry. I didn't think you would appreciate me responding at 2am."

"Better than worrying you died. So are you coming with us today or what?"

Zane sounded annoyed on the other end of the phone, but Evan didn't worry. Since 1st grade, they were practically inseparable, and that friendship continued through their school years. Evan was tall, slim, and quiet, while Zane was quirky and destined to stick his nose where it didn't belong. It took countless hours of all nighters and noodle cups to become friends like them.

"I really don't think I can today, sorry. I put this off, and still need to get ready for Monday's feature," Evan spun his chair to a calendar, ticking off the projects. "Then I need to work on commission for that bakery—"

"Hey, it's fine, I'll catch you another day. I get that work comes first. Just don't ditch me for FanQuest! I'm sure you penciled that in, right?"

Evan rolled his eyes, "I'm a panelist, Zane. That's what got us the tickets. Or I could give the other VIP entry to someone else—"

"Don't you dare! That badge is mine!" The yell made Evan's ear hurt, but it was worth it sending how panicked Zane got.

"Alright alright, calm down. Swing by later if you want, you can keep me company while I sketch."

"Fine, but there better be a mountain of noodle cups waiting when I get there!"

"Whatever, see you man," the phone clicked off.

Evan stretched his arms before zooming out on his screen. Duel monitors displayed his work, one his drawing software, while the other side still had a forum open in the corner. He almost regretted having to miss the movie today, but his creative energy was definitely refilled from the late writing spurt. If only FallenSparrow wasn't working, the could have finished launching their kidnap plot.

He glanced at the user online list, remembering the speedy round of posts that kept him up too late. 'Virtual Roommate' she always called him, and he wondered what she would think if she found out who he was. In the chat rooms, he was shielded by the online anonymity he had come to enjoy. That was the appeal to online friends, after all. In real life, his art had stolen the limelight and demanded most of his time, but in a forum, he was free to decide his own fate.

Not that he was complaining, he owed a lot to his fans. But as the community grew, he felt nervous of their power. Sometimes, he read their input and felt the pressure pushing him with their own goals.

'Love the latest comic! Although Hatter and Alice is such a lame pairing. Don't tell me he falls for this Mary Sue!' A comment appeared on his last release.

'Hook, really? That's so lame, I can't believe this is so popular,' another responded.

'I'm so done with this crap. Bring back March Hare!' A third cried out.

Evan scrolled up, closing the extra window and returning to his art. He grimaced at he lines, knowing the next page would surely irk them more. Should he change it? No. Valuing input was one thing, but the story still needed to be his.

He moved his tablet over, focusing on filling color base on the digital canvas.

Sometimes, it felt like the walls around him were crawling closer, as voices pushed to be heard. The PatronPower numbers were steady, but no telling when that could change. If the fans wanted something, and he didn't deliver, he could loose favor, fall from grace. He had seen it before, and cringed at the idea of pissing off the waiting crowd. Could this panel be the straw? Next weeks? Would they hate Wolf even more than Hatter?

They put him on a pedestal and gave him fame. Deep down he wondered if he was truly as free as he wanted to believe.