

Antares1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

02.Second trial

I was falling from the sky when I looking down towards the clouds that were blocking my vision

After falling for quite some time I was out of the clouds the air pressure was too much and I couldn't see properly

when the air pressure became bearable I saw that I was falling rapidly towards the ground I looked around for anything that could save me

The area I was falling was filled with tall buildings an idea came to mind like an instinct and i readied my sword to stab it in the building to slow my fall even just a little

Suddenly, it felt like I dropped in water my speed gradually slowed down until I stopped completely before the ground

'What just happened'

I looked around to see the empty streets and the giant buildings looked abandoned I started to walk to check where were the beasts or monsters

[Congratulations,you have passed the first trial]

[100 points acquired]

[Now you can check your status by thinking or saying status window]

'I see '

"Status window"

Name : Alex

Titles : -

Level : 1

Points : 10

Strength : 16

Preception : 13

Agility : 12

Constitution : 13


After a while the system spoke again

[Starting second trial]

[Goal : Escape]


There was a scream coming from all direction ,hearing this i tighten the grip around my sword

The once empty place now was filled with zombies and large insects

A zombie lunged at me I swung my sword at his face and cut his face in half

'It tough'

[Congratulations for killing the first zombie in your sector ]

[100 points acquired]

[3 unallocated stat point accquired]

[Leveled up]

[Strength raised by 1]

[Constitution raised by 1]

When I was in my thought another zombie tried to bite me from behind I ducked and rolled out at the last minute


I lunged at the horde and slashed at the ones in the front



[Leveled up]




[Leveled up]

After sometime i slowed down because my stamina was nearing it end and wounds started to appear on my body

'I have to find a way out'

I jumped back to Create some distance and started to run with all my might to the closest building

Large rats and spiders blocked my path I slashed at them cut them in half and jumped over their bodies I hurriedly looked around to find the stairs and ran towards them

I looked back to find the horde of zombies and monsters pouring into the building I ran up the stairs

The monsters that blocked my path were cut down the moment I saw them after I reached the higher floor the stairs were blocked by debris

I was connered the path up was blocked and the path down was blocked by the horde I looked at the building through the glass window and ran towards it

I jumped out of the window and onto the roof of the other building ,looking back at the building I saw the horde jumping out of the window to catch me


A wolf beast attacked my left shoulder and left a deep wound on it I clenched my teeth and swung at the beasts mouth

Severing it lower jaw in the process and then stabbing it in the skull ann killing it

Huff huff

[Leveled up]

[Congratulations,you have overcome the level wall]

[3 unallocated stat points acquired]

[A new stat unlocked]

[Arcane power has been unlocked]

[100 points acquired]

A warm feeling spread thought out my body and stood still for a minute to adjust my senses


I tried to use mana to strengthen myself but flowed out of my body


I tried again three times just to get the same result


I looked at the building and it was tilting forward and I ran opposite to the building

"I forgot about it"

I jumped from roof top to roof top and killing a few monsters that came in my way I ran aimlessly

My speed slowing down by the second my vision blurry and my shoulder in pain I tried to find a safe spot

An idea came to mind and I willed my mana outside my body and spread it to my surroundings

I felt the monsters who were coming towards me ,closed my eyes to focus more and got a reaction from the bottom of a building

I ran with my remaining mana towards to building when I got close enough I saw a wall but my mana sense suggested otherwise

I decided to gamble and ran towards the wall and when I was close enough to the wall I jumped into the wall and disappeared in it

When I opened my eyes I was in a room with maps ,desks but my eyes were fixed on the health potion on the desk

I tried to get up but my body was exhausted my wounds hurted and my shoulder was bleeding profusely

so crawled to the desk and grabbed the potion with much pain and drank it

Huff huff

After a while I fell into slumber and woke up the next morning by the system

[Congratulations for surviving 12 hours]


Sometime later after coming to my senses I looked at the system window

[You have killed 267 monsters]

[267 points acquired]

[You have created a new high score]

[Calculating rewards....]

[Skill 'regeneration' given]




[??? Fragment reacts]

['Regeneration' is changed to 'changing star']

[Congratulations,for getting the hidden piece]

['Mana field' skill acquired]

I got a lot of rewards and what's with that error ?? Fragment? what is that too many question and no answers

As well as the hidden piece the sensory field skill was the one that saved me from the monsters

"Ah,well whatever I'll think about it later"

"Status window"

Name : Alex

Titles : -

Level : 12

Points : 578

Strength : 21

Preception : 18

Agility : 17

Constitution : 18

Arcane power : 16

Unallocated stats points : 6

'I see Arcane power is the best stat I have right now due to it ability to control mana '

Arcane power : 21

After putting all unallocated points into arcane power I was filled with power with my body fully healed I looked around the room and found nothing of worth
