
Shall We Begin the Games

Xing was dragged through the streets of one of few towns that inhabit the island. The streets were empty as the men pulled her forward, they came up to a small castle and the doors opened for them. Behind its walls was a stable and an armory as men tend their horses and sharpen their hidden blades. The men then blindfolded Xing and continued to drag her inside.

Xing was scared, she couldn't see anything as she was jerked forward. She lost her balance and fell, her hands were tied and her mouth was stuffed and gagged. Her breathing quickened as she felt someone standing in front of her looking down at her.

"We found her, mentor, bet you the guys in that empire must feel guilty for doubting you." boasted one of Xing's captors.

"And she came so easily, we would have beaten her up for you but we let her rot on board with no food unless she begged." said another.

"I'm disappointed in you two," stated a voice in front of Xing. She felt the ground rumble as footsteps walked around and behind her. "I said bring her unharmed."

Xing heard a grunt then two bodies falling to the ground, she panted harder afraid of what he'll do to her. She suddenly felt her hands being untied, then her blindfold. When she could see, she saw someone as old as her brother Zhēngfú. His face was mysterious but shown to be gentle. His brown hair was cut just above his shoulders as his calm teal-blue eyes looked at her as he untied the gag.

"It's okay, your safe, my apologies for my men's behavior towards you." he apologized.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" asked Xing, she didn't trust him since her brother told her not to.

"My name is Dolion, I am the mentor of the Black Assassins." introduced Dolion. "Before I answer any more of your questions, you must get some rest. I'll answer your questions tonight at dinner." he promised. With of wave of his hand, two assassin maids came forward, they helped Xing up and escorted her to her room.

The ship arrived at the Egyptian Empire the day after Zhōng and Victor's battle. The members of the black market marveled at the desert city when they made port. It was huge and vast and beyond was an even larger desert. They were in the most northern empire in all seven, the desert stretched almost the entire length of the head. It was the second biggest empire behind the Ninja Empire.

"Well this is impressive." commented Truman as observed the people on the architecture of the buildings.

"I was expecting more from uncle." noted Zhōng.

"Uncle?" repeated Tony, though Princess Zhen was wondering the same thing.

"My mother was the sister to Pharaoh Ay." explained Zhōng.

"I totally forgot about that," said Princess Zhen.

"Well, we barely talked about her at home." stated Zhōng, they followed behind the others members of the black market who were following Lord Tyron.

"Sir! Wait!" called out a messenger, he was chasing Lord Tyron waving a scroll. "I have a message for your eyes only." he said when he approached and give the scroll to Lord Tyron.

Lord Tyron looked down at the scroll, on its seal was the emblem of the New Ninja Empire. He chuckled, knowing could have come from only one person. "Dual Bladed Ninja," he called and Truman left his group and joined him. "Take everyone to the inn and read this in private." he ordered as he handed the scroll, a map, and a letter to Truman.

"Sir I was told it should be only your eyes." objected the messenger.

"You don't know how we run," argued Lord Tyron. "In our market, Dual Bladed Ninja isn't just my apprentice, he is also my assistant. Everything I see, he sees, everything I hear, he hears. If this is supposed to be my eyes only, then Dual Bladed Ninja can see them as well." The messenger was going to object before feeling the coldness of Truman looking at him. "Now if you excuse me, I mustn't make the other leaders wait any longer than they had to." stated Lord Tyron once seeing there was no more argument.

Xing was escorted from her room to the dining hall for dinner. She whore a dress that came from the Ninja Empire and it was tailored to make it fit better. Her hair was combed in the way it used to be when she was a princess. As she walked, her feet glided like she was a princess once again. She entered the dining hall and was shown to her seat. Dolion sat at an end of the table and she sat to his left. The food served was food from the Ninja Empire as well, it felt like he was trying to impress her as she turned to look at him.

"It's now poisonous, I can assure you. If I wanted to kill you with poison I would have it injected into you instead of hiding it in substances." promised Dolion.

Xing took a small bite and found out the food wasn't terrible. "A little too much seasoning." she commented, taking another bite.

"I take it you know something about cooking?" asked Dolion.

Xing put the utensil she was using down and patted her lips before asking, "Why did you want to kidnap me?"

"I see you still kept your manners all this time." commented Dolion, ignoring Xing's question.

"Don't change the subject, why did you kidnap me?" demanded Xing.

"You're definitely the daughter of Emperor Huo." said Dolion as he watched her get angry.

"My brother is way worst, when he can, he'll come and rescue me and kill you." threatened Xing.

"Why would he rescue you from your new home?" asked Dolion. Xing said nothing as she was confused about what he meant. "Your father never told you? That explains your resistance to your rescue."

"What do you mean?" asked Xing.

"Your father and my mentor made a deal long ago, we will help him fight and kill assassins in the Assassin Empire. In return, we were promised a hand of marriage from you to the next mentor which is me." explained Dolion.

"My father hated you assassins, there's no he'll accept this." stated Xing.

"Oh, but he did," said Dolion, he watched Xing's face refusing what could be true. "Tell me, has your father ever spent time with you like he did with your brothers?" Xing pondered but she had no memories like Zhōng had with their father. "He must look at you like a monster, especially since your mother got terribly sick after she gave birth to you. I was looked at as a monster as well, but I embraced it since there's no hiding from it."

"There were those who didn't see me like that." defended Xing.

"True, but they still see you as weight holding them, I'm sure your brother feels like that. What if you relieved him and step out of his shadow." suggested Dolion.

Xing pondered on the suggestion, there were times when she thought she was holding Zhōng back. Though he didn't mind, it bother her that she couldn't help him more. "Before I decide, I would like to know you better before I fully agreed. If I may, I would like to take a look at your town outside this fort." she comprised.

"I'll allow that if that's what you wish." agreed Dolion, he took a sip of his drink and then put it back down on the table.

Lord Tyron soon walked into the palace of the Egyptian Empire, he was escorted by Egyptian guards as they led him to the place where all the other leaders were waiting. "Gentlemen and pharaoh, I apologize for arriving so late." he announced when he entered.

"Not a problem at all, how's my brother-in-law's brother doing in Ninja Empire?" asked Pharaoh Ay.

"Well and alive since I'm hunted down by the empress." stated Lord Tyron as he took his seat.

"Sounds like a sleepless job." commented the Viking's Black Market Leader.

"There are those nights but they are rare." replied Lord Tyron.

"I heard you were in my empire for a day, might I ask why?" asked the Spartan's Black Market Leader.

"We could have left that same day, but some of my contestants could barely stand from the voyage to it." replied Lord Tyron.

"Can we assume they are all here?" asked the Medieval's Black Market Leader.

Lord Tyron hesitated, he lost his niece and had Princess Zhen volunteer to be her. "Somehow, yes." he replied.

"Well, I'm sure you have more to tell on your travels but first, as the last-time winner of these games, we are hosting it again. Thus shall we begin to discuss these events?" said Pharoh Ay.

"Before that, may I ask why you put all the contestants into the same inn?" asked the Assassin Black Market Leader.

Every empire's black market members were down in the dining area of the inn. They stare at each other saying nothing, the atmosphere was unwelcoming as each was looking at who will be tough to beat. They were more focused on the Ninja Black Market more specifically, they were looking at Zhōng. He had his cowl was up and his back was turned at them but he felt the stares as he took a drink. "Are you sure we're at the right inn?" asked Tony, he leaned forward and whispered across Princess Zhen who sat between them.

"Do I look like I'm wrong? This is the one, especially since everyone else is here as well." replied Zhōng taking another sip.

"I wondered who thought of this idea." said Catch.

"Maybe our uncle," suggested Princess Zhen, she was trying to pretend to be Xing.

"Which one?" asked Hangman.

"The one that's pharaoh for this wasteful potential empire." answered Zhōng.

"What did you say about our pharaoh, ninja?" asked one of the Egyptian Black Market members.

Zhōng turned around and looked at the one who called him out. Under his cowl, his blue eyes dance like fire as the aura around him was hot or chilly depending on how you felt it. "I wasn't talking to you." growled Zhōng. The room was frozen as the dark glare hit every one of them who was staring at him. Some reached for their swords before he stared at them. "This will be fun, Poisoner, how about we eliminate some of the competition tonight?" asked Zhōng to Tony.

"I hope you brought more backups." stated Tony, he loaded a crossbow and the room went tense waiting for someone to make a move to start the fight.

A whistle broke the silent, tense air as Truman came walking down the stairs. His cloak was off as his face was exposed as well as his two blades. Everyone looked at him when he entered, clueless as to what was about to happen. "Evening," he greeted before going to the table where his members were sitting.

"Was the whistle necessary?" asked Zhōng when Truman sit on the other side of him.

"How else am I supposed to break the room before it gets ugly?" asked Truman.

"By killing one as a warning," suggested Tony, putting away his crossbow.

"Well then we'll give up our strengths before the games even begin." stated Truman.

"Do you know what you'll drink, sir?" asked a waitress coming up to Truman.

"Actually, I know what I'll want to eat. I'll have four plates of fish and to drink, I don't know, how's the beer?" ordered Truman, he called out to the Viking Black Market members. They smiled as they know what was going to happen next.

"Having all in one inn was a way for me to save money as well as gain more." explained Pharaoh Ay.

"Cause now, you can market more and wager higher bets." analyzed the Indian Black Market Leader.

"Correct," confirmed Pharaoh Ay.

"This sounds like you'll be losing more than what you'll hope. For starters, do you know what happens if you have enemies in one room? They will either compete in something stupid or kill each other." explained Lord Tyron.

"Well, then you better hope you don't lose any as your backups will have to travel the furthest." stated Pharaoh Ay.

"I'll remember that next time." warned Lord Tyron.

"Gentlemen and Pharaoh, can we change our focus on the events now? It is crucial that we all are aware of the same rules." said the Assassin Black Market Leader.

"You're right, thank you for getting us back on track." thanked Medieval Black Market Leader.

"As traditional, we opened the games with a representative from each market fighting to the death." stated the Indian Black Market Leader.

"Anyone want to object or changed it?" asked Pharaoh Ay.

"If the rules are still the same since the first, there's no reason to change such an important event." stated Lord Tyron, the others nodded in agreement.

"Since we are all in agreement, shall we look at the most disastrous event from the last games?" suggested Pharaoh Ay.

"The inventions of rare potions were terrible to judge. It was all embarrassing since we know was judging our empire therefore it affected the results completely." commented the Viking Black Market Leader.

"Might I suggest we take three random results out of the six?" said Pharaoh Ay.

"I assume you know how to do this?" asked Lord Tyron.

"With us not judging our own empires, we draw three names out of six to be our official judges. However, the other three don't know till all the results are tallied." explained Pharaoh Ay.

"That could work, will the drawing be after the meeting?" asked the Spartan Black Market Leader.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" chanted everyone in the dining area of the inn. They were those taking part in a drinking contest. It was soon down to Truman and someone from the Viking Black Market. Truman finished his drink, he gasped for air and was feeling his head spinning. "Had enough?" asked his opponent.

"Can you handle one more?" taunted Truman. The Viking did it with no hesitation, and with a couple of gulps in seconds, he finished his drink. While everyone was watching him, Truman quickly took a potion that Tony invented to nullify the alcohol. He was given another cup of beer and he looked at it nervously.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" started chanting the crowd.

"He's at his limit, even with the nullifier." stated Zhōng watching his clone hesitation.

"He can do this, never failed a new challenge." believed Princess Zhen.

"Ask him about how to handle chemistry, he once almost blew up my lab." commented Tony.

Truman looked at his drink one more time, he closed his eyes and chug the entire thing. When he finished, he breathed heavily and looked toward his opponent. "Your move," he said.

"You don't look so good, are you sure you want to continue?" asked the Viking.

"I'm fi…" began Truman before his cheeks puffed out. He dashed to a bathroom nearby and slammed the door. The sounds of him puking echoed throughout the hall as the drunk men laughed.

"He couldn't keep his liquor!" laughed the Viking that was left. He then suddenly collapse and was knocked out. The men continued to laugh as the scenes played out.

"I assume a tie." suggested Tony, still hearing Tony puking.

"If anything, Truman tried another drink." commented Princess Zhen.

"They won't see it that way, at least we know one empire will struggle tomorrow." said Zhōng. He observed the drunk Vikings were having another round.

"We should have more than Truman in this game." stated one of the Assassin Twins.

"If we threw more, we'll be less prepared and focused. Truman will be fine, he'll be back on his feet by tomorrow." stated Zhōng.

Xing explored the village the following day, the town was more lively than when she first arrived. Dolion provided her guards for protection which made it difficult for her to meet people on the streets. She wondered if this was what Zhōng felt when left to play in the city. There were places she wanted to go, but the guards made it difficult.

Xing soon entered a blacksmith shop, she helped her uncle in the craft and wanted to see if there were similarities. "Hello?" she called out when she entered.

An old man came out from behind a wall rubbing a tool clean. "Oh, mistress, I'm sorry I didn't come sooner after you call." he said when he realized who she was.

"It's okay I was just stopping by, if I may, I would like to see what you used to craft items." asked Xing.

"Oh, you shouldn't bother I make things mistress." stated the old man.

"Very well then, thank you for your time." thanked Xing, she turned and begin to leave.

"Before you go, mistress," begin the old man feeling the guards staring at him. Xing turned back around and saw the old man revealing something for her. "I made you this." he said as he unfolded the last piece of cloth. Underneath it was a hidden blade, designed with flowers for decorative use.

"It's beautiful," exclaimed Xing.

"May I?" asked the old man, he hold the blade and was asking to put it on her arm. While he asked he looked at the guards, hoping he didn't offend them. Xing offered her left arm and the old man put it on her. "This blade won't activate till you bend your hand back to a certain angle. To put it away, simply bend your hand all the way back then slowly forward and the blade will retract." he explained while demonstrating with Xing's hand.

"It's light," commented Xing.

"Light but very sharp, be careful with it." warned the old man.

"It's very beautiful, how much do I owe you?" asked Xing.

"Oh, nothing mistress, you don't owe me anything," declined the old man.

"You sure? This must cost you a lot of materials, name your price, and I will pay for it." offered Xing.

"There's no need, mistress, you don't owe me anything." said the old man.

Xing noticed he wasn't looking at her but at the guards in fear. "Very well then, would you make a matching pair? I'll pay for it." asked Xing.

"As you wish mistress." complied the old man, he bowed and Xing left the shop with the guards behind her. She thought about the old man's reaction and wanted to try a different shop to see if there was a difference. She spotted one, that she could experiment with and get even more information if she played her cards right.

Lord Tyron was walking with Pharaoh Ay after the meeting was over. "I must say, it's been a while since you came up here." stated Pharaoh as they stroll above the gardens.

"I think the last time was when my father took me and my brother up here to meet your sister." recalled Lord Tyron.

"How long ago that was," sighed Pharaoh Ay.

"Indeed," agreed Lord Tyron.

"I was looking at your roster, is there by any chance one or two of them are our nephews?" asked Pharaoh Ay.

Lord Tyron paused for a moment, he knew the answer but he wasn't sure if he should tell. "Zhēngfú hasn't been seen since the Eight-Year War. If he's alive, I don't know where he could be but he's definitely not here." he answered.

"What about my other nephew? Is Zhōng here then?" asked Pharaoh Ay, Lord Tyron turned away as he pondered what to say but he didn't need to. "He is, isn't he."

"He's only here to compete, not to escape, he promised to return back to the Ninja Empire." stated Lord Tyron.

"Then I'll respect his wish, I won't tell anyone if that makes you feel relieved." promised Pharaoh Ay.

"To be honest, I'll feel more relieved if you tell me why you're so keen on getting our niece. Since the final round is capturing a princess for the Ninja Empire, it doesn't say if it needs to be royal or not." pointed out Lord Tyron.

Pharaoh paused at him who stared right back at him if an interested and determined face. "I'm glad you notice," he began. They went to the railing that looked to the city and the sea from the palace before he continued. "I know your empress has a bounty of each of your heads if you step out of place. I never met her but I can say she's a terrible parent for not listening to her daughter's needs. In some ways, she's like your brother when my sister, his wife, died."

"We all mourn for her, it took a massive toll on my brother." commented Lord Tyron.

"I heard he wasn't fond of her, having been left out and hated for her entire life isn't good for her. She should be free like her mother once was, enjoying life with no one taking her away. Wouldn't you agree?" said Pharaoh Ay, ever since the fall, he was planning on rescuing his niece with his market.

"Yes, she should with a life with no fear." agreed Lord Tyron. Since taking her under his wing, he noticed that it was hard for her to interact with new people.

"I can promise you she'll be safe, just tell me where I can find her." promised Pharaoh Ay.

Lord Tyron sighed before he answered, "Do you know about an island just off the Assassin Empire's capital?"

"Yes, why are you bringing it up?" replied Pharaoh Ay, confused as he believe Xing was in the Ninja Empire.

"She's there, a group called the Black Assassins took her while we were in the Spartan Empire." said Lord Tyron.

"Why was she…" began Pharaoh Ay before he remembered the roster Lord Tyron sent to him. Amongst the list there was one girl with the codename, 'Princess'. "Then who is she that's with you?"

"Your concerns are Xing, not her replacement." stated Lord Tyron.

"But you have to have someone in your market that can look like her and be there with no delay at all." pointed out Pharaoh Ay.

"We were lucky," replied Lord Tyron, he was hoping he would drop it.

"Who is the Princess that arrived here, what's her real name?" demanded Pharaoh Ay.

Lord Tyron sighed before he responded, "We weren't the only Ninjas traveling to the Spartan Empire. We escorted a group to the Spartan Empire, after Xing was captured, we approached the leader and asked for her help since she is in the black market."

"You escorted which means it is someone of importance, she's in the black market. I can't think of anyone that will meet those requirements except," he pondered before he realized who.

"Princess Zhen," confirmed Lord Tyron.

"So now we both know where both of them are." said Pharaoh Ay, realizing he was played into Lord Tyron's trap.

"Here's what I want to make this fair, you won't tell anyone and I'll not have the games end immediately after the final round starts. Also, you will not interfere with us going to the Black Island, you'll have your members travel to the Ninja Empire to cast the belief Princess Zhen is there. In return, once we find Xing and deliver her back here, we'll let her stay if that's her desire." bargain Lord Tyron.

Pharaoh pondered on the promise, he wanted Xing and Zhōng to live with him but he also must respect their wishes. "You have a deal," he agreed as he reached his hand out to shake. Lord Tyron gladly accepted the shake and they both looked out to the city.

Xing was getting tailor on common Black Assassins' clothing. They were similar to her brothers except for a few differences. Her boots went up to knees as Zhōng's went up to mid-calf at most. They were heavy leather boots were Zhōng's had leather around the foot with the rest being very tough cloth. Zhōng had a cape and cowl while her jacket came with a cowl sown on. Her belt carried throwing knives and smoke grenades, like Zhōng's but there wasn't anywhere to stow a sword. Around her wrist was her new hidden blade as the tailor worked carefully around it. Zhōng had none of that, he only had his watch which was the family's heirloom.

"There, what do you think, mistress?" asked the tailor when she finished. Xing looked at herself in a mirror, it was hard for her to recognize herself. She studied the new clothes up and down, turning her hips for a different view. While she did that, she glanced at the tailor who seemed calm but troubled just like the smith. Xing also noticed she kept glancing at the guards as she tailor her.

"I feel uncomfortable inside around here," she pointed out while marking her chest. "Can I get custom undergarments?"

The tailor looked at the guards who stared back at her. "I'm going to need you to come in the back where it's private." she stated turning back to Xing.

"Very well, then, it shouldn't take long." stated Xing, she noticed the exchange. The tailor took Xing to the back where the guards couldn't see them. When they're alone and she begins to undress her when Xing asked, "What's going on here?"

"Beg your pardon, mistress, what do you mean?" asked the tailor as she took measurements of Xing.

"You look afraid, I've seen that too many times. What has you so afraid of Dolion?" asked Xing. She looked into the mirror and saw the tailor shake in terror when she said his name.

"I shouldn't tell," stated the tailor taking measurements around Xing's waist.

"Please, what is he doing to his people that I'm not aware of?" pressed Xing.

The tailor's hands shook harder so she had to stop and set them down. "He's not who he says to be, he's worst than a monster. The mentor before him stepped down fearing to fall by his hands. He rules with an iron fist, anything we do that's wrong in his eyes, the punishment is death. If you still can, run and don't stop. There's a village that secretly houses those who escape. You must go there or be entrapped under his feet." she warned. She quickly got up and went to search for garments that matched her measurements. She left Xing to ponder on the information and what to do next.

"Housekeeping!" called a maid outside, Truman and Tony's room. The door opened and Tony was handed a plate of fish as he brought it in.

"Did you have to order that?" asked Truman, his face was still pale the smell of food made him clutch his stomach.

"It's called a midnight snack." stated Tony as he sat down and begin eating the fish. He moaned as he ate the delicious fish as Truman grabbed his stomach tighter.

"I recommend you eat that quickly or Truman is going to puke on you." threatened Zhōng. He, Princess Zhen, and Lord Tyron were in the room as well when Lord Tyron was giving the recap of the rules used in the games.

"I think I'm going to puke now." said Truman playing along.

"You got nothing left since the beer and my drug flushed everything out of your system." pointed out Tony, he was not falling for the trick.

"Out of all the food I ate and the drinks, I never expected this to hurt." groaned Truman in more pain.

"That sucks, Hey!" stated Tony as Lord Tyron took Tony's fish and threw it out the window. "I wasn't finished with that."

"Well you are now, now that we finished the recap, any questions?" said Lord Tyron.

"What games will I compete in again?" asked Princess Zhen.

"You'll be in parkour for singles since Zhōng and Truman are doing battles." begin Lord Tyron.

"And I'm doing rare potions," added Tony, interrupting Lord Tyron.

Lord Tyron sighed and asked, "Hey Truman, do you think you still have the strength to throw him out?"

"Always," begin Truman as Tony's face began to go pale. "Just let me rest a little more." he groaned as Tony exhaled with relief.

"Don't get comfy, if Truman can't do it, Zhōng can." warned Lord Tyron. Tony turned to look at Zhōng who was leaning on the wall, an evil grin spread across his face.

"Continue," stated Tony in fear.

"And for teams, I figure to prove the imposter that you two are 'siblings', I'll have you both take part in survivor teams." continued Lord Tyron.

Princess Zhen turned to look at Zhōng who looked back at her. "This was not my idea either." he said to her.

"But you were going to do it." said Tony.

"With Xing," added Zhōng.

"She is and she'll be fine with you." groaned Truman.

"If you weren't holding your guts, I would have taken you somewhere to talk privately." said Zhōng.

"You've proved a point," stated Truman.

"Now that I've finished my recap, Turman I assume you can share the information that was sent to me." said Lord Tyron.

"Oh, you'll love this," began Truman, he soon sat up though his head was still spinning and his stomach hurts. Zhōng left the wall and quickly checked outside the door before standing guard in front of it. Tony meanwhile did the same at the window, looking up and down to make sure no one was eavesdropping. "I burned the letter after I memorized it to make sure no one else knew." he said.

"Smart," approved Lord Tyron.

"What did my mother say?" asked Princess Zhen.

"Well, your majesty, I can guess her mood when wrote it." started Truman. "It said, 'Dear Lord Tyron, I can assume that you are almost there the Egyptian Empire. Captain Howin and Lord Zào have returned with a third person though it's not my daughter. I was told by the captain she went with you and demand you to send her back home, immediately. If you do not, I will come up and bring you both back home though you'll be in chains. I will not risk my only daughter in your dark games.'."

"Bet you captain found a slave girl that looked like the princess and bought her before returning home." stated Tony.

"I wondered if she did the deed with Lord Zào." said Zhōng.

"Zhōng," growled Lord Tyron, he then turned to Tony who snorted. "I know you think it's funny too." he warned Truman who wasn't showing any signs of humor.

"Ha, ha, ha," said Truman sarcastically.

Princess Zhen giggled making everyone look at her curiosity. "As much as he is unfaithful, you three seem to be faithful with each other." she stated.

"That's what we do in the black market. We look after each other like family so we can trust each other." stated Zhōng.

"But there will be those who will throw it away to have their lives spared." said Truman.

"You remember that too well." commented Tony.

"Let's stay focused, your majesty, if your mother is requesting you back, I will see that you board a ship and leave immediately if that's what you want." offered Lord Tyron.

"What I want?" repeated Princess Zhen.

"It's clear that the imposter is unfazed, we can send you back to the next town south since we have to travel by horse or by foot." stated Zhōng.

Princess Zhen pondered what he said, since coming with them, she saw a different side of him than when she first meet him. "I came with you guys to find the imposter and rescue Xing, I'm not going anywhere till this is over." she declared. Lord Tyron, Truman, and Tony nodded their heads in acknowledgment, Zhōng meanwhile turned and left the room, hiding his disappointed face.

Xing stormed into the hall of the fort, she was looking for Dolion. Her guards were struggling to keep up with her as she marched with her feet thumbing. Dolion was talking to someone about something when he noticed the angry ninja girl. "Xing you've returned, how was the town?" he asked, waving the person to leave them.

"Interesting, I've learned a lot about you and the town." she stated when she was closed.

"Oh, I hope it's good things about me." he playfully said.

"Your people fear you more than anything, they shouldn't have to. If you want them to follow you, you should respect their wishes when they come to you." suggested Xing.

"Fear is respect, if they can't respect what I say, then they should fear me." stated Dolion.

"You're wrong, respect isn't through fear." critic Xing.

With a wave of Dolion's hand, four assassin guards entered dragging a woman with them. "Allow me to show you why fear is respect." begin Dolion. He pulled his cowl over his eyes as they began to flow with rage and anger. The women struggle to break free but her body wouldn't respond even if the guards held her loosely. "You told her about me." he slithered as he walked up to her.

"Y-yes," stuttered the woman whom Xing recognized as the tailor from the shop.

"Do you not respect my wish I order you to follow?" asked Dolion leaning closer to her.

The tailor looked at Xing as she watched the events play out. With a smile, she answered, "I didn't listen because I don't fear you."

Suddenly, a hidden blade thrust into her throat. Blood sprayed out of the hole left behind before she collapsed and was dead. Xing watched in horror as she stared at the body, she looked up and saw Dolion cleaning his blade off before looking at her. "This what happens when you refuse me." he stated as his eyes glowed again.

Xing knew what was going to happen as one grabbed her, she thrust her hidden blade into a guard's throat. As another came to grab her, she slashed with the blade and fatally wounded him. The rest surrounded her, each waiting for the right move to strike. Her eyes begin to dance to each guard, just like her brother did. Suddenly she was jumped on and before she could recover, all of them were on top of holding her down. She struggled to break free as they removed her blade and held her down.

"I thought I didn't have to do this but you leave me no choice." stated Dolion as he approached. "Have our spy to convince them to come here if they weren't already, I like to see the look on his face before I rape her." he ordered to an assassin. Xing's eyes went wide as she knew who he was talking about. "Let's make sure you're taken care of when he arrives, prepare for the welcoming preparations." he ordered to the guards on top of her. They picked her up and carried her away as Xing screamed and struggle to break free.