
A New Life

No one could expect a city that was attacked after a devastating war to rise back to life in six months. Like it was before, it was busy, if not even more so. Shops all over the empire were there, from clothes and flowers, books and maps, and blacksmiths and the market. To an outsider who hadn't gotten a clue from what happened six months ago, it would appear that the old place where the city had once stood a long time ago had slid closer to the nearby lake and let the old rot away. But if the outsider looked closer it could see that the civilians were moving from what was left of the old and coming to the new capital of the Ninja Empire.

Although people tend to be happier, some people are depressed from the events six months ago. Xing, once a princess of the royal family, was no more than a beggar. She wore a ripped-up t-shirt and covered her arms with bandages to keep them warm. Her skirt was made of rags and burned cloth stitched together and her cloak was an old bag that kept her warm over the winter since it was becoming spring. Every day since her family was overthrown and she lost all clothing that would signify to anyone she was royalty, she would come to a wall with other beggars and beg for money. Hugging her knees, she looked out into the crowd, she could see people coming through the last little bit of the yet-to-be-finished wall, carrying with them their belongings and spoils of her once home. This wall was the last thing to finish off for the new capital and once it was complete, the sight of home would be nothing more than a dream. She remembered how beautiful her home was, how Zhōng would play with her, and how she helped him escape sometimes. She remembered her father always with a slight smile and nothing bigger when she came to him.

"Ning." The masculine voice broke her daydream. It was Zhōng, her older brother. He wore a dirty shirt with brown pants covered in dirt and what else. His boots were tearing a little but were still good for another thousand steps. He wore fingerless gloves and carried with him two swords, one at his side hip and the other on his back hip. "It's time to go back," he said to her.

"Okay Truman," said Xing. Since fleeing and hiding, the two decided not to use their real names rather than fake names. She picked up all the coins she was given and the two walked away.

They walked into an alley that became their home since the fall. It was cluttered with garbage and rags of things that were no longer good. On one side, Zhōng slept and kept his things and on the other was Xing's. There was a pit in between them where they took anything that burned and made a fire to warm themselves up. Sometimes this pit was used to warm up the water to clean their clothes and themselves. In that case, they'll throw sheets up on either side and have one of them watch the entrance where they usually enter while the other cleans themself. Xing put the money into a ditch covered by garbage and saw her box where she kept her things. Just looking at the box made her want to remember again.

"Remembering the old isn't bad but we need to keep looking forward," said Zhōng as he lit the pit for a fire.

"Did you find anything about the black market?" asked Xing looking up to her brother. Zhōng for the past two months was looking for a way into this mysterious group of marketers. The group is mysterious and paid very well the higher you go. The catch is having someone find you that is very high to make it worth it.

"I have," said Zhōng. Hearing that her brother find a way, made her want to smile. This means that with their savings and this job, they could live more like a commoner life. "However, it's not as big as I hoped for," he finished.

This made Xing frown. "Why do you say that?" she asked. Her brother looked from the fire as it grew bigger and bigger. His face of a thirteen-year-old boy was more of a man in his late forties. His once short dark blond hair was now longer and some parts outgrew others and were covered in dirt and saplings from trees he ran up in to have a better look at some people walking by. Once cheerfulness and carelessness were now worrying and caring. She knew her brother for the past six months had protected her even though it meant he was getting beaten up.

"They need someone to 'pretend' to be former prince Zhōng," said Zhōng. Seeing his sister's face confused as to why this is bad he continued, "The wages are not high enough to buy a small house for us, but will get us closer."

"I see," she said, looking down into the fire. The wind blew in through the alley sending a shiver down Xing's spine. She hugged her cloak tightly around her as she looked at her brother seeing him wearing a summer cloak in winter, he had it more closely around him. She felt bad that he was colder than her. She worried that they might die soon since food was running out for them.

"I won't let you die if that's what you were thinking," said Zhōng, breaking Xing's thought. She looked at her brother's face and saw a serious look on it. "I promised father and even though he is gone, I won't let you die as well."

Xing nodded her head after hearing his assurance, they went to bed but all she could think about was, what if they knew he was the actual one.

The next day, Zhōng walked with Xing to her spot by the wall where the beggars were. Her spot was close to a tree, sometimes this was the tree Zhōng would climb up and hide in while he watched his sister and made sure she wasn't in danger.

"I'll come back when I am done to pick you up," he said to her as she sat down and got comfortable. He was wearing fitting clothing for a commoner and his hair was washed and trimmed. His cowl was over his head to hide his hair, but Xing could see his eyes, dark blue eyes calm on the outside but the inside, there can be a furious beast.

"Good luck," said Xing with a smile.

"Her grin is always so charming," thought Zhōng. With her black hair even unkempt and her green eyes, it reminded him of their mother. "Mother," he thought, "has it been almost eleven years?"

Zhōng walked for a couple more blocks inwards of the city, he was told the place to find the work. When he found it, he was the next one up. The man looked at him up and down carefully. He could see that Zhōng was perfect in appearance for the size but the only thing that caught his attention was the fact he carried two swords. "Remove your cowl, boy," the man growled. Zhōng complied carefully, he didn't want the crowd to notice his hair for his hair could be unforgettable. The man studied his head and nodded slightly. "Name."

Zhōng hesitated, he knew he was in, but he didn't want the market to try to track him down. He was at the lowest it went, which means finding him wouldn't be that hard. He then answered, "The job is to portray as the prince. If you want my name, it'll cost you extra."

The man looked up at him. Zhōng gambled to see how badly they wanted him and he couldn't be refused but he hoped that he wouldn't let him go after getting in either. The man just smiled and laughed then said, "You may not be so bad after all." He laughed for a couple more seconds making Zhōng more confused. Seeing this, the man stopped, he had enough of toying with him. "Come with me," he said. He rose to his feet and walked into a bar close by while Zhōng followed him.

Another coin dropped into the bag. A couple of seconds later, a few more. Xing looked around her, hugging her knees again. She saw other beggars beg and cry to receive money. Another coin dropped into her bag. She turned the other way and saw a boy her age if not younger drop a coin in a pan in front of a blind man, but it wasn't the man's pan. Instead, the boy took the man's pan and poured all the money into his own. This made the man think he was rich but instead he was back at the start.

"Let me see your face." a guard said, snapping Xing the other way again and seeing the guards doing their monthly inspection of them. The first time this happened to her, Zhōng led them away to have lunch and since the incident, they decided not to go out until the next day and it has always been the same day every month since. However, that day is a week later, they were early. Xing looked into the crowd looking for a big clump of people to jump in and walk away but they were far away.

"Let me see your face." The guard said, getting closer. She looked into the tree hoping that Zhōng was in it, but saw no one. Perhaps she could climb it.

"Let me see your face." The guard was even closer. He was too close to climb without him knowing. She was doomed, her fate will be getting tortured till she tell the truth and maybe starve even worse than now.

"Young lady, how many times have I told you?" A stranger spoke to her. Xing looked up at her. She was a little overweight but wore a commoner dress designed for cooking and serving guests. Xing figured she was a waitress at an inn, tavern, or a bar nearby. However, it startled her that she was talking to her. "Well don't sit there, come on, get up." she urged. Xing got up and did what she was told, also grabbing the money she was receiving. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the guard notice the commotion but didn't stop her.

She followed the lady that urged her to follow, they entered an alley and then entered through a backdoor to one of the buildings. Inside, Xing smelled exotic food she hadn't smelled in over six months. Her mouth began to water as she looked to find where the smell was coming from. But soon she forgot as the lady handed her fresh clean clothes. "These looked like your size," she said and Xing snapped back into reality. "There's a tub over there to bathe in." She pointed to another room in the back of the building. Xing nodded and hurried to use it before she was stopped again. "Tell me, do you like lying?"

Xing froze, she was trapped again. What her brother taught her was to laugh it off or ask why do you ask. But she was screaming, to tell the truth. She knew if she lied, she might be kicked out, but if she told the truth she could be turned in. Before she realized it, she said, "I wish I didn't have to." She said too much, she realized. She looked at the lady who was nodding very carefully.

"Well then, what should I call you?" she asked.

Xing pondered this for a moment until she came to a decision. "Ning, call me Ning."

Zhōng looked around him in the bar. These men were travelers or members of the market he was looking for. They laughed and talked loudly, they must be drunk. He was wearing new suitable clothing and was sitting by a table all alone. He felt out of place but he felt that way since leaving the capitol building which was his home. He was one of two boys in the room, the other was helping with food. The boy he figured was in the market as well. Suddenly the man that inspected him bellow and all who weren't part of it left. He followed them just to the door before closing and locking it. There were only ten left counting him and the boy. "Now it's just us, I'll let my apprentice take over." said the man.

"Thank you, mentor." The boy said, walking towards him. Zhōng noticed that both of them exchange looks as if they didn't like what the other had in mind, but were still willing to do it. "Now what I'm about to tell you will be worth your while. Higher levels of the market were given this opportunity but have objected to it."

"Then shouldn't we do the same?" asked one of the others, all nodded in agreement until their eyes widened as he put something on one of the tables. It was a bag of cash and the coins inside could make a man take weeks off of working the black market.

"Now each of you gets one guarantee and if the mission is a success, well, add four more to it." said the boy. The men's eyes widened further. With that much money, Zhōng figured they could buy a house and some furniture and better clothing than they have if it was a success.

"What's the package?" asked another of the men.

The boy looked at his mentor to see that while he didn't approve, he was willing to follow it. "The package is a target. We are going to assassinate the newly elected leader of the black market, Lord Tyron." said the boy's mentor. Zhōng noticed some were shocked by this, while still having their eyes glued to the bag of money.

"And that's why we needed someone to look like the prince." said the boy

Everyone turned to look at Zhōng, he was surprised someone wanted his uncle dead but if he warned him, he might die as well and he couldn't leave Xing behind to starve. He knew they were waiting for his answer. He took a drink and said, "Well it's too late for me to leave now. I'm in."

"Okay sir, we'll get that for you…another order...I'll be right with you sir...Do you need my help?" were the words that came out of Xing's month almost everywhere she turned. She helped serve, took orders, cleaned dishes and leftovers, and anything else that needed to be done. It wasn't until the lady that helped her earlier decided to call her back. "Do you need my help with something?" asked Xing.

"No Ning, it's just I have a question to ask you," she said, Xing nodded at her waiting for the question to be said. "Would you like to continue working here?"

"Yes I would like to," said Xing, she enjoyed it here even though it was her first day. It kept her busy and active and it made seem the day was faster for her. The lady nodded several times as if she approved. "Ma'am, why did you help me earlier," she asked before stopping herself.

The woman motioned to follow her into the kitchen. She found a spot where she can teach and Xing can follow along. "Many people hated what your father did, my husband is one of them," she said, Xing knew her cover was blown and became uneasy about what would happen to her. "But I hate the empress that is forcing you to hide because of your family origins. Children are never responsible for their parent's actions. I've seen you walk to your same spot on the wall begging for money and almost tearing up on some days. It makes me feel guilty that you have to hide and run away from your severe punishment. That's why I helped when I did." the lady said as she pulled out some spices and rice. Now it made sense to her. By helping her find a job that kept her busy, she would remain off the view of the guards.

"Thank you, Mrs…..." said Xing before remembering she never asked for her name.

"Jones Ning, Mrs. Jones," said Mrs. Jones. Xing bowed her head lower than royalty called for, but she wasn't royal anymore. She was a waitress and chef in Mrs. Jones's tavern. Suddenly the smell of the kitchen made her stomach grumble. She hadn't eaten all day and was embarrassed. Mrs. Jones snickered then said, "Here let me teach you a meal perhaps worthy for you."

Zhōng and the boy waited in the alley for the word that his uncle was on his way. Before he got to them, Zhōng knew he had to convince the boy not to kill him. He looked at the boy who was studying the poison in the dart and carried a single-handed crossbow. "Can I ask your name?" asked Zhōng.

"They're starting to call me the Poisoner, but my real name is Tony. You?"


"Uh, a name like the prince, I must have hit the jackpot," said Tony, loading the dart into the crossbow.

"In a way, you are trying to kill my uncle."

"Oh really," said Tony before realizing this was serious. He looked from the crossbow to see Zhōng looking up at him. "H-how? It can't be," he managed to get out while dropping the crossbow to the ground as carefully as possible.

Zhōng unsheathes one of his two swords, the one he had on his back hip, and presented it to Tony. "They say the Ninja Sword almost looks like a Valtryek from far away but a closer look and you'll see it's different," said Zhōng. Tony looked at the sword at a glance. It looked like a black Valtryek, but the symbol was not a Valtryek nor any of the other common classes. "I'm showing you this because I don't want to see my uncle die in front of me. Please tell me you have some other poisons that would look like he died, or don't do this mission." As he spoke, he got onto his knees and bowed his head to the ground.

Tony couldn't believe it, the prince of the old empire was now working for him and begging him not to do it. He looked at him seeing he was willing to do anything to protect perhaps the last few of his family. "I can't go back on my word, however, I'll make the exception," he said, Zhōng lifted his head to look at him. "However, you have to beat me in a duel of mechs."

Zhōng pondered this for a while. He knew how to activate it but didn't know how to fight in it. But he had no choice and said, "I accept."

Tony got up and dropped two devices, one to activate a barrier while the other to disguise the fight. When both were ready, they activated the swords. Tony used a Spriggan with long-range weapons while Zhōng activated his other sword, a basic Longus. When both were ready, they charged at each other. The Longus could evade using the power behind the opponent's attack to their advantage, making it the most agile mech while the Spriggan was tough and able to handle the blows, their punches were even harder making them the second fierce powerful mech of all six classes. Both exchanged blow after blow, parrying each other with neither gaining the advantage. Zhōng knew his uncle's life was on the line and couldn't lose sending everything he could to Tony. But Tony was playing with him, seeing that he had no skills he was only letting Zhōng tire himself out before he went completely on the attack. His time soon came and fired every weapon he had. Seeing them coming, Zhōng blocked as best he could but his strength gave way, deactivating his mech meaning he has lost. Tony deactivated his mech after already being declared the winner, soon the messenger arrived alerting them that it was time. "Hope you have your breath back," Tony said to Zhōng, but he didn't need a response.

Lord Tyron rode into the gates of the New Empire Capital, his hair was black showing a little bit of gray due to his age, he grew a medium-sized beard and wore clothes of a wealthy commoner. "Tyron!" a voice he recognized called for him.

"Darrius," he called back to his friend as he climbed off his horse to greet his friend.

"I heard you're on your way here," said Darrius.

"Well I see news travels as quickly as ever," replied Tyron.

"It didn't tell me why you came though," said Darrius as the two of them and some of Darrius's men began walking deeper into the city.

"The empress requested to speak with me, she promised nothing bad and won't activate my punishment if I agreed to meet with her."

"Well, you mustn't keep her waiting then. When done, come by my bar, drinks are on me and it would give you the chance to meet my apprentice."

"Are you trying to pick my preference on who leads after I step down?"

"In a way, I could be," said Darrius.

They talked for a few more minutes, then suddenly something caught Tyron's eye. A couple of meters ahead, he saw someone with dark blond hair and blue eyes looking at him. Tyron raced through memory to see if he saw this person before. "Zhōng?" he said under his breath. The person pulled up the cowl, then suddenly disappeared. "It can't be," he said, then hurried after him. As he dashed away he didn't realize his friend looked at his men and gave them a frown to show his shame for what he had just done.

Lord Tyron raced after that person, he had to know if it was him. He saw the person dart into an alley and followed, the person stopped a couple of meters deep into it. He slowly walked up to him as he turned around with the cowl still covering his head. "Zhōng, is that you?" said Lord Tyron, the person said nothing. "Don't you recognize me? It's me Uncle Tyron." he saw the person let loose a single tear and knew it was. Suddenly, something jabbed him in the back and before knew it he lost consciousness and fell, he was dead.

Tony looked at the still body as his mentor came to take him away. He looked up to see the former prince had removed the cowl that covered his now tearful face. He was perhaps the last family member to now carry down the name. He couldn't comfort him, after all, he pulled the trigger. "Mentor," he said quietly to his mentor as Darrius's men began to carry Lord Tyron's body away. "There's something I need to tell you."

Later that day, their client came to pay them each five huge bags of money. "A job well done, now there is one less person from the old royal family to make a racket around here," he said. Then he handed Zhōng only a bag and a half, this caught Tony's eye.

"I hate to be rude but you told me that everyone gets paid equally," said Tony.

"I did, but I also told you I'll pay whoever wants to be the bait less than half of what you guys are getting."

"His job was by far the most important job for this whole mission, you can't pay him the least."

"Well perhaps you can spit with him." replied the client. Tony couldn't believe this, he used Zhōng as bait and nothing else.

"Tony," said Zhōng, making everyones' heads turn to face him. "It's fine I was well aware of my payment before I took the job."

The client took a closer look at the former prince without realizing who he was. "You looked familiar, have we met before?" the client asked.

"I have that ability to make people think they remember me but forget my name," said Zhōng.

"Well then would you like to refresh my memory." the client said.

Zhōng looked down at the tea he was drinking, took another sip, then said, "The first time we met my name was not important to you as it is now. However, you can call me the Dual Bladed Ninja."

The client smirks, then in a mockery voice, "The Dual Bladed Ninja. Well Mr. Dual Bladed Ninja, if I ever need you to pretend to be someone else, I'll let you know." he laughed as he went out the door.

"You know that guy?" asked Tony after the door shut.

"Wish he never showed his face to my family," replied Zhōng, he grabbed his money and headed towards the door.

"Dual Bladed Ninja," said Darrius, stopping Zhōng in his tracks. "May I and my apprentice have a word with you alone." The last part tended to his men as they squirreled out the door. When they were all gone, he continued, "I'm in awe you risked your life to try to save your uncle's."

"Tony must have told him." thought Zhōng. "I know and I also know you could sell me or do anything you want with me," replied Zhōng.

"The thing is your uncle is a good friend of mine and was working a way for me to rise higher," said Darrius, Zhōng now knew why there was tension between them earlier. He was a close friend to his uncle and didn't want to see him die either. "I didn't him to die and I couldn't convince my apprentice not to do it. However, you were able to touch through to him."

Zhōng turned his head to Tony, confused about what he was talking about. Tony reached into his shirt and pulled out the crossbow with a poison dart in it. "I loaded another with a poison I invented while the poison I had to kill him I kept hidden. I figure this dart will be worthy for someone else," he said.

"You mean you gave him another poison?" asked Zhōng, he was confused and afraid of this new poison that sprung out of nowhere.

"'Death for a Day' I call it, it slows down the heart and lungs to make them look like they are dead and lasts for twenty-four hours," said Tony proudly of his invention.

"You mean to tell me my uncle is alive?" said Zhōng, collapsing to his knees and beginning to start crying.

"We didn't want to tell you earlier, because it could give us away," explained Tony, seeing that Zhōng had some tears rolling down his eyes. "When I fought you, I saw you gave it your all and even though you had no chance and lost, you accepted defeat rather than refuse. Your uncle meant a lot to my mentor, and I couldn't see it. But when I saw you determined to rise again I went for my least deadly poison." explains Tony he looked down at the crossbow with the poison he was supposed to use still loaded. "This one," he continued, "will be for someone who's breaking the market down."

"Thank you, Tony," said Zhōng, able to recover himself.

"Now that's out of the way," interrupted Darrius. "Dual Bladed Ninja, I expect you back here, tomorrow we'll begin your training. Even though you last this long from the empress, doesn't mean you'll last any longer."

Zhōng wiped away any more tears he had on his face, looked up and said, "Yes mentor, I'll come back."

It was dark when Zhōng got back to the wall where he left Xing, but she was nowhere to be found. He looked around to see if she was lying somewhere but she wasn't. "Was she taken?" he thought. He raced to their alley hoping the inevitable never came and she decided to wait for him there. When he turned into the alley he saw her. Sitting on her side with a pot over a fire. She looked up and saw him, he ran to her and hugged her, he was relieved she was safe.

"You have a different dress on," Zhōng said to her, noticing her commoner waitress dress and a winter cloak to go with it.

"I somehow got a job as well," Xing explains, then Zhōng noticed the pot on the fire contained a very rich smell of stew.

Zhōng took out his money while Xing poured out two bowls for them. "Another big job for me, and we'll have a house to call home," he said.

"Well then, shall we toast to your success and my newfound skill," said Xing. They both chuckled and clanked their bowls together and began to dig into the stew Xing made. Things were finally looking up for them for the first time in months.