
Fallen in love with the Loli Princess in novel story

Narumi Amakawa is a prodigious magic engineer renowned for his expertise in building giant mechs and advanced war weapons. He possesses a brilliant mind and has garnered attention and invitations from various private companies and the Imperial Army responsible for safeguarding the galaxy. Despite the numerous opportunities presented to him, Narumi remains undecided about where he should ultimately devote his talents. However, Narumi carries a secret that he has never shared with anyone: he is an avid fan of a series of literature known as "Loli Princess Novel". These novels feature adorable princess characters, and Narumi, in particular, is infatuated with one character named Christina Aurestear. He empathizes deeply with her tragic story and the sacrifices she made to protect her people. Narumi's favorite scene in the series is the one in which Christina meets her unfortunate demise, a scene that deeply resonated with him and many other fans. Narumi harbors a genuine love for Christina Aurestear and fantasizes about piloting his giant mech to protect her and fulfill her unfulfilled wish. However, he recognizes the limitations of her existence as a fictional character confined to the pages of a book. On a fateful day, a mysterious event takes place that Narumi cannot comprehend. A massive warp hole materializes, prompting Narumi to make a decision to venture into it, carrying the Loli Princess Novel book he held and his giant mech. Little does he know that the destination of this unexpected journey is none other than the world depicted in the novel, the very world Narumi has longed for. Story tags : science fantasy, robot anime, technology invention, mix bathing, co-sleeping, seducing, no NTR, happy ending, polygamy, transported to novel world. Character tags : loli, loli-oppai, princess, litte sister, maid, tsundere, innocent, jealous, magic engineer, loli pilot, alluring, naked. === Recomment === Hello everyone! I'm excited to announce that I've published to the end of 1st volume, I'm here to recommend it to all the fans of isekai harem! Here are a few things to keep in mind before diving in: The main focus of this story is on romance and the development of relationships between the protagonist and the heroines. If you're looking for action-packed battle scenes, you may not find them here. Instead, expect a deep exploration of emotions and connections. While this story falls under the sci-fi fantasy genre, it deviates from the usual isekai tropes. There are no elves, dwarves, or beast girls, and you won't find an adventure guild or a slave shop. So if you're seeking a different take on the isekai formula, this story might intrigue you. I hope you give this isekai harem story a chance and enjoy the journey of romance and exploration it offers. Happy reading!

EvilcatNarumi · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 48.5: The Royal Castle Maid's Night Tea Party 3

As the night unfolded, a group of young maids gathered in the cozy tea room of the servant quarters. It was their usual night tea party, a time for them to unwind and share their thoughts and observations about the people they served.

Sitting around a beautifully arranged table, adorned with delicate tea sets and delectable pastries, the maids exchanged whispers and giggles. Their eyes glimmered with excitement as they began discussing Narumi, Christina, Amelia, and Seraphina—the figures who had captured their attention and fueled their curiosity.

One maid with sparkling blue eyes spoke up, her voice filled with wonder. "Have you noticed how Narumi's eyes light up whenever he looks at our princess? It's as if she holds the key to his happiness," she mused, her words carrying a touch of admiration.

Another maid, her cheeks flushed with delight, chimed in, "And Amelia-sama, her playfulness and kindness are truly remarkable. You can tell she cares deeply for everyone around her, especially Seraphina-sama. It's like she's a guiding light in her lives." The maids nodded in agreement, their fascination with the dynamics between the four individuals growing with each passing moment.

A mischievous maid, known for her playful spirit, leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Did you see how Seraphina-sama clung to Lord Narumi earlier? She adores him like a real big brother. It's adorable!" she exclaimed, her words accompanied by a chorus of laughter from her companions.

As the maids sipped their tea and savored the delicate pastries, their discussion delved deeper. They shared their own interpretations of the interactions they had witnessed, each contributing their unique perspective. One maid, known for her keen observations, offered a thoughtful insight. "It's as if they form a beautiful tapestry of love and support," she said softly. "Each one brings something unique to their bond, creating a harmonious blend of strength, compassion, and joy."

Another maid exclaimed, her voice filled with astonishment, "I never imagined it would become this peaceful. Setting Seraphina-sama aside for a moment, it's remarkable how Amelia-sama's seductive and playful nature, and our princess's tsundere mouth and moments of jealousy have transformed into such tranquility."

The maid's words hung in the air, capturing the attention of her companions. They exchanged glances, contemplating her statement. Finally, a thoughtful maid with a gentle smile responded, "It's true, isn't it? Life has a way of bringing unexpected changes and molding even the most vibrant personalities."

She continued, her voice tinged with introspection, "Amelia-sama's playfulness and seductiveness, once perhaps seen as mere facets of her character, have transformed into a source of comfort and warmth for those around her. Her lighthearted nature creates an atmosphere of ease, allowing others to find solace in her presence."

Another maid, her voice filled with understanding, "And our dear princess, with her tsundere mouth and occasional moments of jealousy, has found a sense of peace in the embrace of Narumi's love. His unwavering affection has softened her edges, revealing a vulnerability and tenderness that only a chosen few have the privilege to witness."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as they absorbed her words. Each of them had seen the transformations unfold, witnessing the growth and evolution of their beloved Princess and Princess Amelia. It was a testament to the power of love, understanding, and the bonds forged through shared experiences.

The mischievous maid, known for her keen observations, spoke up with a twinkle in her eye, "Perhaps it is the interplay of their personalities that creates this newfound peace. Like a puzzle coming together, each piece contributes to the overall picture, filling in the gaps and creating a harmonious balance."

A sense of agreement permeated the room, and the maids nodded in unison. They understood that true peace and tranquility were not stagnant states, but rather the result of constant adaptation and growth. In the midst of their own journeys, the four individuals they admired had discovered a delicate equilibrium, finding solace and contentment in one another's presence.

As the maids huddled together, their eyes sparkled with curiosity and their voices dropped to whispers. One maid, unable to contain her excitement, leaned forward with widened eyes. "Have you heard the news? It seems that another princess is about to grace Lord Narumi's presence," she shared, her voice barely above a whisper.

A second maid's face lit up in recognition. "Ah, you must be referring to Princess Valentia from the Cloudwhale Kingdom," she replied, her tone tinged with anticipation.

The first maid nodded enthusiastically, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. "Yes, that's the one! Despite the initial hesitations from the Cloudwhale Kingdom, it seems their king has made a secret decision to offer Princess Valentia as compensation," she revealed, her voice filled with intrigue.

The maids exchanged knowing glances, their gestures animated as they whispered and gestured in excitement. Their fingers fluttered in the air, mimicking the swirling narrative they envisioned. They eagerly speculated on the profound impact Princess Valentia's arrival would have on the harmonious dynamics of Narumi, Christina, Amelia, and Seraphina.

As the maids whispered among themselves, their excitement grew palpable. One of the maids leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I wonder how Princess Valentia will fit into the already intricate web of relationships," she mused, her voice filled with curiosity.

Another maid nodded in agreement, her fingers tracing delicate patterns on the edge of her teacup. "Yes, it will be interesting to see how Lord Narumi, our Princess, Lady Amelia, and Lady Seraphina navigate this new addition," she said, her voice laced with intrigue.

A third maid, her gaze focused and thoughtful, raised her hand to her chin, a gesture of contemplation. "I imagine there might be some initial tension and adjustment, but perhaps Princess Valentia's arrival will bring new perspectives and opportunities for growth," she suggested, her words sparking a thoughtful discussion among the maids.

As the night tea party continued, the maids delved deeper into their speculations, their hands gesturing animatedly as they shared their thoughts. The room buzzed with a mix of excitement and curiosity, fueled by the prospect of Princess Valentia's presence and the potential impact it would have on the lives of those they served.

With each passing moment, the anticipation grew, and the maids couldn't help but wonder how this new chapter in Lord Narumi's journey would unfold, eagerly awaiting the day when Princess Valentia would step into their lives and the royal castle.