
Fallen in love with the Loli Princess in novel story

Narumi Amakawa is a prodigious magic engineer renowned for his expertise in building giant mechs and advanced war weapons. He possesses a brilliant mind and has garnered attention and invitations from various private companies and the Imperial Army responsible for safeguarding the galaxy. Despite the numerous opportunities presented to him, Narumi remains undecided about where he should ultimately devote his talents. However, Narumi carries a secret that he has never shared with anyone: he is an avid fan of a series of literature known as "Loli Princess Novel". These novels feature adorable princess characters, and Narumi, in particular, is infatuated with one character named Christina Aurestear. He empathizes deeply with her tragic story and the sacrifices she made to protect her people. Narumi's favorite scene in the series is the one in which Christina meets her unfortunate demise, a scene that deeply resonated with him and many other fans. Narumi harbors a genuine love for Christina Aurestear and fantasizes about piloting his giant mech to protect her and fulfill her unfulfilled wish. However, he recognizes the limitations of her existence as a fictional character confined to the pages of a book. On a fateful day, a mysterious event takes place that Narumi cannot comprehend. A massive warp hole materializes, prompting Narumi to make a decision to venture into it, carrying the Loli Princess Novel book he held and his giant mech. Little does he know that the destination of this unexpected journey is none other than the world depicted in the novel, the very world Narumi has longed for. Story tags : science fantasy, robot anime, technology invention, mix bathing, co-sleeping, seducing, no NTR, happy ending, polygamy, transported to novel world. Character tags : loli, loli-oppai, princess, litte sister, maid, tsundere, innocent, jealous, magic engineer, loli pilot, alluring, naked. === Recomment === Hello everyone! I'm excited to announce that I've published to the end of 1st volume, I'm here to recommend it to all the fans of isekai harem! Here are a few things to keep in mind before diving in: The main focus of this story is on romance and the development of relationships between the protagonist and the heroines. If you're looking for action-packed battle scenes, you may not find them here. Instead, expect a deep exploration of emotions and connections. While this story falls under the sci-fi fantasy genre, it deviates from the usual isekai tropes. There are no elves, dwarves, or beast girls, and you won't find an adventure guild or a slave shop. So if you're seeking a different take on the isekai formula, this story might intrigue you. I hope you give this isekai harem story a chance and enjoy the journey of romance and exploration it offers. Happy reading!

EvilcatNarumi · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 15: Unveiling the Joint Plan

With a joint plan between the two countries in place, Christina studied the map of the areas attacked by the 2nd colossal biomachine monster. Her eyes scanned the intricate lines and markings, her mind focused on deciphering its pattern. A furrow formed on her brow as she pondered the next move, knowing that the lives of countless people depended on their success.

Narumi stood beside her, his gaze fixed on the map as well, his trust in Christina evident in his supportive presence. He placed a thoughtful hand on his chin and contemplated the situation.

"Christina" Narumi said, his voice tinged with admiration, "you have an amazing ability to anticipate the monster's movements. Your intuition has been invaluable in our battles." Christina nodded, appreciating Narumi's recognition of her skills.

"I've been studying the data from the previous encounters and analyzing this 2nd colossal biomachine monster's behavior," Christina explained, tapping her finger on the map to highlight her insights. "It seems to follow a pattern, albeit loosely. Based on the areas it has already attacked, I believe the next target will be the fishing village near the mountain range."

Narumi raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Christina's deduction. "The fishing village near the mountain range? It's a challenging terrain, but we can use it to our advantage. What's your plan?"

Christina unfolded her strategy, pointing out key locations and possible ambush points on the map as she traced her finger along the lines.

"We'll gather our forces and set up a perimeter around this area," she said with determination. "By utilizing the natural cover, we can catch the monster off guard and launch a coordinated attack. Our scouts will keep a close eye on its movements and relay the information with light-code in real-time."

Narumi nodded in agreement, recognizing the strength of the plan. "Sounds like a solid plan. Let's bring our best knights and coordinate with the military forces from our kingdom and Borwinter Kingdom. We can't afford any missteps this time."

Christina crossed her arms, a determined expression on her face, as she spoke with confidence. "Agreed. We'll need to ensure seamless communication and synchronized actions. I'll personally lead the 2nd team to provide supporting attacks when needed, while keeping a safe distance from its destructive capabilities."

"And you will lead the 3rd team, Amelia. Use your magic knight to keep the 2nd colossal biomachine monster from escaping to the sea. Just be careful not to let your...big boobs get in the way, alright?"

Amelia chuckled and playfully put a finger to her lips. "Ufufu, you can trust me that much, Christina. Our magic knights will use all of their secret magic arts that we've been proud of, I won't let the 2nd colossal biomachine monster escape."

With their roles defined and the plan set in motion, Christina and Narumi felt a renewed sense of camaraderie and resolve. They knew the stakes were high, but their bond and shared determination would guide them through the upcoming battle.

Christina's tsundere nature couldn't resist a final remark as she turned to Narumi. "Just make sure you come back safely and victorious, alright? Don't let me down."

Narumi smiled warmly, understanding Christina's true concern beneath her tough exterior. "I promise, Christina. I'll come back to you, safe and victorious."

With their hearts aligned and their plan in motion, Christina, Narumi, and Amelia left the war council room, ready to face the colossal biomachine and stand united against the threat that loomed over their kingdoms. Their minds focused, their spirits undeterred, they embarked on their mission, knowing that their joint efforts would bring hope and salvation to their people.