

"Destiny they say bounds everyone" Lucien was abandoned by his family at a tender age and he had rewrite his own destiny and cultivate to the level where his destiny is in his hands. Now he is faced with the challenges of Destiny can he overcome it and be in charge of his destiny or be controlled by destiny. "I have to be a chess player and not a chess piece used by others" can he thrive after receiving the inheritance of a fallen god?.

Geckho_Ackerman · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Lucien came back to the building where he lived. He was disappointed in the clan members and mostly his father.

He had to the blood of the Han family running through his veins but he was treated even worse than the palace servants. He tried to remember most of the things that happened when he was sick but his memories seemed foggy.

He then heard a voice saying "you have been granted the divine inheritance of ancient god NIDUSA.You shall be an heir of a fallen god"

Lucien was utterly confused he tried asking questions but he got no response.

The name NIDUSA kept ringing in his head so he decided to go to the library to do some research.


In the Central region empress Lingxi sighed and said the seals that were placed to prevent the hell realm from breaking into Narnia are weakening day by day .

We may have to face the catastrophe of being analiated by the hell realm. She was in a dilemma should she inform the people of Narnia or should she find a way to resolve this herself?.