
Fallen God System (dropped)

Stupid ff

Dark_Crown98 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


A beautiful Sunset was in the horizon, all star's started to show there beauty making whole sky dazzle with there twinkling star light.

In a long black limousine that was running at the speed of 160 mph, inside the limousine seated a handsome young man, he was resting his head on his palm with a beautiful smile. Just looking at his dress anyone could tell he was some rich second-generation rich young master.

He was currently watching outside the window, while lost in his thoughts ' how vast can this galaxy be? can our galaxy even be the only thing that exist? What if there are other countless galaxy out there forming a universe, what if there are countless of universe forming a multiverses?'. This are a thought, running through his mind looking at the beautiful starry sky, making him realize how ant like existence was he on this vast universes.

'*sigh, Well I should stop thinking about the stuffs I could never get to see in my whole life.' Thought that young man, he was happy with his current life. His father Mark Urika was a famous millionaire who's net worth almost reach's billion, whereas his mother Daisy Halen was just a normal housewife.

Kira from his childhood was taught to help other in need with everything he have, even if they are stranger to you. He just now, was also coming from a orphanage. He is also one of the biggest sponsor of government for maintaining government hospital so other could get treatment for low price, Orphanage for there daily needs and many other that may help poor.

"Hah! Those orphanage brats are really cute, I hope I can play with them more." said Kira with a kind smile.

"Young master, You have a call."

"Who is it?"

"It is Madam Halen."


"Hello Mom! What are you calling me for?"Kira asked to his mother. "Oh, I was having a bad feeling today so I just called to check on you... Son please return home quick, I don't know why but I am feeling like I will loose you."

"Chill Mom, I am on my way home. You don't need to worry about me." Kira told while reassuring her mother in phone. "Yeah I guess, I will Chill?... Anyway please return quickly!"

"Yeah, On my way. Bye love you Mom"He told his mother then cutting his line, giving phone to his manager on his left.

"Hey driver, speed up... We need to reach home quickly." said Kira while calling out for his driver.

"Yes! Young master I will be doing it!"

"Sure." said Kira and again started to stare at beautiful Black Starry Sky. When he saw an star?


Kira couldn't help but frown, when he saw that a black looking broken star falling in near his direction.

"Hey Driver! Stop the car!" shouted Kira, making driver to hit break.

"What is it? Young master didn't Madam told you to hurry home?"

"Wait a minute, I will come real quick." said Kira and get off his ride while rushing toward the place that black Star fell on.

When he got there, he was surprised to find a person there instead of some meteoroid. 'Who is this person?' thought Kira getting near that fainted person.

"Beautiful." was all the word came from Kira mouth, when he turned around to see the unknown man. He had a long shoulder length black hair, A jade-like skin.. with that well-build body of his.


Kira just slapped his face exclaiming " I am not a gay, What am I thinking!" thought Kira looking at that Unknown man.

'I guess I will help him.' thought Kira, picking the unknown man and getting inside his car and ordered his driver to drive.. he was getting a questioning look from his manager when he saw an unknown person with his young master. But didn't question and the driver started to drive the car.

After arriving at his Big luxurious mansion, Kira picked up the unknown man in princess position and went inside. 'Fuck! He sure is heavy!.' Thought Kira while carrying him.

"Mom! Can you call doctor!?" shouted Kira making his mother to question him "For what?", which he answered her by saying how he find him on ground unconscious... he didn't told her about the shooting star incident.

"Ok let me call Doctor Michael."

"Sure, I will place him on our guests room" Said Kira, making Daisy to nod her head in agreement.

After sometime later, Doctor Michael came inside the mansion and checked upon the unknown man condition.

"I can't believe a person can have this hard and thick skin, I can't check his blood veins. His heart also seems to have stopped beatings, but he is still breathing through his mouth and nostril." exclaimed Doctor Michael curiously looking at the patient who was breathing roughly.

"I need to use some advance equipment to check his current condition, Can I bring him to hosital?" said Michael, who's expression was not telling he was transfering him hospital for a check up.

"No!, Doctor Michael you have our thanks for coming here at this late hour. But we will be observing our guest for some day and see if he wakes up." Kira directly declined Michael offer. Just looking at Michael expression, it was more then clear that he was planning to dissect the patient more then treating him.

"Ahhah, Sure Sorry to trouble you Mr Kira." said Michael with bow with while scratching his head and leaving with his dejected face.

"Mother why don't you prepare dinner today, I got a call from old man that he will be returning home today." Kira then told Daisy, Who smiled hearing her husband returning home... it was like a festival in Kira family if his father return's home, because he at the most of time was out handling his business going world to world.

"Sure! Today I will be making both of your favourite dishes and desserts." said Daisy, rushing to her kitchen ordering house servants to bring the ingredients for her dinner.

But Fate was a Bitch!, Whole world stopped. Flying plane and birds stopped at air, all vehicles, all pedestrian froze on there way. Everyone on the whole Planet froze except two people, It was the unknown person and Kira!

When, Kira felt something was wrong he felt a hand in his shoulder. Kira immediately freaked out when a hand patted his shoulder without him being noticed.

"Ahhhh! Ghost , Fuck you Ghost!!in the name of Christ I cruse You!!!"

"*cough, Who is t... this Christ young man, some God?." asked an ancient voice, When Kiran opened his eye, he saw that unknown man waking up from the bed.

"Oh it was you, I am relieved to see you are fine... MOM!! Come up our guests is woken up!!" shouted Kira, albeit no reply came, making him a little nervous.

"You don't have to worry boy, Currently this whole Planet is paused beside you and me "

"Hey? Are you a retarded??.. What do you mean by Planet paused, Just come down with me.. and don't talk like crazy infront of my old man who is coming home." said Kira while dragging the unknown man with him downstairs, But he his eye popped out of his socket when he saw all households servant were standing erect like some statue and mosquitoes hanging on the air.

"W-What is going on here?"

"Boy, *cough?* didn't I told you whole Planet has been paused by me... I have a very important thing to tell you."

"Stop calling me boy!, we look the same age and what do you want to say?"

"I will not be introducing myself because later you will know it yourself... I have very little time *cough* left... so I will be sending you on a different world so that you can inherit mine and other six legacy's."

"Different world? Send me to other world? Legacy?" Kira could have thought him as a mental issued person and could have escorted him to mental-hospital... if not for the crazy stuff happening infront of him.

That unknown man suddenly started immiating dark smoke from his body, and then appearing right infront of him, his last word were....

"You are too kind and soft-hearted for taking the task, you will be given in near future... I hope you will soon finish the illusion I made from 80% of my remaining life force, I guess my ending is near now *coughing blood* my de-dear... fri..end I guess I will be joining you old bastard's soon." said that unknown man to himself with a relieved smile and disappearing from his current location and reappearing Infront of blue plant.

"I didn't want to do this to mine and those other six legacy inheritor.. but I don't want any weakness for him, like how we have and 'he' shouldn't know about this." exclaimed the man using his remaining power to burn his own lifeforce and while raised his right hand then with a finger snap, vanished the whole planet infront of him... like it never existed.

"I The Leader of 7 [xxxxxx] who have never kneeled *Kneeling while floating* Am truly sorry for the 7[xxxxxx] Chosen Inherit Disciple, I Am Truly sorry for erasing everything you care!! But it is for your own good and ....!!" shouted the unknown man... then his body started to turn transparent while his body starting to tear apart.... sending him to neither Hell or Heaven, He was erased from his entire existence.


|Inside a Kira Mansion (illusion)|

"No!! Why!! Why did you kill her!!" shouted Kira, looking at his dad ruthlessly stabbing his mother with a cruel smirk.

"Hmph! I just didn't like the food so I killed her... what can you do then watch my child~." said Mark while smile hanging on his face, seeing which made Kira to burst out of rage and charge toward him while rasing his fist.

"BASTARD!! I will kill you!!" shouted Kita, while giving a solid punch in Mark face.

"*Spit* Is that what you call killing kid?... let me show you how killing is done!!." said Mark, stabbing knife on Kira stomach making him cry in agony.

"Ahhh! Damn you!."

"Wow! Such a Soft kid, Even when someone's stabbing you... you aren't even radiating little bit of intent to kill, other could have atleast gleam alittle, I guess I need to shape you up." said Mark and slashed off Kira head with the knife, making his head roll in the air.

Then, Once again Kira was transported to somewhere else this time. But something was the same! It was almost the same as first time, but it was her mother stabbing his father this time. When he saw his father being stabbed, Kira couldn't help but curled his lip, while smiling a little bit, but frowned immediately when thoughts emerged in his mind.

'No! what is happening to me!! A person is dying infront of me and moreover that person is my Father! I have to save him!"

Then like that, Kira got into many illusions.. Some where of him r.a.p.ing women's, him massacring innocent lives with blissful smile, and like that it continued... and continued... and continued...

It had been already been centuries since he was trapped in the illusion... He continued to get a different illusion every time he completes one. But, Today in a silent, empty dark void you could see a long dirtied-white haired old man with long beard reaching upto his chest, His skinny body was covered with blood, long nails, dried up lips and wrinkled body but still his eyes were full of vigor and cold glint when he started laughing maniacally.

"AHAHAHAHA!!! HOW LONG!! Just How long!! has it been since that bastard trapped me in here! Fuck!LETS ME OUT YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" shouted That skinny-old man pure rage on his face with his beard dangling around.

[Ding! Inislizating System to Host body... 13%... 35%... 56%... 79%... 96%.. System installed in Host Body! Complete!!]

[Ding! Host has Completed his Main Mission |Heavenly Demon|.]

Condition: [Host needs to gain complete control toward his heart demon.]

Rewards: [5 item from selection store and body molding with a title of |Heavenly Demon|

[Ding! Host Acquired the title Heavenly Demon!

•Heavenly Demon(Title): [ A Title, That grants Host to have his while body, Mind, Emotion under his control with immunity over all demonic power.. While Host can make his opponent drown in his dark emotion making him mindless, Host can turn Human and other species into Pure Royal-Blooded Demon!]

[Ding! Opening Store.. Host is asked to choose 5 item!]

[Opening Store.... Opened!]


1. Arc of Embodiment: A form of an lost magic, which allows caster to materialize all his/her imagination, caster needs... [1,000,000 F.P]

2. Origin Pride: Original power of the leader of 7[xxxxxx], Let's the host conquer every element like fire, ice, thunder, space, gravity, void, creation and even Nothingness. Other ability will later be shown if bought...[1,000,000,000 F.P]

3. Shadow Monarch: A Title, with which Host can gain the affinity with shadow and darkness, he can resurrect the dead and make them into his enternal army. Other ability will later be shown if bought... [60,000,000 F.P]

4. Conqueror Haki: A power attainable from the willpower of the user, Whoever has this power are born to be Supreme ruler... [100,000 F.P]

5. Hògyoku: Allows Host to attain the power of two species named Shinigami and Hollow. However it's true power lies in it's ability to sense the hearts of those around and materialize their deepest desire. Other ability will later be shown if bought... [1,000,000 F.P]

6. Race creator: A wooden heart made by 7[xxxxxx], Let's host to make his own race.. [90,000,000 F.P]

7. Gate of Babylon: A storehouse based Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm used by the King of Heroes! Other ability will later be shown if bought... [30,000,000 F.P]

8. Seven-Creation Heavenly Vein: A vein made by the combination of 7[xxxxxx], This vein true power is unknown to even 7[xxxxxx]. There words while creating these vein were "The one we seven choose! shall reign over everything!"... Other ability will later will be later be shown/revealed if bought... [1,000,000 F.P].

8. Sword of the Beginning: A long sword, said to be created with the birth of the World itself, Only the chosen one by the sword can wield it.. upto now only one existence has qualifications to carry the sword. True Power unknown... [900,000,000 F.P]

Host can choose any 5 item from them!]