
Fallen for the kim brothers

In the world where everything in a gold plate, the only thing I couldn't have? Love the only thing that I hope to have and I'll gladly trade for a chance of love. So what happens when I found them in two complete opposite.

Ephipanians · Celebrities
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9 Chs

Family comes first

'So how's school?' Hyukjae asks as he drives his way to his hotel, he told me that I would be meeting his friend in his hotel so that he could look after me. Well living with an overprotective family and two brothers taught me something. I shouldn't trust words to quickly.

Shrugging a bit, he looks at me.

'Well, it must have been a great day for you if you decide to drag me in my car.'

'You have a wife, Yerin unnie wouldn't be too happy to see flirting like that.'

'You little-'

'What? You're not the man, and you wouldn't want to hear a big nagging from her, wouldn't you?"

"No... I wouldn't."

"Right, did anything happen with the delivery of the dress mom pick up this morning? If not she's going to kill me for ruining the dress that might 'Impress her future son-in-law." I quoted.

But I know better than that, he was sent by father just in case I murder his friend on accident or what he doesn't like even to imagine if I mess things up again. I'll get another ring of complaints.

'It was alright… nothing happened,' he looks at me uncertainly but nods.

'mom asked the best dress designer to find you a dress, and the makeup artist will be in your standard room, alright? Dinner will be at 7 pm so that it will give you around 5 hours to –'

'Hyukjae –'I stop him as he was trying to continue his words.


'Can we not go to dinner tonight?' I ask him, not feeling it tonight.

'Soojin I –'

'I know I promise you I will try and I know you probably have promised your friend that we would meet but can we not go tonight.'

'Why? Is something wrong did anything –'

But I know better that no matter how I try to reason with all of them, they always said they know what's best for me, but shouldn't I be the one who knows what's best? I am my self. So I had created what I do best.

'I JUST FELT LIKE I'M BEING USED,' I shout, my brother looks at me.


'I feel like I'm being used… like I'm just used to secure a deal, a contract,' I looked at my reflection in the mirror,' I'm just a thing that's used to be seal as agreement, a contract wasn't enough… but a human being needed to be a sacrifice too.'

'Yoo Soojin!' the car jerk forward as it stops and I become quite at what happens, Hyukjae had never been this angry. The last time he was this mad was when Jisung broke his valuable figurine collection, he was not someone who will raise his voice, but today I have never seen him like this.

'I don't understand… you told me you were alright with all of this, you promise me that you will give this dating thing a chance for father and everything, Yoo Soojin why are you like this? This isn't the little Soojin I use to know –'

'WELL MAYBE YOU DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL…' I shout,' maybe… you don't know me well –' I looked at him and glare –' you don't know well enough to know me at all, tell me have you ever asked what I want?'

'Yoo Soojin you –'

'No. This time, please listen to me…' I stop him as he listens this time,' how many times have you asked me how I am or how I'm doing or what I want in life? I don't think you even care for what I want –'

'You've got everything you wanted and –'

'And did I asked for it? Did I ask any of you for it? It was always there, and I couldn't say anything because I didn't want our parents to be disappointed in me or think I'm bad, I accept it is the good girl I am, what if I'm tired of being the good girl?"


'Is this how I'm going to be living for the rest of my life?' I started,' am I going to be someone who always has to follow things that my heart doesn't desire, for the rest of my life am I going to be living like a puppet?'

He looks at me sadly,' Soojin… I –'

'Every day I would hear people say that being rich was something I should be grateful off and I am, I will forever be in debt to mom and dad, they are the reason why I have such good life."

I stopped as I look him," but is it wrong that I hope that I can have a little freedom, all my life all I was given was toys and pretty dresses to compensate the loss of having family dinners. I was put into a large room filled with maids and butlers to accompany me opening Christmas and birthday present. All of the mother and father bonding time I've seen my friends had spent with their family, I was sitting by.'

He listens to me as the car glides its way to my suitor.

'I was told that everyone would want to be in my shoes and gladly take my place and every time they asked that I would laugh,' but I smile, and tears come pouring out,' but I never told them that I would gladly give my shoes if I could have theirs instead.'