
Fallen for the Forbidden Alpha

"Mike." She gasped and whined when Michael suddenly broke their kiss.   "Little wolf, I'm about to ravish and violet your body in a way that every wolf out there would smell who you belong to." Michael's words lingered in her ears like the most vile promise she'd ever hold onto in her heart. She felt thrilled, excited and somewhat endangered learning the gravity of his tone.   She let out a whimper as he squeezed her little frame with his monstrous one. "No one, not even your father will dare to take you away from me." Evelyn noiselessly whimpered again and hid her face from his devilish intentions. She wasn't fond of this foreplay, let alone the mention of her father.   Abruptly Evelyn saw Michael's eyes turning into the darkest shade of forest green. She felt cold shivers run down her spine when a sinister smirk swept away all the harshness of his face. ~~~~~~ It was the beginning of a forbidden love, a sin she couldn't avoid. He was her enemy, she could be hold for treason but nothing mattered to her wolf except that she'd found her mate. ~~~~~~ Evelyn Osborne was born into an aristocratic werewolf family as the werewolf princess of one of the seven cursed packs. However, she was living a long way from the luxury and happiness of an ordinary princess. She was cursed by blood but no one knew up until now. All her bliss and happiness burnt into ashes when she figured her father's plans for her. She was trying to run away, run away from everything and everyone, leaving this life behind but someone had other plans for her apart from her father.   She was kidnapped by the most brutal and feared alpha among the seven cursed packs and most of all, her father's oldest and most feral enemy. He was going to use her as a means of revenge but that thought slipped his mind when her wolf submitted to him willingly. That was it, the beginning of an everlasting forbidden love.   As Evelyn struggles to fight the tension between the two packs, more secrets begin to unveil. Secrets about her past, who she was and who she's meant to be. There are risks, curses, casualties, danger and most of all pain. Pain of losing someone close to her heart.

KatieLamb26 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

26. Father & Son

Evelyn's stare fixated on Michael's slightest action as he was approaching them, awfully taking his time. His expressions switched between anger, hurt, guilt, shock and glee; not one emotion stayed longer than a moment on his face. Nevertheless it was still out of ordinary to witness such emotions on his face in abundance. For a moment she was bound to give in to this reality and believe that he'd never feel upset onwards that day.


Her mind glanced back at her friend who stood there in a complete mixed of feelings. Evelyn could feel a whirlwind of emotions churning inside of him as a pool of tears formed in his eyes. He was shaking slightly as he stood weakly on his feet.


Evelyn rushed to furnish him support but he gently fought against it and Evelyn wasn't in the right mind to argue and didn't force him further. Instead she took her place behind, away from their sights in the silenced audience. And it wasn't far away when they overlooked her presence in the garden and went on to inspect each other by their mere stares.


It was Michael. He was the first one to take a step after what felt like forever of inspection. Evelyn didn't yet have the strength and mind to go over the events that had led her into this reality, she just stood there quietly as they cherished this moment further, preventing it for a lifelong feeling.


When they're eventually inches apart, it didn't take the whole wide world to scream out at them before they took each other close in a firmed welcoming embrace. Anyone could tell by the look of that gesture that it was both a hurting and a lovely one. If Evelyn didn't know any better she would've thought that they looked like two cartoon characters reuniting after a long breakup.


However it was much more than that. It was a relationship mended after a torturous tenure of ten years. It was a bond much stronger. It held the torn shreds of a family's sentiment, it was still nourishing and mending on the love the two men carried for each other in their dear hearts.


"Dad?" Michael drew back from the hug and likely whimpered as he stared at the man whose lifeless body had given him nightmares ever since he was only fifteen.


"Mike?" Lucas whispered with seemingly joyous and proud filled gaze as he stared at his son. It was hard for him to believe that he was his same old son who he'd left all those years ago. He looked so brawny and taller than Lucas; he'd taken after his beautiful mother for sure.


No words were uttered. It seemed as though words weren't enough at this moment to describe the flow of emotions in their hearts. The vibes that got pumped in their blood at the mere presence of their family's warmth couldn't be able to reach outside their skin. Although it was silent, it wasn't an ingenuous or troubling or a bothering one. There seemed no urgent need to break it through the harshness of their manly tone, it'd eventually be done.


Lucas hid his betraying tears and broke out in an awkward laugh although he was soon joined by his son, Michael who couldn't stop himself from choking on his laughs as well.


Evelyn mentally rolled her eyes at them, 'Who'd tell them that there is no penalty for showing off your emotions?' She sighed inwardly to avoid any intrusion in their heartwarming reunion.


"I like your choice." Lucas stated out of the blue, causing Michael to crinkle his brows in thought but soon enough he seemed to catch on with Lucas.


Both of the daunting men turned towards Evelyn's direction, giving her a brief heart attack in the process. "Come here child." A rictus spread on Lucas's face as he motioned for her to come beside him. Michael was smiling at her too, genuinely smiling and not forcing it on his face to look innocent. He looked a long way from innocent now.


Without wasting another second Evelyn climbed beside Lucas and batted her eyelashes innocently at the two men. She tried to brush away the glow creeping on her cheeks but it was already too late. She'd never felt so shy and happy at once.


"I love her already and I hope you do the same young man." Lucas squeezed the side of Michael's shoulder as his tone got serious and rough at the end. She couldn't believe that he was actually warning his own son to be nice with her. She felt herself slightly overwhelmed by that sweet gesture.


Michael scoffed rather irritated. "So you're back from dead and already taking her side?"


"Well she's got lot more charms than you and—" Lucas chuckled patting her head.


"But—" Michael's whining was cut short by Evelyn.


"Hush." Evelyn's index finger flew over his lips to shut them and then she playfully put her hand around Lucas's waist to keep him rigid in his steps. "Don't interrupt the cute one. Go on Luke." Evelyn encouraged giving a scolding glare to Michael who stood there dumbfounded as if he was slapped hard across the face.


Lucas laughed at his nickname as Michael scowled like a silly little brat. Evelyn, on the other hand, was enjoying every bit of this tease.


"I see now why your wolf fancies her. He'd always been the type to fall for dominant traits and my girl's an inborn luna."


Evelyn felt blessed and relieved to hear those words but at once something inside her clenched around her heart painfully. Was it a realization? Realization that this moment would only last until Lucas had learned her last name? Would he treat her different then?


As if reading her thoughts Michael's face swiftly turned to hers and met her tear filled eyes. She was forming a pool in her dark onyx eyes and Xavier was about to get drown in them. Witnessing her mate cry and being in pain was now his worst nightmare that seemed to come alive almost every day.


"What's wrong child?" Lucas was alarmed too as he heard her sniffling like a ghost beside him. However with the previous alpha qualities he was able to distinct her sniffles from every other sound.


Evenly felt a heavy weight on her shoulders as betraying tears passed her eyes. Both of the men were shocked to see her so emotional and broken. They could only guess what had they done wrong. At Lucas's gesture Michael took her away in his embrace and his scent soothed down her aching heart though the weight was still there.


She brushed away the tears from her cheeks and looked at Lucas who was slowly panicking from the inside. "I-I never h-had," She couldn't even speak with her sobs and the constant hiccups. Michael rubbed her back and kissed her head to calm her down but she need to get it out, better now than later.


"I never shared a good relationship with my father and . . . the w-way you address me, it overwhelms me and I feel like it won't last long." Evelyn stared up at Lucas with an admiring look. She was sobbing but now they knew she was overwhelmed by delight and fear.


Lucas brushed another tear away from her face and looked at her with promising eyes, "You're a part of this family just as much me and Mike." Selene was quietly jumping inside Evelyn as a wide grin spread across her face. She wasn't used to such loving and caring words.


"Alpha Lucas!" Lawson, Jasmine and Zoey were behind Michael, dazed to come eye to eye with a body they'd perceived going limp long back.

Sure it was no secret to the whole pack that their previous alpha was in a coma whilst the whole world thought he was dead. Even Evelyn and William were thinking that the great alpha Lucas Arnault was dead. But even after the slight knowledge, they went pale seeing Lucas in single piece and comfortably standing his ground.


Michael's attention turned towards his friends' stunned faces. Lucas was smilingly brightly at every new face that came his way. He was both curious and excited to meet his friends' children after ten years and most importantly, the future of his pack.


Before any word could've flown in the air, Michael was interrupted by a quick mind-link but it was long enough to ruin the priceless mood in the garden. Michael and Lucas shared a knowing look as both their faces went emotionless and stern in deep thinking.


Something smelled wrong and everyone had the perfect idea about it except for Evelyn which frustrated her. Why couldn't they let her in on the grave topics? Did they think she wasn't strong enough or was she untrustworthy?


She stared at Michael for the slight explanation but he thwarted her only hope and left her to cope with her own reflections. Maybe she could ask Lucas for help? What could possibly be the reason that he went into the alpha mode all at once?


"Mike—" She was going to scold him.


"Follow me." He whispered lightly before storming off with the others. At least he was letting her come with him but was he willing to share?