
chapter 26

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When he was done with bandaging my wound,.he closed the first aid kit ready to go and put it away.

"Stop this Jennie... You are just hurting yourself in the process." He said to me as he got up.

"Could you please sit down for a second." I said looking at him.

He gave me a confused look then sat back on the couch..

I had alot of burning questions that were eating me from the inside.

I wanted to know and I wanted to know today.

I will ask him this questions.

"I have some questions I would like to ask you." I said.

"Go ahead princess." He said looking at me in the eyes.

I took a deep breathe as I tried to keep the eye contact.

"First, exactly why did you save me if your

plans are for you to kill me eventually?"

He smirked a little for a second.

"Because I was not yet done with you."

"Really? You weren't done raping me?"

He didn't answer.

"I just want to know, why rape me continuously everyday?"

"You already know the answer to that princess, you are paying for your father's crimes."

"What does my father crimes have to do with me Sin? What?... If it's revenge against him indirectly why rape me? If you want me to suffer the same way my father made you suffer, why rape me? Is that how my father made you suffer?"

This next words, I said carefully.

"If its an eye for an eye, that would mean you are raping because you were raped. Did my father rape you?... Or did he rape Jeremy?"

The mention of Jeremy's name made his face turn serious.

"What do you know about Jeremy?"

"Nothing honestly. I only heard you tell your friends I will only go through what Jeremy went through. You said, 'I will only let Jennie go through what Jeremy went through. Nothing more. I am not interested in making her suffer more than she should.... Also Gizmo told me you were the one punishing me and I just want

to know exactly what I am being punished for. Could you please tell why you feel I deserve any of this. Why I deserve you doing this to me every night?"

He looked at me but he was deep in thought.

"Okay Jennie, I will tell you." I leaned back on the sofa still looking at me.

"I am punishing you for what your father did. Jeremy, he was my little brother. And what your father did was, (pausing and taking a deep breathe in and out).. What your father Elijah Montgomery did was he sold my little brother as a sex slave to a gay pervert as revenge against


My eyes went wide as my mouth dropped. That can't be true.

"You... You .. You are joking... You... You must be joking."

"Believe me princess I have zero interest in

trying amuse you."

His tone was very serious.

"So what you are saying is, my dad sold a child as a sex slave?... A boy... Your... Your brother?"

"He did. And what you are going through, is exactly what he went through. Nothing more, nothing less."

I just looked at him still in shock as my tears were building up again.

I wanted to believe it was a lie. But then why do this to me if it wasn't? Why keep me with and why mention Jeremy to his gang members when he didn't want them sleeping with me too?

"I should have fucked your ass the same way my brother got his fucked by a 6o year old pedophile! Maybe that would have truly been an eye for an eye"

He said as he looked at the ceiling. A tear fell down my cheeks. Then another.

My father really did that? How did he even find someone to buy a child sex slave?

"How old was your brother when that

happened?" I asked after a long silence.

"He was 10.. I was 24... You my dear, you were 6." He said as he turned to look at me.

He noticed I was crying.

So he is 18 years older than me.

Which would make him 37 right now. And that was 13 years ago.

That was when I was still a child.

Although my parents started being

overprotective in middle school. I was 12 then.

"Where is your brother now?"

"He actually escaped from that man, two

months later. Then because he knew who sold him and to who, a snipper was sent and he was shot dead." He said calmly as he watched my reaction.

My mouth went wide open from shock again.

"Was my dad responsible? Or the pedophile?"

"Both of them." He said nodding to himself.

I felt my heart clench. I did not want to believe him. I really didn't want to. But something told me he wasn't lying.

The hatred in his voice. The anger despite

looking calm, he was telling the truth.

I wiped my tears away.

"You will stay with me the same amount of time Jeremy stayed with that man. e took him every night so you will be taken every night. I will let you escape just when Jeremy escaped." He said to me still observing my reaction.

"Since you are planning on doing to me exactly what happened to Jeremy... And, you know, Jeremy was shot dead.... Is that how you plan on killing me? Like how your brother was killed?"

"Yes. After everything is done, I expose where you are. They come save you, which I will let them. Then, in their home, your parents, I kill you right infront of them with a snipper. Bullet right into your head."

I nodded and looked down breaking the eye contact.

"Okay. I understand." I said with a low voice.