

The demon king and his family were killed in the carnage that took place at the demon castle, but the demon king's son "Leo moonlight" unexpectedly survived. "You awful demigods I'm going to murder you all. All of you demigods are going to be killed by me. I'm going to kill you and take away your memory from this world. And you, ######, are going to be destroyed too. Just wait for me, you bastards. I'm heading your way." This is the tale of "Leo Moonlight," a demon prince who intends to tread the blood road in order to exact revenge on his former love. He developed into a merciless being and will devour the world without mercy.

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18 Chs

Act 5

I don't know what to do with this baby, so I bring her along with me. And I even gave her a name.

"What will I do now?"I muttered to myself while pulling the baby, who is sleeping quietly on my arm.

"I put a sleeping spell on her that my big brother taught me."

I have no idea what to do with her. I think she is the same age as my little sister.

We have a long way ahead of us. I assume it will take us half a month to reach the northern continent. 

while walking alone in the woods. I take a rest for a while on the riverside.

I put the baby under the tree... and started to do some training. with the sword that big brother Luther gave me.

I swung the sword the way my brother taught me.

Upward, downward, right side, left side, and thrust.

I repeated it multiple times until I ran out of breath.

After that, I sat down next to the baby, closed my eyes, and began to gather mana little by little from our surroundings at the center of my body.

We demon kind can easily gather mana than humans...But elves are on a different level. They can gather mana while sleeping, eating, and walking. They can do it whenever they like. They are so rich in mana. The reason for that is "The World Tree." The world tree gave the elven race a lot of benefits and gifts, such as a long lifespan; they can live longer than humans, dwarfs, and beast men, but demon kind also has a long lifespan.

But we can't take other races lightly either. Dwarfs are the blacksmiths who make enchantment weapons. With their enchantment weapons, even a little kid can slay the dragon.

Beast men, with their superior strength, can even crush the mountain.

And there come humans. They don't have a long lifespan like other races, but they can do anything that other races can do. There is only one thing they have that other races don't have, and that is greed.

Well actually every race has its own greed... but humans are more greedy than other races... if they want one thing and have it, they won't be satisfied with it and will greed for more... their greediness can't be satisfied until the day they die.


After gathering the mana, I opened my eyes and went to the river to drink fresh water.

Then I picked up the baby from the ground, put her in my arm, and we continued our journey.

We traveled for hours and hours until we found a small village of humans. At that same time, the baby on my arm started to cry.


But luckily she did not wake up when we are traveling ...if she did then I will be in trouble cause I don't have any milk with me to feed her.

"Don't cry, look, there is a village. If we go there, we can find some milk to feed you."

After saying that, I walked straight to the village.

"Wait, little guy, what are you doing here all alone?"

The guards at the entrance stopped us.

"Well, you see, we are traveling to the next city, and in the woods, we were attacked by the bandits... and the bandits killed my family... but somehow I managed to get away with my sister."

Well, obviously, I made up the story, but half of it is true.

"Hmm!" The two guards at the entrance looked at me and the baby on my arm for a brief second.

"Uh, poor kid... "You can go to the village." and they let us in.

"But sir, you see my sister is crying, and I don't have any milk, so can you provide us with some milk?"

"Hmm, don't worry, go to the village chief's house; he can do that for you."

"Oh, okay, thank you, but... I don't know which house is the village chief house."

"Haha, yeah, you don't know that... okay, I will take you there."

"Hey, you take care of here. I will take this kid to the chief." The guards say to another guard, and in return, he nods his head.

Soon after, we arrive at the village chief's house.

*Knock *knock* 

"Chief, there is a kid who came to our village; he wants to meet with you."

When the guard says that the door of the house opened slowly,

And a man in his late 40s came outside the house and greeted us.

"Oh, hello there."

"Sir, this is the kid I'm talking about." The guard pointed his finger at me.

"Hmm, what do you want, little guy?"

"Sir, I want some milk to feed my sister. Can you provide us?"

"Hmm, yeah, I can do that."

"Come in first." The village chief invited us inside the house.

"Go take a seat. I will bring milk for your sister."

"Oh, thank you, sir."

And shortly after, the village chief came with the milk.

"So little guy, what's your name?"

"Hmm, oh, it's Leo. Mo. Nightlight." I hope he doesn't find anything wrong. If I had told him that my last name is Moonlight, then there would be trouble, because only the demon king and his family can have that last name. So if he knows my last name, then he will find out that I'm the "Demon Prince."

"Oh, what a unique name you get there."

I sighed in relief. 

"Yeah, my father and mother gave this name to me."

"Are you a swordsman?"


"Well, you have a sword on your waist, so I thought that you are a swordsman."

"Oh, nah, I'm not. I'm just holding it to protect my sister and me from any danger."

"Hmm, is that so?"

"Yeah, anyway, thank you, sir, for giving milk to my sister. And can you please give me a bottle or two of milk?"

"Why ?? "Are you leaving the village?"

"Yeah, we have to go back to our home."

"Oh, and where is your hometown?"

"We are from the northern continent."

"What !? "You came from the northern continent, and you are traveling back that far on foot?"


"Oh my, why don't you stay here for a while?"

"Thank you for saying that, but we can't do that. We have to go back as fast as we can."

"Well, if you say so."

"Alright, I give you milk that will be enough for you until you reach the northern continent."

"Thank you very much, sir."

"There's no reason to thank me, little guy."

After receiving the milk, we left the village immediately.

"Huh!! "What a brave kid... traveling all alone that far on the foot and the most dangerous root."

"I hope you will reach your hometown safe and sound."

              - To be continued.