

The demon king and his family were killed in the carnage that took place at the demon castle, but the demon king's son "Leo moonlight" unexpectedly survived. "You awful demigods I'm going to murder you all. All of you demigods are going to be killed by me. I'm going to kill you and take away your memory from this world. And you, ######, are going to be destroyed too. Just wait for me, you bastards. I'm heading your way." This is the tale of "Leo Moonlight," a demon prince who intends to tread the blood road in order to exact revenge on his former love. He developed into a merciless being and will devour the world without mercy.

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18 Chs

Act 15


then Leo unleashed the domain that his grandpa made.

After the domain was unleashed, the whole village was covered in bright white light.


"What's going on?"

"What did that bastard do?"

"Lookup everyone.!?"

"Huh!! What the?!!"

Everyone was horrified when they looked up at the sky.

There was a big, dark eye, and the eyes were closed. After a brief moment, the eyes high in the sky opened.


*Huff* *Huff* Looking at the big eyes that just opened, everyone started to breathe for air, because suddenly the air around the villagers became heavy.

When the big eye opened, bloody tears fell from the big eye's corner, and there was a clock in the big eye's pupil.

When the villagers made eye contact with the with big eyes, everyone stopped in the place... like the time has stopped. 

And taking advantage of this situation, I hurriedly dashed to the redhead woman and snatched the baby from her arms.



After seeing the baby unharmed and crying, I sighed in relief. After that, I put a sleeping spell on her, and I started to look around for Kai.

When I spotted Kai far away from me, I rushed in the direction where Kai was.

He was on the shoulder of the muscular man. "The man is carrying him like garbage."

Looking at that, I tightened the grip on my sword, and without hesitation, I swung my sword.



When I swing my sword at the neck of the muscular man, the blood pours out like water from his neck. And I grab Kai from falling onto the ground.

Kai has lost so much blood that he is unconscious, and his life is not in danger right now, but I have to treat him fast; if I don't, he's going to die.

And when I looked around, I saw lots of kids stopped in the place, looking at the big eye that appeared in the sky.

"Sorry, I can't let you guys leave... if I let go of you guys... then you will come after me to seek revenge for your family's dead... just like I'm doing now."

"Don't blame me. Blame your family for this. They were the ones who started all this."

"Well anyway, you're all going to die because of that big eye in the sky... so even if I wanted to let you guys live, you're going to die either way."


"Looks like the Lumenor Domain is about to close."

And just like I had anticipated, the big eye closed its eyes, and the Lumenor Domain was also closed after that, and the village turned back to normal, but 

The villages were the only thing that turned back to normal.

When I look at the villagers, they are still not moving an inch, and suddenly something happened.




The villager's body started to explode into lots of pieces, and after a few seconds, my surroundings were covered with human flesh.


"What the heck is going on?!" suddenly I vomited a mouthful of blood.


And my left eye started to hurt like hell.

After crying out like crazy for a few minutes, my eye that the blood flowing from the corner had stopped hurting.


"Is this the backlash that grandpa talks about?"

"Damn the LUMENOR DOMAIN is dangerous..."I will never use it again until I have no other way to fight."

When my left eye stopped hurting, I tore my clothes and tightened my left eye with the torn piece of clothing.

And after that, I tightened the baby on my back..and I carried Kai in my arm. Thanks to the gift that the magical wolf gave me, my strengths have dramatically increased, and because of that, I can carry Kai easily in my arm.

And then I started to move... when I was going outside of the village, I saw lots of blood and human flesh in my way, and even animals were dead because of the plague.

"Well maybe some innocent people also die in this incident, but I still don't feel sympathy towards them... is it because I'm a demon kind and they were human?"

"Hmm, maybe that's why I don't feel any guilt."

When I exited the village gate, I put Kai down on the ground.

"Well, this village has become a graveyard now..." "I want to burn this village, but I can't do that because aunt Lily and uncle David are resting in this village, and this is the village where Kai was born, so I can't burn."

"Well, then, this is goodbye, Uncle David and Aunt Lily... "I hope we will meet again in the future... and don't worry, from today onward, no one can hurt Kai, I promise you."

And then I bowed towards the villages and sat down next to Kai...

"How should I treat him..."I have to find someone who can heal him or have to find healing plants."

"I can't find healing plants in this area. So I have to find someone that can heal Kai." 

"But where should I find someone with healing magic? Brother Luther said that healing mages are hard to find because they are rare."

"So what should I do?!" I don't have any idea where to find them."

"But first I have to stop his blood flow; if he loses more blood, he will not make it."

"Let's get moving." "I hope I can find something that can stop his blood."

"Huh!? what the???" suddenly, my cloth started to glow.

"What's going on... why is my cloth glowing?"

After saying the two orb-like objects flailed into the air... from my body.

"What the ?? "It's an egg that a magical beast gave to me... to look after."

"Why are these guys acting this way? ", I said as the eggs started to fly around me.

And after roaming around me for a while, they went to the village.

"Hey, where are you guys going? come back!!"

They did not stop and went inside the village.

After seeing that, I hurriedly picked up Kai in my arm and followed the egg...from behind.

To be continued.